Dragon Blood King



0Bai Yuhao looked carefully and saw that the two figures had the same word: ugly!    


One of them looked like a dwarf, only half the height of a person, with a face full of fangs and a tail like a lizard, while the other looked a bit more normal, but its facial features looked as if they had been smashed by something, uneven, dressed in leather clothing, with a copper mirror-like scale on its chest.    


"Strange, the aura just now was still here. Why did it suddenly disappear?" The one who looked like a dwarf said immediately.    


"It must be nearby. Let's split up and search …" Another Spirit Clan immediately said.    


After that, the two Spirit Clan respectively disappeared from the spot.    


As Mu Lingluo saw the two Spirit Clan left, she immediately let out a sigh of relief. She lifted her head, and coincidentally met Bai Yuhao's gaze; suddenly, she remembered the intimate posture the two of them had earlier. Something moved at the center of her heart, making her feel strange.    


"Which Spirit Clan are they from?" Bai Yuhao asked curiously.    


"They are members of the Sky Demon Clan." Mu Lingluo replied.    


"Is it really that powerful?" Bai Yuhao asked.    


"They are just ordinary clansmen. However, their strength is not something that the average Spirit Controller can handle. Furthermore, their strength is only weaker than mine …" Mu Lingluo said in a disdainful tone, but her delicate face was serious.    


"Since they are weaker than you, then why did you run away the moment you saw them, and beat them away not long ago?" Bai Yuhao also noticed that Mu Lingluo seemed to have something on her mind, so he questioned her.    


"Why do you care so much!" Mu Lingluo said in annoyance.    


"I think you can't beat them, that's why you ran!" Bai Yuhao said purposely.    


"If it's only a one on one, I'm naturally not afraid. But a one on two, coupled with you being a burden, it'll be a little tricky …" Surprisingly, Mu Lingluo was not angry. Instead, she replied with hesitation.    


"Then you can leave me here and go out and fight them. "Don't worry, I won't run." Bai Yuhao said this, but he already had a plan in mind.    


"I won't leave you alone again." Mu Lingluo's words suddenly made it seem as if they were leaving this world for the rest of their lives.    


Bai Yuhao was stunned when he heard this. If it was anyone else, they would have thought that Mu Lingluo was hinting at something. But luckily, he knew Mu Lingluo's true appearance like the back of his hand, so he definitely wouldn't misunderstand.    


"Don't let your imagination run wild. It's just that you still have some value, so I can't let you die so quickly." Mu Lingluo also felt that she had said something wrong and corrected herself immediately.    


After that, both of them fell into a period of silence.    


After a long while, Mu Lingluo closed her eyes and opened them again, "They have already walked far away. Let's go! "    


Bai Yuhao raised his eyebrows and stood up to wave his robe. At this time, Mu Lingluo also stood up and tidied up her messy clothes a bit. When she saw Bai Yuhao looking at her, she immediately scolded him: "What are you looking at? Be careful of your eyeballs … "    


"Actually, I realized that you're not as annoying as I thought... Or, if you're not scheming, it's not that repugnant to me. " Bai Yuhao said with a faint smile, as if he was purposely challenging Mu Lingluo's tolerance limit. Of course, that was only if he was certain that Mu Lingluo had some sort of use for him, and that was why she treated him so differently.    


"Whether or not you hate me has nothing to do with me. In any case, I really do hate you. I hate to the point that I want to kill you …" Mu Lingluo clenched her fist, but before she finished, Bai Yuhao had already turned around and left.    


"Hey, what do you mean?" When Mu Lingluo saw that Bai Yuhao actually ignored her, she was so angry that her face turned red.    


"Those two people won't let you go so easily. Let's leave this place first." Bai Yuhao turned around and replied with a serious expression.    


Only then did Mu Lingluo realize that she had almost forgotten to shake off the two pestering people. Therefore, she immediately nodded her head.    


After the two of them left, they continued to run at full speed through the dense forest for a while. When they saw an open space, Mu Lingluo opened her Void Spirit Aperture, planning to summon her Spirit Control and bring her and Bai Yuhao away.    


However, at this moment, a gust of cold wind blew. All the plants were present, and the demonic Qi was pressing down.    


"Crap!" Seeing this, Mu Lingluo's delicate face changed.    


"They're really lingering around like ghosts!" Bai Yuhao also focused his gaze.    


"Princess Mu, let's see where you can escape to this time …" Very quickly, a ghost-like wail sounded out. Then, a wave of demonic mist spread out and surrounded Bai Yuhao and Mu Lingluo. Within a radius of dozens of meters, it was completely enveloped by the demonic mist.    


In the blink of an eye, two figures appeared from the fog like ghosts, giving off a sinister feeling.    


"Malignant Star Earth Ghost, are you two still not giving up?" Mu Lingluo's eyes flickered with displeasure and anger as she stared at the two figures that had appeared. Actually, she had already been entangled by these two Spirit Clan before. That dwarf was called Earth Ghost and the other was called Malignant Star.    


"Princess Mu, as long as you are willing to obediently hand over your Guardian Beast and let us bring you back to report, we naturally do not wish to make things difficult for you. After all, we are only following orders!" Earth Ghost opened his boar like mouth and said in an ugly tone. However, the eyes that stared at Mu Lingluo were filled with malice. Although this Spirit Clan was a powerful and unusual one, it was the same as a human's, which also contained the seven emotions and six desires.    


"I already said it, I will absolutely not hand over the Moonfox to you!" Mu Lingluo said firmly with a cold glint in her eyes.    


"The Demon Lord said, if Princess Mu is not willing to comply, then we will invite her to return to the Sky Demon Clan. When the time comes, our Demon Lord will personally discuss with you, Princess Mu. Malignant Star's voice was low and hoarse, but it gave off a chilling feeling.    


"With just the two of you, you dare to say that you brought me back to the Sky Demon Clan?! What a foolish dream!" Mu Lingluo immediately sneered.    


"Princess Mu, you escaped last time, but this time we set up an inescapable net. Just now, when you and your little lover were hiding, we had already trapped this entire area within a mile radius of the God Realm. It was already too late for you to escape!" Earth Ghost said proudly.    


"What little lover? "Don't talk nonsense …" When Mu Lingluo heard that, she immediately scolded him. She clearly cared about the misunderstanding about her relationship with Bai Yuhao.    


"Isn't it? However, how can a weak human be worthy of you? "Which one of us is not stronger than him? As long as Princess Mu is willing, we can guarantee that we can make her float like an immortal …" Earth Ghost immediately said in a very naughty manner.    




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