Dragon Blood King



0"Don't worry, as long as I have meat to eat, I won't let you gnaw on my bones. I'll give you a martial spirit later …" Bai Yuhao promised solemnly that although Li Yun was a stiff and conservative man, he had a loyal and chivalrous heart. He would never be wrong to call someone like him a brother.     


It's already not easy for you to meet one yourself. Moreover, if you want to enter Hundred Tombs of Martial Spirits again, you have to wait until next year. Li Yun naturally did not believe Bai Yuhao's words and waved his hand.    


"Who said you could only capture a Martial Spirit at Hundred Tombs of Martial Spirits?" Bai Yuhao smiled. If he released his own martial spirit from his Ethereal Realm, he would probably give Li Yun a fright.    


"Could it be that you have other ways to catch Martial Spirits?!" Li Yun narrowed his eyes and asked.    


"I can't tell you that. However, if you do me a favor, I can guarantee that I can get you a Martial Spirit." Bai Yuhao immediately stated his conditions.    


"I can help, but don't joke with me." Li Yun's expression also became serious. Although he did dislike Bai Yuhao before, but after the contact later on, his impression of Bai Yuhao also changed a lot, especially this time, Bai Yuhao did not hesitate to take risks in order for Huang Xin to become a Fusion of Martial Spirit. However, this made him feel that other than being a little mysterious, Bai Yuhao was actually a pretty good person.    


"Fine, then help me first. We'll talk about the matter of the Martial Spirit later!" Bai Yuhao also knew Li Yun had a stubborn temper, so he didn't force him.    


"What do you want me to help you with!" Li Yun asked.    


"It's not that it's that big of a deal. I just want you to help me ask about something." Bai Yuhao said.    


"What is it?!" Li Yun's eyes narrowed, because he had a premonition that what Bai Yuhao told him to ask about was not simple.    


"It's related to the captives from the human race and Spirit Clan that were captured by the Asura Clan a few months ago. I want to know their whereabouts!" Bai Yuhao's expression suddenly turned serious.    


"Why are you asking about this?" Hearing that, Li Yun looked at Bai Yuhao in confusion, because it was clear that this had nothing to do with Bai Yuhao.    


"I have my reasons. If you are unwilling to help, I will not force you!" Bai Yuhao knew he couldn't tell Li Yun the truth yet.    


"If it's just to inquire about other things, then it might not be a problem. But if it's about Asura Clan, then it's almost impossible, because Realm of Glorious Heaven is very difficult to come into contact with them. However, according to what I heard before, those captives of human and Spirit Clan would very likely be sent to the frontlines of the battlefield …" Li Yun immediately revealed a dangerous expression.    


"Front lines?" Bai Yuhao's gaze focused.    


"Asura Clan s fight a war with our Human Clan and Spirit Clan every few years, but because there aren't many of them, they will cultivate them from other races, and then use them as cannon fodder. However, normally, these captives won't be able to hold on for long on the battlefield …" Li Yun explained.    


"Is that so?" As Bai Yuhao listened, his expression turned serious. If what Li Yun said was true, then Mu Yinv and the rest were definitely a threat.    


"If you really want to know, then I'll do my best to help you find out, but I can't guarantee you anything." Li Yun pondered and said.    


"Thank you very much." Bai Yuhao nodded.    


"Then I'll leave first." After Li Yun finished speaking, he turned around and left.    


Bai Yuhao also returned to the animal stable first, and studied the Flaming Heavenly Stone he obtained as well as the Spirit Infant Stage he had just formed.    


"I wonder how this Flaming Heavenly Stone will be used? Although I can feel the powerful energy contained within it, how can I take it in for my own use! " Bai Yuhao muttered to himself as he studied the Flaming Heavenly Stone.    


Very quickly, a scene flashed in Bai Yuhao's mind. The scene on the screen seemed to be like the space of a Ethereal Realm, but it seemed to be more like a place of cultivation.    


"What is this place?" Bai Yuhao's eyes narrowed, and at the same time, he looked at the Flaming Heavenly Stone with rapt attention.    


When he looked closely, Bai Yuhao suddenly felt as if he was being sucked in by a Flaming Heavenly Stone. However, this was not a feeling, but actually being sucked in by a Flaming Heavenly Stone.    


In the blink of an eye, Bai Yuhao was in the mysterious space that appeared in his mind.    


"The structure of this place should be similar to the Ethereal Realm, but the spirit energy here is unusually large, so it's definitely a natural place for cultivation." Bai Yuhao immediately felt the strangeness of this mysterious space. After that, he looked around and found countless stone tablets erected all around.    


However, upon a closer look, he noticed that there were portraits of humans and words written on the stone monument.    


Bai Yuhao curiously looked at the closest stone monument. On the stone monument, there was a long sword on his back. He looked like a Daoist from heaven. On the side, there was even a "four words" written on it.    


"Boss Wu?" Was this person Sword God? That should be very powerful! " Bai Yuhao muttered.    


Right at this moment, the Daoist man on the stone monument suddenly moved. After that, he actually walked out from the stone monument. Not only that, it seemed as though there was an obvious entity within it.    


"Are you going to challenge me?" The Daoist asked the first question.    


"Ah?" I'll only challenge you after eating my fill. " Bai Yuhao immediately waved his hand and said. However, he felt that the aura of this Taoist seemed to be similar to his.    


"Is that so? If you successfully challenge me, then you will be able to obtain Sword Spirit Sect's ultimate technique, the Myriad Stars Sword Art. " Sword God Yun said.    


"That works too?" This was the first time Bai Yuhao had encountered such a situation, so he was momentarily unable to react. After all, what appeared in front of him had exceeded his acceptable range, and even though he was a modern man, it was impossible for him to accept the sudden death of the picture in the stone monument. Also, he said that as long as he succeeded in challenging it, he would be able to get a very good reward.    


However, Bai Yuhao's adaptability was quite high. He immediately asked, "Then what if I fail to challenge you?"    


"If you fail, you will at most lie down for a few days. I will do my best not to kill you." Sword God Yun said casually.    


After Bai Yuhao heard this, he suddenly had the urge to spurt blood. If they tried their best to not kill him, that would mean he might die. This kind of challenge was too 'exciting'.    


However, Bai Yuhao had always liked challenges, so he couldn't help but give it a try.    


"Alright, I'll challenge Senior Sword God to a try. Senior Sword God, please show mercy." Bai Yuhao cupped his hands and said.    




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