Dragon Blood King



0Boom! *    


The dazzling multicolored blade exploded out from the Frost Wind and collided with the body of the spider Rare Spirit Beast. Moreover, the power released from the blade caused the spider Rare Spirit Beast to pause for a moment, and Bai Yuhao took the opportunity to disappear from where he was …    


After the Rare Spirit Beast saw Bai Yuhao disappear, it slowly opened its centipede-like mouth. Suddenly, a whip-like tongue shot out.    


At this time, Bai Yuhao was about to pass through the gap between the large body of the spider Rare Spirit Beast, but at this moment, he suddenly felt something shooting towards him from behind. Turning his head to look, he saw the spider Rare Spirit Beast's tongue whip chasing after him, he immediately used all his strength to dodge but the tongue whip followed suit.    


"They really are haunting us like ghosts!" As the Stealth Ability consumed a lot of Spiritual Energy, Bai Yuhao had to appear first. Relying on his sharp reaction, he continued to chase after the tongue whip, desperately advancing forward.    


Just as Bai Yuhao chased after Bai Yuhao, he finally managed to get past the huge body of the spider Rare Spirit Beast. However, the tongue whip also went in front of Bai Yuhao and intercepted him.    


Just then, the spider Rare Spirit Beast turned around at the same time and was about to pounce forward.    


Seeing that, Bai Yuhao immediately gathered all of his power into the Frost Wind. Immediately, the Frost Wind turned into a strange long colored blade, like a huge blade.    


The next moment, Bai Yuhao shouted loudly and slashed with his full strength. However, he was not facing towards the direction of the spider Rare Spirit Beast nor the tongue whip, but towards the top of the passage.    


After the blade was chopped out, a huge crack appeared on the surface of the stone wall. Countless pieces of sand and rocks fell from the sky, and soon after, even half the passage was sealed off.    


Bai Yuhao saw that after successfully blocking the Rare Spirit Beast, he immediately faced the tongue whip that was in front of him. However, the tongue whip seemed to be affected by something and quickly retracted.    


Bai Yuhao immediately let out a breath of relief and ran at full speed because he knew that he wouldn't be able to stop the spider Rare Spirit Beast for too long.    


After running for a distance, Bai Yuhao suddenly found himself in front of a huge building that looked like an altar. Furthermore, it was suspended between two cliffs, and below it was an endless dark abyss.    


The altar that was floating in the air was formed by eighteen tall wooden totem pillars. All the wooden totem pillars were circular around the altar, and each of them was connected by a very thick chain. At the same time, each of the chains was emitting a light halo, fluctuating up and down.    


At the center of the totem altar stood an unusually large dragon-shaped stone statue, about twenty to thirty meters tall and huge in size. It occupied almost half of the totem altar, looking almost alive, with a pair of wings slightly folded on either side, giving off a feeling as if it could soar into the skies at any moment.    


However, Bai Yuhao quickly felt that this stone statue was emitting a very strong aura and Spiritual Energy, it was as if it was alive.    


No, to be exact, this stone statue of the dragon was alive.    


"Could it be that this stone statue is the Ancient Spirit Beast that was sealed up?" Bai Yuhao started to look up and down. Then, he leaped towards the altar, wanting to get a closer look.    


However, as soon as he got close to the wooden totem around the altar, a bolt of lightning shot out towards Bai Yuhao.    


It was a good thing that Bai Yuhao still had not unlocked his Spiritual Fusion, so he was able to retreat in time, allowing the lightning to strike empty air and land on the edge of the cliff.    


With a boom, a large part of the cliff's edge was blasted away.    


At the same time, the entire altar was suddenly filled with thunder and lightning. As they passed through the eighteen wooden totems, it was an extremely spectacular sight!    


"I didn't expect this altar to be a barrier." After Bai Yuhao returned to his original position, he couldn't help but shake his head. Sure enough, the Spirit Clan Forbidden Area wasn't a place where one could casually enter.    


Since he couldn't get in, Bai Yuhao could only look at it from a distance. Suddenly, he noticed that he had seen this stone statue's shape before. It looked similar.    


"Strange, why is this Ancient Spirit Beast similar to the soul beast I saw in Tomb of Myriad Spirits. However, it's wings are a little short, and it doesn't have the aura of a king descending from the heavens. That kind of power is also a little lacking …" Bai Yuhao scratched his chin and thought for a while.    


"Too bad it's not alive. If it's alive, maybe we can take the risk to pick some blood and feed it to Dragon-like's eggs. " Bai Yuhao said with some regret. Because the stone statue was in a petrified state, it looked as if it was completely sealed, so, even if he wanted to take advantage of the fire, he had no way to take advantage of it.    


After all, the danger level of this place was obvious to see. If he stayed longer, who knew what might happen, but at this moment, the Dragon-Shaped Jade in his chest suddenly flickered, and started burning his chest.    


"Ah …" Bai Yuhao felt that something was not right and immediately reached his hand into his chest. The moment his hand came into contact with the Dragon-Shaped Jade, his fingers suddenly split open, and a drop of blood was sucked into the Dragon-Shaped Jade.    


Just as Bai Yuhao was surprised, the Dragon-Shaped Jade suddenly turned from white to red. At the same time, a red light shot out from the Dragon-Shaped Jade, instantly piercing through the altar's barrier, and directly landing on the forehead of the huge dragon that was facing the stone statue.    


The moment the red light shone through the air, the stone statue of the dragon started to shake violently. Soon after, it affected the entire altar. The totem stone pillars and the thick chains also started to shake, and the enchantment started to flicker and dim.    


"Something big seems to be about to happen …" Bai Yuhao was surprised, he did not know what was going on. The Dragon-Shaped Jade's power had actually caused the altar to lose its left and right enchantment, and was even able to react with the dragon-shaped stone statue.    


"My descendant, wake up!" At this time, the Dragon-Shaped Jade suddenly released a deafening roar, as though an emperor's might had descended from the skies, filling the surroundings, causing everyone to be shocked.    


The moment the voice was heard, the stone statue's eyes suddenly lit up as if it had been struck by a dragon. Soon after, its petrified body began to crack, falling to the ground one by one …    




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