Dragon Blood King



2"Mu Lingluo should have told you the same thing, right?" Seeing Bai Yuhao's strange expression, Mu Yinv smiled faintly and said as if she was expecting something.    


"Could it be that you mean …" When Bai Yuhao heard Mu Yinv mention Mu Lingluo, he immediately thought of what the two girls had in common. Immediately, his expression changed to one of surprise.    


"If my guess is correct, the reason Mu Lingluo will let you live after you are captured is because you are the only person in this world who can remove the curse seal separating Spirit Clan and humans. Moreover, the reason why you took special care of her when you were in the Woodgod Kingdom." Mu Yinv had already guessed it earlier. She felt that Mu Lingluo's actions didn't resemble Mu Lingluo at all, and when she found out that Bai Yuhao was still alive and that his Woodgod Kingdom was being taken care of by Mu Lingluo, she immediately thought of the reason.    


"Then why am I also yours …" Although Mu Yinv's guess was right, Bai Yuhao still asked with some doubt.    


"Since you are able to unravel her, you are bound to be able to unravel mine as well. Because to a certain extent, she and I are the same type of person. Other than the difference in our Spirit Clan and bloodline, in reality, we are the same in nature and the curses we receive are also the same. However, she shouldn't have told you how to undo the curse seal … " As Mu Yinv spoke, she looked at Bai Yuhao speculatively.    


"She didn't tell me. She probably doesn't know, but from what you're saying, you seem to know the method to release the curse seal right? " Bai Yuhao immediately understood after hearing that.    


"If even I know, it's impossible for her to not know. I'm afraid she doesn't want to say it, because you will only be able to release her after you have reached the state of true love and mental integration. I think she knew that it was impossible for such a relationship to develop between the two of you, so she didn't tell you. " Mu Yinv seemed to have seen through something and told him the only way to undo the curse.    


It was because he remembered Mu Lingluo's earlier request for him to give up the position of Dragon Emperor after defeating Loong Ao, so he now understood why Mu Lingluo had made this request. It turned out that Mu Lingluo wanted him to give up everything, so that they could develop their relationship to the point of falling in love, but if he didn't give up, then it would be impossible, even if it was possible, it would be a taboo love, and it would lead to some unimaginable consequences.    


"So, you don't need to thank Mu Lingluo too much for everything she did for you, because what she did for you was also to leave behind a hope for herself. Of course, to a certain extent, she is also very considerate towards you. If not for her, if you went back to the Holy Dragon Kingdom alone, you would have inevitably fallen into an extremely troublesome situation. Mu Yinv said bluntly. Although she didn't like Mu Lingluo and understood her motives, after this incident, her impression of Mu Lingluo had slightly improved. However, to her, Mu Lingluo was still an opponent, a formidable opponent.    


"But, why can I remove the curse seal on your body at the same time? It sounds like I'm more like a key... " Bai Yuhao also felt it was strange.    


"Of course it's not a coincidence. Perhaps you have something different from normal people. This is probably something only you know. " Of course, Mu Yinv couldn't explain this either.    


"Could it be because …" Bai Yuhao's heart couldn't help but thump. Perhaps, this is because his soul doesn't belong to this world.    


"However, I don't think that the matter of sealing the curse is as important as what Mu Lingluo said. I feel that this kind of matter should go according to the plan. Moreover, I am not really interested in becoming Spirit Clan, so I won't force you like Mu Lingluo. Mu Yinvfeng said casually.    


"If the conditions for unsealing the curse weren't too harsh, I wouldn't mind helping you. No matter what, you've helped me before …" Bai Yuhao said honestly. It was because the condition to remove the curse on him made it difficult for him, so he didn't have the heart to do it.    


"You don't have to think about us. You have your own mission, and what you need to do now is to wait for the right time. When the time is ripe, the Holy Dragon Kingdom will certainly cause a storm, and even cause a storm of blood and blood, all for the sake of the Holy Dragon Kingdom's future. Because if my Holy Dragon Kingdom is truly controlled by Loong Ao, then it will undoubtedly move towards the edge of decline and death. I absolutely cannot allow my Holy Dragon Kingdom to die at the hands of Loong Ao … " In her opinion, the only person who could save Holy Dragon Kingdom now was Bai Yuhao.    


"Although I am unwilling, I will wait for the bigger picture. Besides, I will prepare everything that I should." Bai Yuhao said in a serious tone.    


It's a pity that we can't let Xueyan know that you're still alive right now. If she knew, with her feelings for you, she would definitely ignore everything and come to find you. That would only arouse Loong Ao's suspicion and would also make things complicated. Mu Yinv knew that she was going to be a sinner again.    


"Take good care of Xueyan for me. Loong Ao had been plotting against Xueyan a long time ago. Now that Loong Ao has become Acting Dragon Emperor, he will definitely do all he can to harm Xueyan …" Bai Yuhao's eyes narrowed as he listened.    


"I will do it even if you don't say it. I won't let Loong Ao touch a single hair on Xueyan. If he dares, I will be the first to not let him go." Mu Yinv said seriously.    


"Then I'll leave it to you. It's about time for me to leave as well! "Next, we can finally lead a truly carefree life." Bai Yuhao laughed sinisterly. Of course, this carefree and unrestrained life was actually a kind of torture to him as well. After all, even after returning to the Holy Dragon Kingdom, he was still unable to seek Loong Ao for revenge, much less meet Loong Xueyan and release the knot in his heart.    


"If you need anything, feel free to contact me." Mu Yinv did not forget to remind him.    


Bai Yuhao nodded and bid farewell to Mu Yinv.    


Mu Yinv watched Bai Yuhao's figure disappear into the distance. A pleased smile flashed across her eyes as she said softly, "I'm really glad to see that you're still alive." You don't even know how much fear I had in my heart when I went to Woodgod Kingdom to look for you. Luckily, everything that happened was real! "    




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