Reborn Medicine King

C1917 First Exchange

C1917 First Exchange



The sound of thunder was heard, and the lightning engulfed the woman's body.    


Normally, Jiang Fann would rarely take the initiative to attack, but this time, it was different. He had enough confidence in his own cultivation base, and more importantly, he couldn't wait any longer.    


Guo Pan raised his brows when he saw Jiang Fann's attack. "Brother, that won't do."    


As his voice faded, the lightning disappeared. The girl was still holding her defense, unharmed.    


The moonlight's Qi was still on her body. Combined with her defense, they complemented each other, making her look extraordinary.    


Jiang Fann obviously didn't expect such an outcome, although he didn't use too many of his techniques. In the Nine Desolates and the boundless universe, even if it was a Peer Cultivator that specialized in defensive techniques, it might not be so unaffected.    


However, Jiang Fann, who was still in the Devil God Spell state, would not have too many reactions because of this result. He was still very calm, without any fear.    


"You hold her for a while. I'll be back soon."    


After Guo Pan reminded Jiang Fann, he flew towards the top of the mountain. He planned to take care of that group of people first, then come and help Jiang Fann.    


The girl looked at Guo Pan with a cold gaze and chased after him.    


She obviously didn't put Jiang Fann in her eyes.    


However, just as she flew a few meters away, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her and blocked her path. It was Jiang Fann.    


She was a little surprised because she did not see which direction Jiang Fann went in. The distance between them just now was not close.    


Jiang Fann tilted his head and looked at her. "You want to leave now?"    


He tapped the ground with his feet and his figure became blurry in the next moment. The woman had to concentrate on Jiang Fann. When she saw him clearly, she found that Jiang Fann had come in front of her and punched at her.    


Guo Pan was obviously looking at the situation on their side. When he saw Jiang Fann rushing over, he frowned as well.    


"Brother, don't go up there. She is very strong!"    


Jiang Fann felt a silver light flash in front of him. The woman's long sword instantly pierced towards Jiang Fann. Her reaction speed was shockingly fast.    


Just as the long sword was about to touch Jiang Fann, he saw Jiang Fann's finger. He knocked the sword from the side, sending it flying. Jiang Fann didn't slow down at all. He arrived in front of his opponent. He threw a punch at his opponent's defensive barrier.    


The barrier that could isolate the lightning technique was shattered by Jiang Fann's punch and exploded in an instant.    




Guo Pan's eyes widened in shock when he saw this.    


The girl hastily retreated, trying her best to keep a distance between herself and Jiang Fann. She had never thought that Jiang Fann would suddenly unleash such a powerful force, which was beyond her expectation.    


However, Jiang Fann didn't want to get entangled with her. He continued forward, and the Heaven Burning Fire instantly erupted, engulfing the girl.    


The Heaven Burning Fire's power wasn't affected by the Strength of Heavenly Dao. Apparently, the girl sensed it instantly. The long sword once again blocked in front of her, and thrust towards Jiang Fann to stop him from getting any closer.    


When the Heaven Burning Fire came into contact with the long sword, it was cut open. It could be seen how sharp the long sword was. However, Jiang Fann reacted very quickly, and disappeared from where he stood. Before the girl could control her body, Jiang Fann had already attacked from the side. The Heaven Burning Fire in front of him had already exploded. A scorching hot Qi swept towards him.    


Guo Pan who was far away heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Jiang Fann's means. He said, "I have underestimated you. I will deal with those few first."    


As soon as the girl made contact with Jiang Fann, her palm met Jiang Fann's. One fist and one palm collided. Jiang Fann felt as if he had hit a huge rock, causing his arm, which was like a treasure, to ache.    


The woman was sent flying more than ten meters away before she could regain control of her body. The Heaven Burning Fire exploded around her in an instant, and the golden flames continued to spread to her body.    


However, what Jiang Fann didn't expect was that the girl had summoned a special spiritual treasure. It was a jade bottle, and it gave off a cool feeling.    


The Spiritual Strength kept covering the girl's body, and it actually slowly extinguished the Heaven Burning Fire on her body. It was also able to quickly heal her injuries. This was obviously a good treasure.    


The girl rubbed her arm, recalling the strength of Jiang Fann's body just now. It was hard for her to calm down.    


She looked at the situation at the top of the mountain. Guo Pan was about to rush into the crowd, and she furrowed her brows.    


"You guys go first. I will meet you guys as soon as possible."    


The woman at the top of the mountain quickly said, "Senior sister, we will help you here."    


"You can't help me. Guo Pan has entangled you. I still have to think of a way to help you. Don't chase him anymore, chase other prey as soon as possible, and wait for the next entrance to open."    


Her tone was calm. She didn't feel depressed because she wasn't a match for Jiang Fann. Instead, she maintained her calm.    


Guo Pan was just about to reach the crowd when he saw those fellows turning around and leaving. They had no intention of continuing to entangle with him.    


For a moment, Guo Pan wanted to laugh. "You bunch of bastards. You have been tracking me for such a long time. Now, you want to leave? Aren't you looking down on Yours Truly too much?"    


Following that, Guo Pan suddenly smashed the ground in front of him fiercely. The next moment, the ground shook, and huge rocks appeared on the path of those people retreating, blocking their path.    


