Dragon Blood King



0After that, the most popular person in the Newcomer's Competition, Duan Jun, appeared in front of everyone. He wore a long flowing blue robe, his hair was scattered, and on his face that was filled with an unyielding Yang aura, he instantly captured the hearts of many female teachers and students.    


As the Martial Spirit Master whose Suppressing Sky Mansion had grown the most outstanding in recent years, this Duan Jun was highly valued by the Suppressing Sky Mansion. If he was able to take first place in the Newcomer's Competition this time, it would definitely be a icing on the cake for the Suppressing Sky Mansion, and he would even be able to lay a rather important foundation for his future.    


Everyone knew that Zhentian Academy itself was sponsored by Suppressing Sky Mansion. Every year, they would expend a lot of manpower and resources to cultivate outstanding Martial Spirits, and those who could stand out within Zhentian Academy, even if they were not Spirit Masters with Suppressing Sky Mansion, would be valued highly by the Suppressing Sky Mansion, not to mention those who were born with it.    


"If Duan Jun can seize the head of the Newcomer's Competition this time, then he should be able to obtain the chance to enter the Sea of Spirit Stage."    


"Actually, even if Duan Jun did not participate in Newcomer's Competition this time, as long as the Palace Chief speaks, he would still be able to enter the Spirit Sea Stage."    


"Even if you say that, Duan Jun is a Martial Spirit Master from the Suppressing Sky Mansion after all. However, with Duan Jun's strength, the result is unquestionable! "    




At this moment, the elders of the academy, including Chang Gang, were also whispering to each other.    


"That may not be so!" At this moment, Elder Chang Gang suddenly said with narrowed eyes.    


The other elders looked at Elder Chang Gang.    


"Elder Chang Gang, why do you say that?" The Vice Principal could not help but ask.    


"I can only say that Duan Jun's opponent is not as simple as he looks." It was because he was in charge of supervising the second round of the free-for-all duels, and he had always been puzzled by the unexpected situation in the second round. The most important thing was that Duan Jun's opponent had once caused Xiahou Huang and the other two middle level Spirit Infant Stage students to be eliminated at the same time in the second round of the free-for-all duels. This situation was not normal, therefore, he had reservations about the final result.    


The vice principal and the few elders all looked at each other. They did not seem to understand why Elder Chang Gang would say such a thing!    


After a moment, Bai Yuhao also walked out from the crowd with a low profile. His pace was neither fast nor slow, and it seemed like he wasn't nervous like before the battle at all, even though his opponent was Duan Jun, who had reached the peak of the middle stage of Spirit Infant Stage and was only one step away from the high stage.    


After Bai Yuhao walked into the arena, he looked at Duan Jun from ten meters away. The two of them seemed to be at peace.    


"The final showdown of Newcomer's Competition shall begin now!" Right after the declaration, the final showdown of Newcomer's Competition began.    


However, unexpectedly, Bai Yuhao and Duan Jun both stood still where they were, as if they were waiting for the opponent to make the first move.    


Just like this, the deadlock lasted for around half an incense stick of time. Even the spectators were starting to get impatient, but Bai Yuhao and Duan Jun still didn't move.    


After the time it took to burn two incense sticks, it still had not moved!    


Three incense sticks of time!    


"What the hell are they doing? Why hasn't anyone come out yet?! "    


"I've been waiting so long!"    


"Are they still going to fight!?"    




At this moment, the surrounding audience also became impatient as they started to discuss with one another.    


Even the Vice Principal and a few Elders of the academy, as well as the big figures of the various powers who were invited to watch the fight, were looking at each other in the face, and did not understand what was going on. This was because, logically speaking, with Duan Jun's strength, as long as he made the first move, he would be able to seize the initiative, but the most puzzling thing was that Bai Yuhao, whose strength was clearly weaker than Duan Jun, actually planned to wait for Duan Jun to make the first move.    


Of course, what everyone on scene did not know was that it was not that Duan Jun did not attack, but he could not attack because Bai Yuhao in front of him, at that instant, released the Spirit Aura that was like a firm fortress. It did not have any flaws and it also made him feel a bit of pressure.    


As for why Bai Yuhao did not make a move, it was because he was condensing a Spiritual Energy and planned to deal with the enemy in one move. Just before he went into closed door cultivation, he once again comprehended a new unique skill from the Flaming Heavenly Stone, Spirit Gathering Heaven Defying Technique. It could condense a Spiritual Energy and raise his strength by one stage.    


However, using this technique would require a period of time. Hence, he was able to not intervene.    


After a moment of silence, Duan Jun finally could not hold it in anymore. He started with the high-level Spiritual Skill of the Suppressing Sky Mansion, Wild Fist Nine Killing Strike!    


In an instant, Duan Jun turned into a flash of lightning and charged straight in front of Bai Yuhao. In an instant, the shadows of the nine punches rushed out consecutively.    


At the same time, Bai Yuhao also attacked. However, he did not use any ultimate skill. He only drew out the huge sword of Loong Xuan from his back and faced it head-on.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The nine fist shadows charged forward, exploding outwards with explosive light, instantly enveloping a radius of several hundred meters.    


"Even a middle stage Spirit Master with such a profound strength might not be able to withstand such a full-power strike!" At this moment, there were quite a few surprised sounds from the crowd. It was obvious that they saw that Duan Jun had put all his strength into this attack.    


However, unexpectedly, as the lights and shadows continued to shine, a massive sword shadow broke through the light and slashed at Duan Jun without any warning.    


Duan Jun naturally did not think that Bai Yuhao would actually be able to break the technique he was so proud of, and his expression changed drastically, but he did not dare to be careless. He released all of his Spiritual Energy Protecting his body, planning to take on the Infinite Sword Shadow that fell from the sky.    


Unfortunately, when the sword image descended like a godly weapon, it was like cutting vegetables, directly cutting apart Duan Jun's protective Spiritual Energy, following that, a berserk sword qi instantly burst out with Duan Jun as the center.    


Bang! A muffled sound rang out!    


Under the impact of the sword qi, Duan Jun flew dozens of meters away and landed heavily on the ground. His entire body was covered in wounds, which clearly showed how tyrannical that sword attack was!    


Everyone present was completely dumbfounded, no one thought that Bai Yuhao's attack would actually contain such power, even Duan Jun, who was at the peak of the middle stage Spirit Infant Stage, could not block it, in one move!    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao had already put back his giant sword into its scabbard and was standing quietly in the middle of the arena. He was waiting for the curtain to fall on this match that had just begun.    


"Impossible, he actually defeated Duan Jun in one move?!" Could he be hiding an even stronger power? " At this moment, a surprised expression appeared on Di Yuling's face.    


Yu Qing, who was also watching the fight, couldn't help but shudder.    


Of course, it was not only them, even the Vice Principal and all the elders, including Chang Gang, were momentarily at a loss for words. They did not know what to say anymore.    




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