Peerless King of Medicine

C798 Path of Stars

C798 Path of Stars

1Today, Chu Tian and the others were welcomed into the Domain of Void Flame by the Star Warship. Just like what the Machine Star had promised, they didn't feel any heat from the outside inside the Star Warship. Even though it was already a sea of fire outside.    


As for the Void Flame Star Domain, there were no living beings at all. This was also not a suitable place to live, so the entire Star Domain seemed to be empty. However, Chu Tian could still feel that they were being stared at by something in this spatial zone.    


"It seems like there isn't anything in this Star Domain. It has been a long time. It seems like a lot of Flame Demon have been formed, although it isn't a good thing. Judging from the number, it's not bad. " The Qiongqi said.    


Before his body could speak, the Qiongqi had already left the Star Warship. The latter was now deep in the sea of fire outside, and the Qiongqi had already transformed into its original form.    


After that, the Qiongqi opened its mouth, and countless fiery lights gathered around it. Currently, the Qiongqi was like a huge fireball, and all the fiery lights were concentrated on the latter's body. However, the Qiongqi seemed to be very happy when faced with such fiery lights. It opened its mouth and continued to devour.    


Chu Tian frowned as he watched this scene. However, this Qiongqi wasn't casually devouring the flames. What he was devouring at this moment was a type of flame star creature. The reason why he felt that Chu Tian was being monitored was because of someone. It was because of this reason.    


That kind of Flame Demon only existed in this kind of environment. As for how many of these kinds of Flame Demons existed in this Void Flame Star Domain, it was simply unimaginable. Moreover, if the number of Flame Demons increased, it would instead threaten this Star Warship at that time.    


Therefore, this method of the Qiongqi had actually protected their safety. If this Star Warship was destroyed, Chu Tian and Jian Lin's situation would definitely not be good in this kind of environment.    


"It seems like it wants to protect us on purpose." Jian Lin said.    


"I'm afraid that's not the case. That Flame Demon should be very useful to him." Chu Tian said.    


The Qiongqi was a Primitive Beast after all. Although Chu Tian was useful to it, it was impossible for him to take care of Chu Tian like a nanny.    


At this time, the Qiongqi was also very excited because of the surrounding Flame Demon. It might as well stay outside. Along the way, it continuously devoured these Flame Demons. Although the current Flame Demon was afraid of the Qiongqi's strength, in front of the Qiongqi's strength, there was no way for them to escape. * Hong Long...... *    


At this moment, Chu Tian also discovered that as the Flame Demon was being devoured, the surrounding flames became much smaller than before. It was most likely due to the loss of the Flame Demon.    


Currently, Chu Tian and the others' Star Warship had been advancing in this Void Flame Star Domain for a very long time. However, there were still no clues until now. The location of the Dao Cauldron Secret Realm was also unknown.    


Jian Lin once again took out the starry sky map, but he found nothing. This was because the location of the Dao Cauldron Secret Realm that was revealed at that time was within this Star Domain. However, the exact location was not provided. This was also the reason why Chu Tian and the others didn't have a door to enter this place.    


"Since this Dao Cauldron is able to provide the location of the secret realm, it might be able to draw out the true secret realm here." Jian Lin said.    


At this moment, Chu Tian and the others had no other choice but to try their best. Chu Tian took out his Dao Cauldron once again, but the appearance of the Dao Cauldron didn't cause any changes.    


After that, Chu Tian began to use his Dao Rune to urge the Dao Cauldron, and at this moment, a change occurred. The Dao Cauldron suddenly started to circle continuously. Chu Tian and Jian Lin looked at this scene in puzzlement. After that, it started from the inside of the Dao Cauldron. * Hong Long...... *    


This ray of light headed towards the depths of the Void Flame Star Domain. At this moment, a passageway was suddenly opened in the starry sky. There was no flame within this passageway.    


The two of them exchanged a glance. After that, they walked out of the Star Warship. Then, they stood on this star path. The surrounding flames were unable to harm them. It seemed like they had just seen it. This star path was a path of survival created by the Dao Cauldron.    


