Dragon Blood King



1"As expected, he's very smart. It only took a guess!" Bai Yuhao smiled evilly.    


"But isn't this piece of Sea-Blue Demonic Jade supposed to be owned by that Spirit Clan? Why did it appear in your hands? " Mu Lingluo asked, flabbergasted. Because she knew that this Sea-Blue Demonic Jade would recognize its master as its treasure, once it acknowledged its master, even if others were to obtain it, they would not be able to use it. Of course, the most important thing was how did Bai Yuhao obtain this piece of Sea-Blue Demonic Jade from a single Spirit Clan.    


At this moment, Mu Lingluo had a whole new level of respect for Bai Yuhao. However, at the same time, she was glad that the person beside her was Bai Yuhao. If it was anyone else, it would be a hopeless situation for her.    


"If you have time to ask about these, why don't you quickly recover your Spiritual Energy? I'm counting on you to take me out! " Bai Yuhao was too lazy to explain too much because he could obtain the Sea-Blue Demonic Jade and it also involved Ying Dieh. However, he didn't want to tell anyone about Ying Dieh.    


"But, this Sea-Blue Demonic Jade is yours, even if this Sea-Blue Demonic Jade can speed up my Spiritual Energy's circulation, it won't be able to let me recover my Spiritual Energy in two hours, unless I can directly absorb its Spiritual Energy, but I'm not its master, so …" But soon. Mu Lingluo raised her brows. Although it was a good thing that Bai Yuhao took out the Sea-Blue Demonic Jade, she was not the owner of it, so she could not absorb the Spiritual Energy directly from the Sea-Blue Demonic Jade. That way, she would not be able to recover the Spiritual Energy in two hours.    


"That's true." Bai Yuhao also felt that it made sense.    


"Unless you absorb the Spiritual Energy from the Sea-Blue Demonic Jade and then circulate it to me …" However, Mu Lingluo was experienced, so she immediately thought of a solution. However, soon after, she revealed an unnatural expression.    


"You mean …" Bai Yuhao also remembered that when he and Ji Wushuang dual cultivated, their Spiritual Energy would be circulating with each other.    


"Duo Cultivation!" If you dual cultivate with me, I can absorb Sea-Blue Demonic Jade s from your body … " Mu Lingluo said confidently. This was probably the only way.    


"So it's like that. But I've already dual cultivated with others, I shouldn't be able to double cultivate with you anymore, right?" Bai Yuhao asked, because he had heard from Ji Wushuang that there were some matters regarding the dual cultivation.    


"You actually dual cultivated with other people? However, if the person dual cultivating with you is using you as the spirit cauldron and she is in charge of controlling the circulation of the Spiritual Energy, then as a spirit cauldron, you can still dual cultivate with others. Of course, the condition is that the other party has to use you as the spirit cauldron. However, with a Sea-Blue Demonic Jade, if you do not become a spirit cauldron, it would be equivalent to despicable! " Mu Lingluo was a little surprised at first, but then her eyes sparkled as she said this. It seemed that she had already developed some interest in Bai Yuhao. However, it was definitely not the kind of situation where a child was unsuitable.    


"Spiritual Cauldron?" Since Bai Yuhao didn't know much about it, he was also a bit confused.    


"The Spirit Cauldron is specially made for transitional Spiritual Energy. It's just like the media, for people who dual cultivate with you, if you're the Spirit Cauldron, they can directly absorb the Spiritual Energy from the Sea-Blue Demonic Jade through you, and furthermore, maximize their absorption. If a person who has cultivated with you understands this, then when you have cultivated with him, he will definitely treat you as a spirit cauldron. But if it wasn't, then she was too stupid! Amongst the experts at the peak of Tyrant Sage Stage, there was one who also possessed a Sea-Blue Demonic Jade, and his cultivation was practically obtained through dual cultivation. "I heard that he cultivates with ten women at most once. This is the greatest benefit of dual cultivation, especially for the spirit cauldron …" Mu Lingluo explained.    


"So there's actually such a difference …" Bai Yuhao had never heard of the matter regarding the Spirit Cauldron from Ji Wushuang before. Back then, when he dual cultivated with Ji Wushuang, Ji Wushuang was the one who was in charge. Thus, he did not know whether Ji Wushuang treated him as a Spirit Cauldron or not.    


"Then you just hope that she treats you as if you're a spirit cauldron to cultivate. Otherwise, it'll be troublesome!" Mu Lingluo's eyes were filled with a cold light as she spoke with worry. Because if Bai Yuhao didn't dual cultivate with the Spirit Cauldron, then she wouldn't be able to double cultivate with Bai Yuhao as the Spirit Cauldron.    


"How can I be sure?" Bai Yuhao asked.    


"Tell me the mental cultivation method that you followed when dual cultivation. The cultivation method for dual cultivation is different from the one for average dual cultivation …" Mu Lingluo asked immediately.    


Bai Yuhao then told her about the dual cultivation method that Ji Wushuang had taught him.    


"This is …" A dual cultivation method of Spirit Clan? "Great!" When Mu Lingluo heard this, she immediately couldn't help but reveal a happy expression. Because almost all Spirit Clan dual cultivation methods are for dual cultivation of the spirit cauldrons, there shouldn't be any problems.    


Bai Yuhao saw Mu Lingluo's excited look and the corner of his mouth curled up. He found that when he got along with Mu Lingluo, Mu Lingluo wasn't that annoying. Although he had experienced Mu Lingluo's viciousness before, he thought that the Mu Lingluo he saw before was just a disguise. Mu Lingluo, on the other hand, looked more real!    


Mu Lingluo saw that Bai Yuhao was looking at her with a strange expression and seemed to have realized that she had lost her composure. She immediately coughed and recovered her original color, hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Normal people would not be able to get this dual cultivation method for Spirit Clan, so, the woman who can cultivate with you, if not Liu Yunxuan, should be the woman who would sacrifice her life to protect you. It is said that she is Mu Yinv's disciple, so it makes sense! If it's Mu Yinv, she might be able to obtain the Spirit Clan's dual cultivation method. "    


"It shouldn't matter who it is, right? Most importantly, you can do as you wish! " Bai Yuhao smiled calmly.    


"What wish? "You make it sound like I'm eager to dual cultivate with you …" When Mu Lingluo heard that, she immediately glared at Bai Yuhao.    


"You look like you don't want to. Then I won't force you. "You can stay here by yourself. Once those two people are captured, I'll leave first!" Bai Yuhao saw that Mu Lingluo was still holding on and didn't want to force the issue, so he turned around to leave.    


"Hey!" When Mu Lingluo saw that Bai Yuhao left as soon as he said that, she was also stunned. If Bai Yuhao really left, then her hopes would be dashed. So, she subconsciously reached out to hold Bai Yuhao, and suddenly with a feminine air, charmingly shouted: "Don't go!    


When Bai Yuhao heard this voice that was deep enough to make his bones go soft, he stopped and turned around to look at Mu Lingluo. He immediately laughed evilly and said, "Then please beg me. Then, give me some more benefits. I'll think about it!"    




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