Dragon Blood King



2After Bai Yuhao brainwashed all of the toad Spirit Beast at the fastest speed possible, they became Bai Yuhao's subordinates.    


All of the Western Region Army s that saw this were also flabbergasted.    


On the other side, Maiden of Spirit Clan was burning with anxiety when she saw that none of her Spirit Beast had come back to chase Bai Yuhao. However, she dared not leave her post, so she could only curse Bai Yuhao in her heart.    


Speak of the devil, the devil is here!    


Just when Maiden of Spirit Clan was hoping that Bai Yuhao would appear again, Bai Yuhao actually appeared. At the same time, a dozen of toad Spirit Beast that were chasing after him also appeared.    


The ten plus toad Spirit Beast quickly returned to Maiden of Spirit Clan's side. Maiden of Spirit Clan, on the other hand, did not feel anything different from the ten plus toad Spirit Beast that had just returned.    


"You're not dead yet!" Maiden of Spirit Clan gritted her teeth as she glared at Bai Yuhao.    


"I was born with great fortune and have great destiny. It won't be easy for me to die." Bai Yuhao replied with a smile.    


"I will definitely make you die a graveless death today!" Maiden of Spirit Clan had obviously been pushed to her limits by Bai Yuhao to control the biggest toad Spirit Beast.    


He was also the strongest, being close to the high-level Spirit Infant Stage, and directly rushed towards Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao had already expected this, and he also needed Maiden of Spirit Clan to lose control. This way, Maiden of Spirit Clan would not lose control of the dozen or so Spirit Beast, so this time, he took the initiative to charge forward and fight with Maiden of Spirit Clan and the giant toad.    


Just as they were fighting, Bai Yuhao also gave the order to the Spirit Beast that he had controlled to sneak into the Mo Chou river and get closer to the river bank that was approaching the ferry.    


Maiden of Spirit Clan wholeheartedly wanted to kill Bai Yuhao, so she naturally didn't realize that she was completely tricked by Bai Yuhao. Just as she was driving the big toad Spirit Beast to attack Bai Yuhao nonstop, the ten over toad Spirit Beast had already approached the 100 boats that were about to reach the shore.    


Seeing that the time was right, Bai Yuhao immediately ordered for the toad Spirit Beast to attack the ferry.    


Although the number of ferries was not small, the toad Spirit Beast's size was still very large, being able to knock down a few of them at once. Furthermore, being in the water was like a fish in water, therefore, with the combined power of a dozen toad Spirit Beast, all the hundred ferries were instantly knocked over.    


At the same time, the sound of screaming for help could be heard.    


At this moment, Maiden of Spirit Clan realised that something was wrong, but when she looked at the Mo Chou River again, she realised that all the ferries had been knocked over by her toad Spirit Beast, and she did not know what had happened!    


"What did you do?" Maiden of Spirit Clan glared angrily at Bai Yuhao and asked.    


"Of course, it was all thanks to them that I was able to stop your Spirit Clan army from crossing the river." Bai Yuhao replied with a faint smile.    


"Damn it!" Maiden of Spirit Clan realized that she was completely tricked by Bai Yuhao.    


However, what Maiden of Spirit Clan did not know was that this was only the beginning, because after Soldiers of Spirit Clan landed, he encountered the attacks of the toad Spirit Beast.    


In the end, just at this moment, Commander Ling, who knew that Bai Yuhao's plan had succeeded, immediately led his Western Region Army and charged forward with all his strength, directly catching Soldiers of Spirit Clan and the other Spirit Masters in one fell swoop.    


In the blink of an eye, the Spirit Clan troops who had originally planned to use their terrain advantage to land and seize the Western Territory's frontline became headless flies that fell into their trap and suffered heavy losses.    


Although she already hated Bai Yuhao to the bones, she knew that it would be even more dangerous if she stayed. Therefore, she had no choice but to bring the rest of the toad Spirit Beast s that had not lost control and quickly jump into the river. They rushed to the other side and saved some Spirit Clan s that were still in the water.    


Successfully stopping the Spirit Clan troops from crossing the river, and having them suffer heavy losses, had boosted their morale greatly as well. They cheered together on the riverbank.    


Afterwards, Commander Ling led his three vice commanders to Bai Yuhao and cupped his hands in gratitude, "This time it's all thanks to Spirit King of Profound Dragon's resourceful scheme that we were able to get out of the Western Territory's frontline."    


"However, it was just a small effort. Commander Ling, no need to be polite." Wu Tie said casually.    


At the same time, the three Vice Commanders behind Commander Ling turned ashen. At the same time, what the warriors of Western Region Army admired about Bai Yuhao was that they felt that this Bai Yuhao was truly powerful, capable of solving the crisis of the Spirit Beast so easily!    


"After suffering from this loss, I believe that Spirit Clan should not dare to easily send Spirit Beast to attack the formation again. I will return to Tiger Whisker Pass first." Bai Yuhao originally did not plan to stay in the Western Territory s front lines for too long, but now that Spirit Clan had suffered so much, he definitely would not dare to repeat the same mistake again.    


"Spirit King of Profound Dragon won't stay a few more days? If the Spirit Clan troops are not willing to suffer such a loss, they will attack again! " Commander Ling was still worried. Besides, a talent like Bai Yuhao was something he really couldn't bear to let go of. At the same time, he was also jealous of Wang Zhentian's talent.    


"Commander Ling, don't worry. Within a short period of time, the Spirit Clan troops won't be able to attack again. If they come again, I'm afraid they will lose everything!" Bai Yuhao said confidently.    


When Commander Ling and the rest of the Western Region Army heard that, they were also startled, thinking to themselves, just where did Bai Yuhao get such confidence from!    


"Farewell!" Bai Yuhao cupped his hands and summoned out his Purple Flame Pheasant.    


Once the Purple Flame Pheasant appeared, it made Commander Ling and the rest of the Western Region Army soldiers open their eyes even wider, they never thought that Bai Yuhao would have such a strong looking Spirit Beast. Furthermore, when he was dealing with the Spirit Beast, he did not send his own Spirit Beast out on stage yet, so it was easy for him to take care of the Spirit Beast.    


Afterwards, under the gazes of Commander Ling and the other Western Region Army soldiers, Bai Yuhao rode his Purple Flame Pheasant and flew away.    


When Bai Yuhao returned to the Tiger Whisker Pass, it was already the evening of the second day, so he first went to Wang Zhentian's camp.    


At this moment, Wang Zhentian, Liu Tie and the other two vice commanders were discussing important matters. They were also surprised to see Bai Yuhao return. It seemed that they did not expect him to return so soon.    


"Spirit King of Profound Dragon has returned so quickly. It can't be that he did not solve the problem at the front lines of the Western Region, so he was sent back by Commander Ling, right?" Vice Commander Lin couldn't help but to say in doubt. Ever since Bai Yuhao had shown him his strong leadership ability, he clearly had some scruples towards Bai Yuhao because he recalled Wang Mang's words and felt that Bai Yuhao might be a real threat to him.    




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