Dragon Blood King



2"Dragon Emperor, I feel that we don't have to worry about others. This Dragon Clan and my Holy Dragon Kingdom can be considered to have a cold lips and teeth relation, and furthermore, the reason why my Holy Dragon Kingdom has existed today, is also because my Dragon Clan is supporting me from behind. So, any decision made by my Dragon Clan will definitely not be detrimental to my Holy Dragon Kingdom." At this time, Big High Priest stood out and expressed his support for Loong Ao heading towards Dragon Clan.    


Dragon Emperor narrowed his eyes and looked at Loong Ao: "Loong Ao, what do you think?"    


"Father, I think what Big High Priest said is reasonable. Although Dragon Clan's invitation this time is a bit sudden, from Dragon Clan's perspective, perhaps they just want to understand me before I take over Acting Dragon Emperorson's position, and determine if I have the ability and strength to take over Acting Dragon Emperorson's position … Although this Dragon Clan has never interfered with the affairs of our Holy Dragon Kingdom, but before he ascends the throne, didn't he have to pass the test of the Dragon Clan's envoys? I think this is just another situation, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. " Loong Ao did not seem to be worried at all. On the contrary, he was looking forward to it, because he could also get this chance to gain the appreciation of Dragon Clan. Once he got the attention of Dragon Clan, there would definitely be a lot of benefits.    


For example, when Acting Dragon Emperor ascended the throne, he would be able to go to the Dragon Clan every year and undergo a strength increase of at least one rank above. If his talent was high, it was possible to be at least two or three ranks. In addition, he might even receive gifts from some of the spirit treasures within the Dragon Clan.    


Therefore, to Loong Ao, he would definitely not miss this opportunity.    


"Alright, then I'll let Loong Ao follow the envoy to Dragon Clan." Dragon Emperor decided after some deliberation.    


"This son will definitely live up to everyone's expectations!" Loong Ao immediately said with confidence. At the same time, a sinister smile flashed across his eyes.    


Mu Yinv, who was at the side, glanced at Loong Ao and also furrowed her brows. It seems that I need to inquire about the purpose of Dragon Clan allowing Loong Ao to go there this time.    


And at this moment, no one, including Dragon Emperor, would have thought that Loong Ao going to the Dragon Clan would cause an extremely terrifying hidden danger, and could even threaten the existence of the entire Holy Dragon Kingdom.    


On the other side, inside the Flame Mountain deep within Flame State.    


Bai Yuhao and Mu Lingluo had been waiting for this entire three days.    


Although three days wasn't a long time, for Bai Yuhao, it was definitely beneficial to him. Relying on his dual cultivation with Mu Lingluo, he successfully merged with part of the power of the fourth seal.    


If he could maintain this kind of dual cultivation with Mu Lingluo, he might be able to completely fuse with the power of the fourth seal within a month. That way, his strength would at least be around the eighth level of the Wild God or maybe even higher.    


However, even if Bai Yuhao had the time, Mu Lingluo might not have it. After all, he couldn't let the great Woodgod Kingdom, the princess, do nothing but accompany him for a month of dual cultivation. He didn't think that his charm had reached the point where Mu Lingluo was willing to give up everything to accompany him in cultivation.    


Of course, it was impossible for Bai Yuhao to stay in the Woodgod Kingdom for a month. The current him could already be considered as someone who wanted to return as soon as possible.    


At this time, Bai Yuhao and Mu Lingluo, who had just finished a stage of dual cultivation, opened their eyes in tacit understanding.    


"It's been three days and there's no sound at all. It seems like they won't come." Bai Yuhao looked at Mu Lingluo with a cold gaze.    


The light in Mu Lingluo's eyes also flared up as she looked serious. If the few Treasure Hunt Team were unable to successfully gather here, then it would be wishful thinking to obtain the Spirit Treasure.    


"Let's wait for another day. If they really are unable to come, we can only go and meet up with the two Elders first …" "Of course, it's impossible to return empty-handed. If a few of Treasure Hunt Team's can't be gathered, then she can only return to the camp and discuss with the two Elders about it. Then, she can reconvene the team and head back to Flame Mountain to seize the treasure."    


Roughly four hours later, strong sounds came from outside. It was like the chaos of a war, but also like ten thousand horses galloping. The momentum was astonishing, and even the ground slightly trembled.    


Having sensed something, Bai Yuhao and Mu Lingluo looked at each other, and immediately boarded their Dragon Scale, flying to the nearest one hundred meter gap. Looking down, they saw three directions coming from east to north, where smoke was billowing.    


However, what surprised Bai Yuhao and Mu Lingluo was that in front of the monster horde in these three directions, Treasure Hunt Team, who was led by a few princes, was in a somewhat sorry state.    


"Strange, why do I feel like they were driven here?" Bai Yuhao looked closely and also had a face of confusion. He felt that something wasn't quite right.    


Soon, six Treasure Hunt Team's came from three different directions and gathered in front of Flame Mountain.    


When the few Treasure Hunt Team saw each other, they were also quite surprised, because just as Bai Yuhao was puzzled, they were chased to this place by the Spirit Control that was chasing after them.    


At this moment, Mu Lingluo had already floated down and landed among the six Treasure Hunt Team's group.    


When the six Treasure Hunt Team gathered, they were surprised to see Mu Lingluo. However, the first thing they did was to gather around Mu Lingluo. They surrounded her in three layers.    


At the same time, three groups of beasts were besieged from three different directions.    


At a time like this, he naturally needed a backbone to command the general situation. Mu Lingluo immediately began to direct them very calmly, and as the soul of Woodgod Kingdom, her appearance was enough to stabilize the hearts of the people.    


Under Mu Lingluo's command, a few elders led by Pang Loong and a few Six Starred ranked Spirit Control immediately spread out in an arc, forming a defensive barrier, and started to resist the waves of attacks from the horde.    


At the same time, during the period when more than twenty people were fighting with Expert of the Mad God Stage, they started to kill the Spirit Control s that had rushed into their defensive range. As for the Spirit Controller of the Celestial Master Stage, he was responsible for protecting the princes and the injured and helping the offense.    


Very soon, under the command of Mu Lingluo, the slightly panicking crowd methodically blocked the crazy attacks of the Spirit Control, making full use of their formidable fighting strength.    


And just like that, after two hours of stalemate, the group of crazy Spirit Control suddenly retreated like the tide. Not long after, there was not a single one left, and what was even weirder was that, even the high star Spirit Control that were originally near Flame Mountain had gone somewhere.    




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