Dragon Blood King



0"You go in too." Bai Yuhao gestured to Ximen Xue.    


Ximen Xue immediately snorted and walked in, but at the same time, her gaze stopped on Bai Yuhao for a moment. Perhaps, she was still unable to accept that the good-for-nothing brat from back then was now many times stronger than her, let alone that he possessed two extremely powerful Spirit Control s. No matter what aspect it was, she felt that he was incomparable to her.    


When Bai Yuhao saw the three girls entering the cave, he walked out and looked in the direction they came from.    


After waiting for a long time, he finally saw three figures flash out.    


"Are you alright?" Bai Yuhao said as his eyes narrowed.    


"This Rare Spirit Beast is indeed hard to deal with. Even if the three of us work together, we can only kill one …" Mu Yinv said solemnly.    


"Let's go in and rest." Bai Yuhao nodded.    


Following that, Bai Yuhao walked into the cave with the others.    


After a night of rest in the cave, the rescue team continued their journey early the next morning.    


After passing through many obstacles, the rescue team finally arrived at the edge of the Dragon Clan area under the lead of Mu Yinv. After passing through a dense forest of fruits, they saw a few female Dragon Clan clansmen gathering fruits not far away from them.    


"I wonder if they know where Father is being held?" In this matter, Bai Yuhao and the others who were hiding in the dark were constantly observing the female clansmen of the Dragon Clan.    


"Why don't we catch one and ask?" Ximen Xue suggested.    


"If I don't know, I'm afraid I'll alert the enemy." Ji Wushuang shook her head.    


"If you don't ask, how do you know they don't know?" Ximen Xue immediately responded.    


"If you want to ask, just ask me." Ji Wushuang said excitedly.    


"Just go." Ximen Xue snorted lightly as her body flew out like the wind.    


Seeing this, Bai Yuhao and the rest also shook their heads.    


"Xue'er, you're being too impatient." Ximen Batian also frowned.    


"Why did you provoke her when you had nothing to do?" Bai Yuhao glanced at Ji Wushuang with a wry smile.    


"Who knows if she'll actually go." Ji Wushuang shrugged helplessly.    


"Don't worry, Godly General Mu has already gone with him." Ximen Batian said with a calm expression.    


Bai Yuhao immediately looked towards where Mu Yinv was standing. Sure enough, she was nowhere to be seen.    


Not long after, Mu Yinv and Ximen Xue brought back a female member of Dragon Clan and began to converse with her using Dragon Clan.    


That female clan member had a face full of fear previously, but after hearing what Mu Yinv said with her Dragon Clan, she seemed to have quieted down a lot.    


After some communication, Mu Yinv looked towards the crowd and shook her head: "She doesn't know where Dragon Emperor is locked in. She only knows that a heavily injured human was brought back to Dragon Clan half a year ago."    


When Bai Yuhao and the others heard this, they looked at each other.    


"What do we do now?" Ji Wushuang blinked.    


"Godly General Mu, you have been in the Dragon Clan before, so you should know of the place where Dragon Emperor could be imprisoned, right?" Ximen Batian looked at Mu Yinv with bright eyes and asked.    


"I think Dragon Emperor might be locked in that place, but if it's really there, then it's troublesome." Mu Yinv said with a serious expression.    


"How much trouble?" Bai Yuhao asked.    


"Once we get in there, the chances of getting out are minuscule. "Even if Dragon Emperor is really locked up there, with our strength, it will be very difficult for us to save Dragon Emperor …" Mu Yinv said seriously.    


When Bai Yuhao and the others heard this, their expressions were also very serious.    


"Let's take a look at that place first. It's better than looking around aimlessly." "If I can confirm that Father is really locked up there, then when the time comes, I'll figure out a way …" Bai Yuhao pondered for a moment and said.    


Everyone nodded in agreement.    


"Alright, but it's not convenient for us to move now. We should wait until it's dark." Mu Yinv said as she looked at the sky.    


"What about her?" Cao Qinglan immediately turned to look at the woman.    


"Bring her along. Maybe she can be of some use." Bai Yuhao thought for a while and said.    


Afterwards, Bai Yuhao and the others found a secluded place nearby to rest and waited for the night to come.    


"Leader of Ximen Family, can we talk alone?" At this time, Bai Yuhao suddenly walked up to Ximen Batian, who was about to close his eyes and rest, and asked.    