"Qiongqi, we're setting off." Chu Tian reminded.    


At this moment, the Qiongqi had already seen the situation here. It frowned. However, it still put away its original form and quickly came to Chu Tian's side. Standing on this star path, it felt a special force blocking its path. There was no problem even if they were to walk on this path.    


"Looks like I can't count on this Star Warship anymore." Jian Lin said helplessly.    


Chu Tian turned his head and looked at the Star Warship. This Star Warship was unable to attach itself to this star path like them. In this way, they could naturally only move forward by themselves to avoid the surrounding flames.    


However, this star path seemed endless, as if it had no end. No one knew how long they would have to keep moving forward like this.    


At this moment, the Qiongqi had already transformed into its original form. It wouldn't be a problem for it to ride on Chu Tian and Jian Lin.    


"Since the path has already been revealed, there's naturally no need to waste time here." The Qiongqi said.    


After that, Chu Tian and Jian Lin were carried on the latter's back, giving them no chance to resist. After that, the Qiongqi advanced at full speed, heading towards the end of the starry sky.    


Along the way, they could see the silhouettes of many Flame Demons. However, when these Flame Demons saw the existence of the Qiongqi... None of them dared to approach. This made them heave a sigh of relief. It was precisely because of the existence of the Qiongqi that they were able to avoid a bitter battle along the way. If the latter was the case, these Flame Demons would be quite troublesome to deal with.    


The surrounding scenery retreated at lightning speed. With the Qiongqi leading the way, their speed was indeed much faster. Even the Star Warship that they had ridden earlier could not keep up with the current speed of the Qiongqi.    


Chu Tian's eyes looked at the Dao Cauldron in his hand. It was because of this Dao Cauldron that the stability of this starry sky path was maintained. Without this Dao Cauldron, it was simply impossible to enter deep into this Void Flame Star Domain.    


The surrounding Flame Demon also had a great change from the beginning. The strength of the Flame Demon was becoming stronger. This was because the temperature of the flames outside had become higher. Just by looking at the burning star that was even larger than before... Chu Tian had already understood this fact.    


This place was a deadly place for them. If they fell out of this place, Chu Tian and Jian Lin would certainly die. Even the Qiongqi frowned. Obviously, even it couldn't bear this kind of environment.    


"Be careful, those Flame Demons are ready to attack." The Qiongqi said.    


After hearing its words, the Flame Demon had already gathered. There were probably several hundred of them, but judging from their strength... They were at least at the level of Wisdom Star Envoy. It wouldn't be easy even if there were so many of them.    


At this moment, Jian Lin and Chu Tian looked at each other and stood up. They had to make a move as well. At this moment, Chu Tian and the others could already see their destination from afar. It was a crystal planet. The path of the star was connected to that star, and that was their destination.    


"Qiongqi, don't stay in battle. We have to get there as soon as possible." Chu Tian said.    


"I know even if you don't remind me. How many Flame Demons do you think there are here?" The Qiongqi said with a frown.    


Chu Tian looked into the distance, and then his expression changed. A group of fiery red figures were quickly gathering. There were probably more than ten thousand of them. Each of the Flame Demon here was equal to the strength of a Wisdom Star Envoy. If the three of them wanted to face over ten thousand of these monsters, they would have to use their own strength. This was simply courting death.    


San Ran quickly fled towards the crystal planet. However, the over a hundred Flame Demons that approached along the way didn't let them off so easily. The continuous attacks on the large tribes were all borne by the Qiongqis.    


However, this kind of beating infuriated the Qiongqi. It rushed forward and bit at the Flame Demon. Taking advantage of this time, Chu Tian and Jian Lin quickly rushed towards the crystal star.    


The strength of the Qiongqi was far above theirs. The latter's chances of survival were greater than theirs. Rather than worrying about the other party, they might as well think about how they were going to escape. Moreover, when the Qiongqi went berserk, it attracted most of the Flame Demon's attention.    


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