Dragon Blood King



2When everyone had retreated, the last to come out were the Marquis and the other elder.    


The moment the two Elders came out, it was as if Flame Mountain had suffered a huge impact. It suddenly began to shake. Huge rocks fell, and sand and dust rolled about. Everyone felt a huge tremor under their feet, as if they could send a person flying.    


After a long time, it slowly quieted down.    


"We've already found the Spirit Treasure. The Treasure Seeking Mission this time is considered to have been successfully completed. However, Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth is not a place to stay for long. The duke of NanGong looked at Mu Lingluo with great experience.    


Mu Lingluo nodded in agreement.    


Afterwards, under the lead of Mu Lingluo and the two Elders, the few Treasure Hunt Team withdrew their Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth at the fastest speed possible.    


Three days later, they successfully evacuated the Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth.    


After half a day of rest, a few Treasure Hunt Team returned to the Woodgod Kingdom, while Mu Lingluo and two elders left first to report back to the Patriarch.    


Because he had obtained the Spirit Treasure and won this treasure hunt, Mu Ziye was naturally the happiest. Thus, after returning to the capital, he immediately ordered people to set up a celebration feast in the Spirit Nurturing Palace of the prince's mansion.    


At nightfall, the entire prince's mansion was brightly lit. The music resounded, and the singing and dancing rose to the top.    


Within the Spiritual Rejuvenation Hall, Treasure Hunt Team's group of members were sitting on both sides of a table with fine wine and delicious food. They were served by the maids, and they chatted and drank merrily to each other.    


"This time, it was all thanks to everyone's hard work that I was able to successfully complete the Treasure Seeking Mission. "This cup is my thanks for everyone's support. First, let's toast …" At this time, Mu Ziye stood up and raised his glass.    


Everyone also stood up and raised their cups, drinking together.    


"The next cup is to the martyrs that perished in this treasure hunt. We cannot forget the contribution they made. They are our heroes. I will also send people to pacify their families so that they can die with no regrets! "Come, respect them," Mu Ziye followed.    


"To them …" Everyone said in unison.    


"Although the Treasure Seeking Mission was accomplished through the combined efforts of everyone here, I still have to thank some of them. First of all, Master Pang and Elder Lu have to rely on the two of you to help them along the way …" Mu Ziye then turned to look at Pang Loong and Elder Lu, who were sitting on the right side.    


"Sixth Prince is too polite. This is our duty. As long as it can help Sixth Prince become the successor of the country's leader, I will not refuse even if we have to go through fire and water!" Elder Lu immediately clasped his hands and said.    


Pang Loong waved his hand with a calm smile.    


"Also, we have to thank Cao Family and Leader of Cao Family as well. This time, the number of people participating in the Cao Family was the most, and the casualties were also the most serious. It can be said that the Cao Family has contributed a lot to the successful completion of this mission! " Mu Ziye then looked at Cao Qinglan and Cao Qingxun, who were sitting together on the other side, and said gratefully.    


"Sixth Prince is serious, Cao Family and Qinglan are already feeling extremely honored to be able to get Sixth Prince's attention. As for your sister getting the Spirit Treasure, it was actually all thanks to Young Master Bai's help. " As she spoke, Cao Qinglan looked over at Bai Yuhao, who sat to Mu Ziye's right and was treated as a guest of honor.    


"Elder sister, how did you become a bastard? I risked my life to snatch it, but he only helped out a little. " Cao Qingxun was a little unconvinced when she heard this.    


"Leader of Cao Family, you can't put it like that. For Miss Qingxun to be able to snatch the Spirit Treasure in such a dangerous and complicated situation, her courage can already be considered extraordinary, so of course she would have a great merit. Of course, when Young Master Bai appeared at the critical moment, he would assist Cao Qingxun and take the Spirit Treasure with him and leave safely in order to avoid being robbed. Of course, not to mention that Young Master Bai was the one who broke through the barrier in the end. Come, let's all have a toast to Miss Qingxun and Young Master Bai. " Mu Ziye said very appropriately.    


"That's more like it." When Cao Qingxun heard this, she beamed. The first thing she did was respect him. After two cups of tea, her entire face was flushed red and alluring.    


Bai Yuhao didn't say anything, he just raised his glass to toast him.    


"Young Master Bai, I was mistaken about you before, this cup is for you." Previously, Elder Lu, who was prejudiced against Bai Yuhao, stood up and greeted him with a smile.    


"I dare not accept it!" Bai Yuhao nodded with a smile.    


"Young Master Bai, actually, there is only one question on my mind, but I never had the chance to ask it. Also, I think everyone must be very curious …" At this time, Pang Loong looked at Young Master Bai with his old eyes.    


"Master Pang, just ask whatever you want!" Bai Yuhao replied calmly.    


"Last time in the Beast Fighting Arena, we had already seen the mysterious Spirit Control that Young Master Bai summoned, and this time we have even seen the power of this mysterious Spirit Control. So, I want to know, where did Young Master Bai's mysterious Spirit Control come from?" This doubt had been hidden in Pang Loong's heart for many days already, and he just bitterly never got the chance to ask about it. Even a grandmaster like him couldn't tell the origin of that mysterious Spirit Control, and it could also be considered a form of torture for him. So, he really wanted to know the origin of that mysterious Spirit Control.    


Of course, it was not only Pang Loong who wanted to know this. Everyone in the Spirit Cultivation Hall also wanted to know. Thus, when Pang Loong spoke, everyone turned to look at Bai Yuhao.    


"I won't hide it from everyone. Actually, it is not my Spirit Control, it is only temporarily living within my Ethereal Realm." Bai Yuhao said honestly. Although it was not entirely true, but he was right, because this Ancient Spirit Beast was indeed not his. It was only by relying on the strength of the Dragon-Like Soul Beast that he could give him a hand when he had no other choice.    


Although Bai Yuhao's answer seemed to disappoint them, it was within reason. After all, Bai Yuhao already possessed two Spirit Control, one stronger than the other, and one rarer than the last. If he still had a third Spirit Control, and it was even stronger than Majestic Emperor Stage, then it would be unbelievable.    


"So that's how it is." Pang Loong also nodded.    


"Alright, let's not talk about official matters tonight. We just want to return home as soon as possible …" Mu Ziye knew that Bai Yuhao couldn't say too much, so he immediately tried to smooth things over.    


Very soon, under Mu Ziye's lead, everyone drank and enjoyed themselves. They raised their glasses and started drinking.    


Bai Yuhao didn't like this kind of situation, so after greeting Mu Ziye, he walked out of the shrine.    


At this moment, a gust of wind blew past him, stirring his hair.    


"The things here should end soon. It's time to return to the Holy Dragon Kingdom!" When he thought about being able to return to the Holy Dragon Kingdom, his heart became complicated. Although he was looking forward to it, at the same time, he also knew that once he went back, he would face too many unknowns, especially towards Loong Xueyan …    




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