Reborn Medicine King

C2131 Leave in Person

C2131 Leave in Person

3Jiang Fann didn't stand on ceremony with Jin Xian. He listed out some special materials that he might need in the near future. The Gathering Golden Gate was located in the boundless universe, so it wasn't difficult to collect materials. He would also pay the corresponding compensation, so that Jin Xian wouldn't be put in a difficult position.    


Everyone relaxed a bit. Qin Wuliang and Chou Tian were very similar in temperament. When they drank until the end, they called each other brother. Jin Xian was a bit dumbfounded when he saw this.    


Jin Xian took the list that Jiang Fann listed and left ahead of time. It would take some time to prepare Jiang Fann's things.    


After the drinking session ended, Chou Tian looked towards Jiang Fann with a trace of drunkenness.    


"What are your plans? I don't think you will be training in the boundless universe anymore, right?"    


"There are some things that I need to return to the Nine Desolates first. When I have the chance, I will come back to take a look. After all, there are still some places that I really want to take a look at."    


Speaking of this, Chou Tian reminded him, "The Bedlam Lands are very worthy of your visit. I believe that it will be of great help to you. I can't sense the aura of your realm from your body. I don't know where your Ultimate Path has gone to."    


Jiang Fann smiled and didn't answer Chou Tian's question. Seeing him like this, Chou Tian was very interested.    


"Looks like you have improved again. When you attacked the two formations, you had already reached the peak of Divine Dharma Stage. Could it be that you have broken through to the Dao Understanding Stage?"    


Jiang Fann still smiled without saying anything, but it was obvious that Chou Tian didn't think that his guess was wrong. However, he couldn't help but feel surprised in his heart. He knew that Jiang Fann had extraordinary talent, but he didn't expect Jiang Fann to reach this step so quickly. Furthermore, this was a path that no one had taken yet.    


He couldn't even estimate the extent of Jiang Fann's current combat strength.    


Chou Tian didn't dwell too much on this issue. He continued, "How do you plan to leave Golden Jade City? It was best not to use the teleportation formation. It wasn't a good choice to leave through the main gate. How about I take you with me? Even if you reveal your identity, I'm afraid no one will dare to provoke me."    


Jiang Fann said with a smile," I don't want to owe you any favors. I plan to leave this world directly. This isn't a difficult matter for me right now. "    


Seeing Jiang Fann's reaction, Chou Tian smiled and said, "It seems like this world can no longer stop you. How enviable!"    


After saying that, he stood up and unleashed a special Spiritual Strength. For a moment, he didn't feel like drinking anymore.    


"Ask Jin Xian to store all my wine. Wait until I want to drink it before looking for him. We'll meet again if fate allows it."    


Without waiting for Jiang Fann's reply, Chou Tian had already turned around and disappeared into the tavern. In the next moment, he was nowhere to be found.    


After Qin Wuliang woke up, he looked around in a daze.    


"Where's my big brother?"    


Wan Sheng said angrily, "Isn't Jiang Fann?"    


"What about my big brother?"    


Wan Sheng was speechless."    


When Jin Xian returned, it was already late in the morning. When he saw that Chou Tian had left, he could not help but feel puzzled.    


"Didn't Senior Chou say that he wanted wine? Why did he leave early?"    


As he spoke, he took out an exquisite Hundred Treasures Bag and handed it to Jiang Fann.    


After Jiang Fann received it, he found a few bottles of medicinal pills and handed them to Jin Xian. He then said, "He has already left. He asked me to tell you that I will come and find you when he wants to drink."    


Only then did Jin Xian let out a long breath. "That is a troublesome person. It's not bad to leave first. Elder Brother Jiang, what do you plan to do next? There is a secret teleportation formation in our clan. You can take them there and leave. This will save you a lot of trouble. The teleportation formation in the city doesn't recommend you to use it. "    


Jiang Fann said, "Chou Tian has already reminded me. However, I don't need that secret teleportation formation. Help me find an open space. I'll open the spatial crack and return to the Nine Desolates."    