Guo Pan's cultivation base was fully unleashed, and he directly chased after them.    


The girl in the sky wanted to help, but Jiang Fann blocked her path once again, and the lightning gathered around him. This time, Jiang Fann had activated the power of the lightning pool in the Qi Sea.    


After adding the power of the lightning pool into his lightning technique, Jiang Fann struck out the lightning technique once again. Its power was much stronger than before.    


The woman was stunned for a moment, then she supported her defense again, and combined it with the power of the moonlight to resist Jiang Fann's thunder method.    


But this time, the power of the lightning technique was completely different from the previous one.    




The huge explosion was deafening. Bolts of lightning struck the defense, each more powerful than the last.    


The Fire Arts was unleashed, and the Heavenly Flame fused together. Jiang Fann had no intention of stopping. The technique he was using right now had already reached the Dao Understanding Stage. These were all techniques he could use to deal with Dao Understanding Stage warriors. From the beginning to the end, the opponent would have to use all of his strength to defend against these techniques.    


If it wasn't for the help of the moonlight, Jiang Fann believed that he would have broken through his opponent's defense by now.    


The girl was barely able to defend herself, but she was constantly thinking about how to counter attack. Jiang Fann's ability was beyond her imagination, because that wasn't the combat strength she knew, but it was still very powerful.    


However, after a series of attacks, the woman suddenly realized that Jiang Fann, who was still standing there a moment ago, had already disappeared. She didn't even see where Jiang Fann had run off to.    


In the next moment, he felt that something was blocking the moonlight. It was a black shadow that was slowly getting bigger.    


She subconsciously looked towards the sky and saw that Jiang Fann had fallen from the sky. His entire body was glowing with a golden light, and he had almost smashed into her barrier.    


Jiang Fann's punch instantly created a hole in her defense, and it went straight towards her head.    


The Body Protecting Spiritual Treasure moved almost instantly, blocking above her. Jiang Fann's fist also followed the momentum and smashed onto her.    


Along with an ear-piercing sound, she removed the treasure but found that Jiang Fann had disappeared once again. This speed had completely exceeded her perception.    


She once again used the long sword to protect herself. One Spiritual Strength after another swept across Jiang Fann. The long sword turned into a silver light and continuously stabbed towards Jiang Fann. Jiang Fann's figure moved in a very strange way, dodging all of them one by one.    


Just as he was about to continue attacking, he suddenly felt a chill on his back. He quickly dodged and pulled away the distance between the two of them.    


Although it was night, Jiang Fann still saw a black dagger floating near where he was just now. If he had not dodged in time, he would have been hit by the dagger by now.    


The girl also took advantage of this time to quickly pull away from the two of them and cover for her junior brothers and sisters to leave as soon as possible.    


Guo Pan had already defeated three of the men. Those cultivators weren't very strong, while Guo Pan had reached the eighth level of the Divine Dharma Stage. In a direct confrontation, they were no match for Guo Pan.    


Jiang Fann looked over at Guo Pan's direction. He used the Spiritual Sense to sense the Qi that was released from Guo Pan's body.    


After sensing the Qi, he was almost certain that Guo Pan had already stepped into the extreme realm, and that he possessed a completely different technique.    


Jiang Fann still wanted to chase after Guo Pan, but the girl didn't give him the chance. A circle of long swords condensed from Spiritual Strength suddenly appeared around him, floating in the air. The sword was also aimed at him, obviously wanting to limit Jiang Fann's movement. To the girl, Jiang Fann's movement was like a ghost. Her eyesight could not keep up at all.    


With the girl's help, her junior brothers and sisters distanced themselves from Guo Pan. After Guo Pan defeated a few people in a row, he looked at the girl in the sky and said with a smile, "What's wrong? Are you planning to admit defeat?"    


The girl didn't respond to him. She continued to use the Spiritual Strength to stop Guo Pan and help her people escape from the battle. After that, she took out a spiritual jade and crushed it.    


In the next moment, the girl's figure disappeared.    


Guo Pan stopped chasing after the girl when he saw her disappearing. He quickly flew towards Jiang Fann.    


The long swords beside Jiang Fann had disappeared. He looked relaxed and had a smile on his face. Apparently, he was in a good mood.    


After the Devil God Spell dissipated, his Devil Art aura had disappeared, and he had regained his original aura.    


Guo Pan was very surprised. "This Devil Art seems to be quite powerful. It won't affect your mind, but instead, it will strengthen your Spiritual Sense. Interesting!"    


After saying that, he continued, "I really underestimated my brother just now. Let me introduce myself. My name is Guo Pan. May I know your name? "    


"Jiang Fann! This is the first time I've fought with a cultivator ever since I entered this place!"    


Guo Pan smiled and said, "Brother, that guy's name is Cheng Ying, and he's one of the top ten experts in our generation. A bit higher than me, but her cultivation technique is suppressed by me... So I'm not afraid of her. Brother, your methods are a little strange. Your qi training method is completely different from your body transformation method. It's too strange."    


Jiang Fann didn't care about the rest of his words. What he cared about more was the ranking of that woman. With the technique she used just now, she was able to sweep away all the geniuses he knew. Even the Dao Understanding Stage Wan Sheng was a level weaker than her.    


The bloodline strength of these people was only slightly stronger than the Ancient God Clan, but their combat strength was completely different.    


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