Ximen Batian saw Bai Yuhao's solemn expression and nodded. Soon, the two of them arrived at a secluded corner.    


"Prince Loong Xuan, are you thinking of something?" Ximen Batian went straight to the point.    


"I want Leader of Ximen Family to do me a favor." Bai Yuhao said with a gentle look in his eyes.    


"Help? "If you have something to say, just say it." Ximen Batian also had a strange expression when he heard that, but his expression calmed down.    


"Although I have chips to negotiate with Dragon Clan, if we fail to rescue them and hand them over, it is possible that Dragon Clan will kill us to cover their crimes. Because, if the kidnapping of Dragon Emperor was exposed, the Dragon Clan would lose the trust of their Holy Dragon Kingdom. " Bai Yuhao said straightforwardly.    


"There is indeed such a possibility." Ximen Batian Rui's eyes narrowed as he continued, "Then what is Prince Loong Xuan's strategy?"    


"So, to be safe, if we can successfully save Dragon Emperor, I hope that Leader of Ximen Family, Godly General Mu, and my master can fully protect Dragon Emperor and leave the Dragon Clan." Bai Yuhao said confidently.    


"Prince Loong Xuan, what do you mean?" Ximen Batian couldn't help but ask as his expression changed.    


"Leader of Ximen Family should know that just the strength of the Spirit Intermediate Disciples is already very powerful, not to mention the Spirit Sect. We were originally on our own, so we need someone to stay behind to protect you." Bai Yuhao said in a low voice.    


"Even if that is the case, the ones who will stay are Godly General Mu and me. Although you are quite strong now, it would be very difficult for you to deal with the Spirit Apostles. If it's Godly General Mu and I, we might be able to resist for a while. " Ximen Batian shook his head.    


"But, no matter if it's you or Godly General Mu, they are both pillars of Holy Dragon Kingdom and cannot be missing a single one. Moreover, if you want to break through the encirclement with Dragon Emperor, it can only be done if you and Godly General Mu join hands. The most important thing is, what the Spirit Treasure is in my hands, they definitely won't easily obtain … " Bai Yuhao had already thought about it, otherwise, he wouldn't have talked to Ximen Batian.    


When Ximen Batian heard this, he also knew that Bai Yuhao seemed to have made mental preparations to save Dragon Emperor at all costs. However, he also understood that if Bai Yuhao had stayed behind by himself, there would definitely be no good ending for him!    


"Did you tell Godly General Mu?" Ximen Batian stared at Bai Yuhao and sighed in his heart. At his age, he actually had such courage and courage. Even he was ashamed of himself.    


"She definitely won't agree. That's why I wanted to ask Leader of Ximen Family for a favor. When the time comes, you, Leader of Ximen Family …" Bai Yuhao spoke in a low voice.    


After hearing everything, Ximen Batian frowned, and after hesitating for a moment, he finally nodded his head, because since Bai Yuhao had already planned everything beforehand, he had no reason to object. As a loyal subject of Holy Dragon Kingdom, he naturally had to take protecting Dragon Emperor as his own responsibility.    


"Then I'll be troubling Leader of Ximen Family." Bai Yuhao smiled calmly.    


"If Prince Loong Xuan was lucky enough to be safe and sound, and if one day Prince Loong Xuan manages to ascend to the dragon throne, I, Ximen Batian, and the Ximen Family Clan will support him wholeheartedly." Ximen Batian's thick and big palm directly patted Bai Yuhao's shoulder and promised. It was because to him, Bai Yuhao's current actions and show of dignity made him feel sincere admiration. As a prince, to take the lead was not something that others could do.    


"Let's talk about the future later." After Bai Yuhao finished his sentence, he turned around and left.    


Not long after, the sky darkened.    


The rescue team immediately set off, under Mu Yinv's lead, they headed to the place where Dragon Emperor might be locked up, because they did not dare set foot in the Dragon Clan area, so, the journey was smooth, but they had to be more careful, because if they were to reveal their whereabouts, they would be surrounded by the entire Dragon Clan.    


After approximately two hours, they circled around the entire Dragon Clan area, and finally, the rescue team appeared outside a valley. The entrance to the valley was in the shape of a slope and was extremely steep.    


"Godly General Mu, this place is..." Bai Yuhao immediately looked at Mu Yinv and asked.    


