Dragon Blood King



0Mu Lingluo's appearance caused the stiff atmosphere to stir again. Apparently, everyone was surprised by Mu Lingluo's sudden appearance without any warning!    


With Mu Lingluo was Sixth Prince and Mu Ziye.    


Bai Yuhao's gaze froze when he saw Mu Lingluo and Mu Ziye appear. However, he quickly guessed that Mu Ziye must have arranged this from Mu Ziye's gaze. However, Mu Lingluo and Mu Ziye had appeared at the right time, if not, it would be difficult for him to turn the tables on Cao Family.    


"Princess, Sixth Prince, why are you two here?" The five of them did not expect Mu Lingluo and Mu Ziye to appear just as Beast Tamers Competition was about to end and coincidentally encountered the scene of Bai Yuhao questioning their judgement. Thus, they were very surprised.    


Mu Lingluo didn't answer and just looked at Bai Yuhao. Her eyes were filled with curiosity towards Bai Yuhao.    


"Princess, this is the situation …" One of them, Reviewer, observed the situation and was about to explain the situation to Mu Lingluo when he saw Mu Lingluo suddenly raise her hand: "I already know what happened. Didn't you hear what I just said?"    


When the five Wu steelers heard this, they immediately broke out in a cold sweat. They couldn't help but think that Princess Lingluo and Sixth Prince had actually come a long time ago and just hadn't shown themselves yet. In other words, Princess Lingluo and Sixth Prince had also seen what happened just now.    


Thinking of this, the five Reviewer were also a little scared. After all, they knew that there was something fishy going on among them. Therefore, when Mu Lingluo wanted to let the competition continue, it made them suspicious.    


No matter what, Mu Lingluo had already spoken. The five Reviewer immediately ordered people to be sentenced on the spot and announced the continuation of the competition.    


Reasonably speaking, Mu Lingluo should be standing on their side. Under such a situation, Mu Lingluo should have announced that Qi Family has won, and there should have been no chance for Cao Family to turn the situation around, but Mu Lingluo had actually given the Cao Family a sliver of hope.    


The Cao Family side did not seem to expect Mu Lingluo's appearance to change the situation that was initially settled, and when the Cao Family once again gained a ray of light, it was slightly hard to accept. It was also strange, as they didn't understand why Mu Lingluo, who should have been standing by the side of the Qi Family, would actually pull on the Cao Family at such an important juncture.    


"Thank you, Princess!" Bai Yuhao also smiled and cupped his hands in thanks to Mu Lingluo.    


"Don't let me think my decision was wrong." Mu Lingluo glanced at Bai Yuhao, then walked with Mu Ziye to the side where they had reserved a spot.    


After Mu Ziye passed by Bai Yuhao, he immediately whispered, "Bro, this is already the best I can do to help you. Next up, it's up to you."    


After Bai Yuhao heard that, he also calmly smiled. Then, he resolutely turned around and under the gazes of everyone, walked back to his seat.    


Bai Yuhao, who had just returned to his seat, immediately received an extremely angry look. He didn't need to think to know who it belonged to.    


"Hmph, I don't believe that he can really revive a dead Spirit Control. When I finish my treatment, he will also lose …" Qi Tao snorted coldly, with an impossible expression, but because the competition continued, regardless of how Bai Yuhao's Spirit Control could be saved, he had to complete the diagnosis and treatment of his own Spirit Control.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao's gaze was focused on the Spirit Control in front of him. If he guessed correctly, the reason his Spirit Control died so suddenly was because someone had done something to it, causing it to become a weapon to kill the Spirit Control the moment it entered Bai Yuhao's body.    


"It looks like his heart veins were broken by my Spiritual Energy, so he died with his seven orifices overflowing with blood." After Bai Yuhao speculated further, he immediately picked up the scalpel and quickly started the operation on the dead Spirit Control.    


As expected, Bai Yuhao was right, the Spirit Control had been in a passive position all along, causing the blood vessels in his body to be sealed. As a result, when his Spiritual Energy rushed into the body of the Spirit Control, it was unable to spread throughout the body through the blood vessels.    


However, because Bai Yuhao had done a few cases of heart meridian repair before, including Liu Yunxuan's Spirit Control Silver Wind, he was confident that he could repair heart meridian. Although the Spirit Control seemed to be dead, in truth, it was still in a state of shock, where the heart could not function due to the rupture of the heart veins, and it did not completely die. Of course, if it was unable to repair the heart veins in a short period of time, the Spirit Control would definitely die.    


In other words, as long as the Spirit Control's heart veins were repaired before it could maintain its shocked state, it would still have a chance of reviving from the dead.    


However, time was of the essence, Bai Yuhao did not have time to think about it, and immediately began to repair the Spirit Control's heart veins. However, the repair of the heart meridian was naturally very complicated and couldn't be lost.    


Furthermore, Bai Yuhao must revive the Spirit Control before Qi Tao finishes his treatment. Otherwise, he will be the one to lose this competition.    


Therefore, this was also the most difficult challenge Bai Yuhao had ever faced.    


At this moment, the entire competition hall's gaze was focused on Bai Yuhao. They watched as he operated on the seemingly dead Spirit Control at a speed so fast that it was difficult to see with the naked eye, yet he seemed to be in an orderly manner, as if he could truly revive a dead Spirit Control.    


Among them, there was a ray of light that was staring at Bai Yuhao unblinkingly. The owner of that light was Mu Lingluo.    


"I've already said it. As long as Elder Sister comes with me, she definitely won't regret it." Mu Ziye glanced at Mu Lingluo and said with a smile.    


So it turned out that Mu Ziye suddenly asked Mu Lingluo to go with him to a place after the Emperor summoned him. Of course, Mu Lingluo didn't know beforehand that Mu Ziye wanted to bring her to Qi Family. When she and Mu Ziye arrived at Qi Family and sneakily entered the competition grounds, they saw Bai Yuhao once again fighting for Cao Family and also fighting to the death with the disciple of Beast Immortal Doctor Hua Xian. Thus, she became even more curious about Bai Yuhao.    


When Bai Yuhao's Spirit Control suddenly died, Mu Lingluo also saw some clues. Furthermore, hearing that Bai Yuhao could revive a dead Spirit Control under such a gathering of experts, Mu Lingluo's interest was piqued. Thus, she finally appeared and helped Bai Yuhao.    




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