Dragon Blood King



0"With such a delay, I'm afraid we'll have to waste quite a bit of time. I wonder how the other princes are progressing? " Pang Loong shook his head and sighed.    


"Don't worry, we still have secret weapons, right?" Mu Ziye replied calmly.    


Pang Loong immediately understood and smiled.    


At the same time, the "secret weapon" that Mu Ziye spoke of, was Bai Yuhao, who had just captured a very rare Fire Rock Tortoise of Spirit Crystal. At this moment, he had already arrived at the center of the Dragon Tooth Purgatory, and acting alone, his ability to move was much stronger.    


However, after entering the middle of the Dragon Fang Purgatory, Spirit Control above five stars could be seen everywhere, and they were all in groups of three or five, so Bai Yuhao was also moving carefully, dodging wherever he could, but his advancing speed would inevitably be affected.    


Actually, it didn't matter if the Spirit Treasure moved slowly. What troubled Bai Yuhao the most was that even now, the Spirit Treasure did not have any clues, so Bai Yuhao was quite depressed.    


"Oh my god, please give me a hint!" Just when Bai Yuhao was lamenting to the heavens, suddenly, he felt the ground suddenly start to shake violently, it was as if there were ten thousand beasts rushing about. Very soon, he noticed that from all directions, there were many beast shadows appearing, increasing in number.    


Seeing that, Bai Yuhao's face also changed and he immediately hid himself with the Dragon Scale.    


Very soon, Bai Yuhao felt like the sky was covered by a group of flying Spirit Control. Groups of different sizes and types of flying Spirit Control flew over his head and headed towards that direction.    


"What's going on here? Could it be that these Spirit Control are rushing to the meeting? " Bai Yuhao felt that this situation was very strange, and due to his curiosity, he and the Dragon Scale stealthily dashed together, following closely behind.    


After walking for about a mile, Bai Yuhao realized that he suddenly entered a circular valley after passing through a dense forest. The valley wasn't big, and there were steep cliffs on three sides.    


But at this moment, there were hundreds of all sorts of Spirit Control gathered within the valley. The steep cliffs on three sides were also filled with a black mass of flying Spirit Control.    


The Hundred Beast Gathering could be said to be quite spectacular!    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao suddenly noticed that at the end of the valley, there was a protruding arched suspended rock. And at the end of the arched suspended rock, there seemed to be a natural cave.    


At this moment, a human-like figure walked out of the cave. His entire body was covered by a tattered black robe, and it swayed along with the wind …    


The black robed figure slowly raised both his hands, and at the same time, the hundreds of Spirit Control s released all sorts of howls and roars, causing the atmosphere to shake, as though they had been injected with stimulants. If it was the average Spirit Controller who saw this scene, he would have been scared to the point of going soft all over his body and pissing his pants.    


Following that, the black robed man suddenly spoke in a strange tone, causing the hundreds of Spirit Control to immediately quieten down.    


After that, the black-robed figure chattered a few times, but it was not in the human language.    


"Could it be Spirit Clan?" Hearing this, Bai Yuhao immediately determined that the black robed figure was a Spirit Clan. Although he did not know which Spirit Clan the black robed figure came from, seeing how this figure could make these several hundred Spirit Control listen obediently, was sufficient to imagine.    


"If only I could understand." Bai Yuhao was very curious about what the mysterious Spirit Clan was saying.    


"Your homes have been invaded by despicable Human Clan. They want to destroy your homes, so you can't just sit there and wait for death. You have to drive them out …" At this time, the voice of the Dragon-Like Soul Beast resounded in Bai Yuhao's mind, as if it was a translator.    


Bai Yuhao's face froze when he heard what was said, because it was obvious that the mysterious Spirit Clan wanted to use these several hundred Spirit Control to deal with Treasure Hunt Team, who was being led by several princes.    


At this time, the mysterious Spirit Clan suddenly waved his hand, and the hundreds of Spirit Control in the entire valley immediately scattered in a mad dash, but they seemed to be retreating out of the valley in an orderly manner.    


"Sixth Prince and the others might be in danger, but we don't know where they are right now, so we can't notify them. If I knew earlier, I would have brought Spirit Control s that are only used for communication. " Bai Yuhao frowned, at the same time, he thought that if these hundred or so Spirit Control began to move, his search for them would also be hindered. So, it was best to find the Spirit Treasure as soon as possible. As he thought of this, he immediately turned around, intending to leave without a sound.    


However, just as Bai Yuhao turned around, a Spiritual Light suddenly fell from the sky. It instantly turned into a cage the size of two people, trapping him and the Dragon Scale inside.    


Obviously, his invisibility had been seen through, and when he turned his head, he saw that the mysterious Spirit Clan on the boulder had appeared in front of the cage.    


"Are you still not going to show yourself? A mere human dares to make a fool of himself in front of me! " Just then, the mysterious Spirit Clan released a burst of beautiful Dainty Voice s.    


"Female?" Hearing that, Bai Yuhao had no choice but to appear together with the Dragon Scale, and then looked towards the mysterious Spirit Clan, and said: "How did you discover me?"    


"What's the difficulty?" The mysterious Spirit Clan laughed, giving people a feeling of elegance.    


"Since I've already appeared, shouldn't you take off your hood? From the sound of your voice, you don't seem like an old and ugly woman." Bai Yuhao was also curious about what kind of Spirit Clan the mysterious Spirit Clan was, so he said it intentionally.    


"Stinky human, you dare talk back when you're about to die. Those who have seen me before are all dead!" Are you sure you want to see me? " The mysterious Spirit Clan first scolded softly, but afterwards, it suddenly carried a playful smile and said.    


"Even if I were to die under this peony flower, it would still be good to be a ghost. If I could die in front of a beautiful woman, then I would have earned a lot. In any case, I will die regardless." Bai Yuhao replied very calmly.    


"A human like you sure is courageous." However, you're right. You will definitely die, so, I'll let you fulfill your wish. " The mysterious Spirit Clan hesitated for a moment, then slowly took off its hood.    


Her silky silver hair cascaded down like a waterfall, accentuating her delicate, goose-shaped face. The features on her face were as delicate as a Barbie doll, small and cute, with fair skin and delicate skin. She looked like a sixteen or seventeen year old little girl, but at the moment, her delicate face was covered with a pure smile, like a young girl who had never experienced such things in her entire life.    


However, Bai Yuhao understood that the more harmless a woman was, the more terrifying she would be!    


Although this woman looked very much like a human, if one took a closer look, one would realize that she was very different from a human being, including her eyes, ears, and so on. However, one wouldn't be able to tell which Spirit Clan she came from!    




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