"This is the Death Valley of the Dragon Clan, it's like a prison. It's used to lock the clan members who have violated the Dragon Clan taboo, moreover, once they entered this valley, they are not allowed to leave for the rest of their lives, so they could only die of old age here." Mu Yinv's expression changed slightly as she spoke. The mention of the Death Valley had also brought back some of her unbearable memories.    


"Father, are we locking up inside?" Bai Yuhao looked at Mu Yinv and asked.    


"Although I don't have absolute confidence, the chances are high." Mu Yinv said after a moment of hesitation.    


"Then, prepare to move." Bai Yuhao and the others immediately looked at each other, then began to discuss the rescue plan.    


From the position of Bai Yuhao and the others, they could see that there were more than 30 Spirit Slave and more than 5 Spirit Elites guarding the Dead Valley. Plus, they didn't know where Dragon Emperor was locked up, so it would be difficult to find him and save him under such tight security.    


"If we can attract the attention of Spirit Slave first, Leader of Ximen Family and I should be able to deal with the remaining Spirit Stones." Mu Yinv immediately planned.    


"I will lure those Spirit Slave, Master, and Wushuang, you guys take care of each other and go to Dragon Emperor." Bai Yuhao considered it.    


"Disciple, you go find Dragon Emperor, while I and the other three girls will be responsible for attracting Spirit Slave. If you find Dragon Emperor, you can take Dragon Emperor away first, and we'll decide what to do with the rest. " Old Man Xu rarely acted properly, so he shook his head seriously.    


"But …" Bai Yuhao knew that attracting Spirit Slave was already a very dangerous thing to him. Naturally, he didn't want Old Man Xu, Ji Wushuang, and the others to take the risk.    


"Loong Xuan, if you want to successfully save Dragon Emperor, the Stealth Ability that you possess is a must." Ji Wushuang immediately said.    


Bai Yuhao still frowned.    


"Don't be so girly, are you underestimating us so much that you can't even deal with a few Spirit Slave's?" Ximen Xue snorted.    


"Don't worry about us." Cao Qinglan immediately comforted him.    


"Let them go." Mu Yinv seemed to be standing beside Ji Wushuang and the others.    


Bai Yuhao saw that everyone was determined for him to go to Dragon Emperor, so he could only clench his fist and said, "You must be careful."    


Everyone immediately nodded.    


Following that, the rescue plan began.    


Very quickly, Old Man Xu and the three girls called out their Spirit Control and rushed into the valley, causing a lot of commotion. Spirit Slave, who was guarding the dead valley, was also alerted and surrounded from all directions.    


When Old Man Xu and the three ladies saw that they had attracted Spirit Slave, they immediately retreated out of the valley and led Spirit Slave out of the valley.    


In addition, when the few people guarding the depths of the Death Valley saw that someone had charged into the Death Valley in the middle of the night, they all looked at each other.    


At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared in front of the several people.    


The few Spirit Elites immediately began to chatter, revealing their vigilance.    


Soon after, two figures directly charged into the group of people. Two against two, they instantly suppressed the people in the group.    


Almost at the same time, a figure soundlessly appeared on the far left side of the Death Valley and started to search along the criss-crossing cave walls. The Dragon Clan people who were locked up in the cave seemed to have heard the commotion outside and immediately let out all kinds of excited shouts, resounding throughout the Death Valley.    


"Father, where are you?" However, there were too many caves. Bai Yuhao searched for a long time, but there was still no news, and the other two places that he was looking for, Long Chi and the Dragon Scale, didn't seem to have any progress. In the end, he had no choice but to shout, hoping that Dragon Emperor could hear him.    


Just at this moment, Bai Yuhao suddenly passed through a cave. The moment he passed, he was suddenly intimidated by a very shocking aura that rushed out of the cave. It was like facing a huge wave that could cover the sky and cover the earth; he couldn't help but stop.    


"Little brother, I know where the person you're looking for is! However, as a human, you actually have the guts to rush into the Dragon Clan to save others. A cold voice came from the cave.    


"Do you know where I, Father, am?" Bai Yuhao was shocked and immediately asked.    


"Of course." The voice replied.    


"Don't tell me you want me to release you on that condition? However, how do I know if what you said is true? " Bai Yuhao immediately asked in suspicion.    


"Haha, if I think about it, how could a mere Death Valley stop me? I just want to remind you that doing this is undoubtedly suicidal, and if you leave now, it would be too late. Once the Spirit Sect arrives, you all will definitely die! " The voice from the cave laughed out arrogantly.    




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