Jin Xian said," Only our Golden Pupils Clan has an open space in this city. Shall we set off now? However, there are many outsiders in the Golden Gate. I'm afraid that there will be spies among them. It's very likely that they will cause trouble. "    


Jiang Fann said with a smile, "It doesn't matter. It's not a bad thing to let them know that I have left the boundless world. At least, I won't cause you any more trouble in the future."    


Jin Xian nodded. There was no problem with what Jiang Fann said. He just didn't know how long it would take Jiang Fann to set up this formation.    


Everyone stood up and left the tavern together, heading towards the direction of the golden gate. The streets were as lively as usual, but Jiang Fann could still sense some spies hiding in the dark locking onto his aura. None of these people were at the peak of Mortal Separating Stage, so they didn't dare to act rashly in the territory of the Golden Eyed Race. However, Jiang Fann, who didn't disguise himself, had undoubtedly attracted their attention in an instant.    


However, judging from the direction they were walking in, they could roughly determine the direction they were heading. After following them all the way, many spies had seen Jiang Fann and the others follow Wan Sheng into the Golden Gate.    


After everyone disappeared, these spies gathered together one after another.    


"That person must be Jiang Fann. As expected, he has already arrived at Golden Jade City. Quickly inform the spies in the Golden Gate to pick him up and have them keep an eye on him. We should also report the news as soon as possible."    


As for Jiang Fann and the others, they followed Jin Xian all the way to the north of the Golden Gate Chamber of Commerce. There were many Golden Gate cultivators living nearby, and they were currently in a square. There were only a few cultivators there, and when they saw Jin Xian, they all came over to greet him. Jin Xian told them to leave the square first, and told the others not to disturb Jiang Fann and the other two.    


Jiang Fann didn't waste any time and started to set up the formation on the square. It would take some time to set up the formation, and he had made an agreement with Jin Xian. After they left, Jin Xian would destroy the formation to prevent any other problems from arising.    


Many spies hiding in the Golden Gate heard the news and came over. Although they couldn't enter the square, they could still see what Jiang Fann was doing.    


They obviously didn't expect Jiang Fann to be setting up a formation. Furthermore, the speed of setting up the formation was so fast. Not long after, the rough outline of the formation had already appeared on the ground.    


Someone muttered, "What is he doing? Setting up a formation? Why did he choose to do it here? "    


" I don't understand array formations very well. Which one of you can understand it? "    


Unfortunately, these spies had many other abilities, but none of them were proficient in formations.    


However, an appraiser from the nearby Golden Gate walked over from afar, obviously wanting to watch the show. When he saw the formation on the ground, his eyes jumped.    


The man next to him was a steward of the Golden Gate. He asked, "What kind of formation did this young man set up?"    


"If I'm not mistaken, this should be a teleportation formation, but what age is this Jiang Fann? How could he set up such a complicated formation?"    


The scouts nearby were shocked when they heard his words, but no one dared to interrupt him. This was the golden gate, and Jin Xian had already made his intentions clear. He was trying his best to ensure Jiang Fann's safety and cause trouble for him here. Even if a few imperial families joined forces, they wouldn't dare to make a move.    


As for Jiang Fann, he was perfecting the formation under the watchful eyes of everyone. Jin Xian stood aside and watched all of this. At the same time, he was amazed by Jiang Fann's means of formation. To him, it was a superb technique.    


However, ever since Jiang Fann appeared this time, he had been unable to sense Jiang Fann's realm aura. This made him feel very strange. After all, Jiang Fann had already displayed his realm when he attacked the two formations. This was no longer a secret in the boundless universe. So, why was he hiding it now?    


Although he was very curious, he didn't ask any further questions. No matter what, Jiang Fann now had the ability to protect himself. The royal family would have to pay a huge price to deal with him, and a large number of experts would have to join hands to deal with him. However, this wasn't an easy task.    


Because Jiang Fann had only opened a very small spatial crack, the formation was much simpler than the one he had set up for the Human Emperor Sect. It only took him half a day to finish setting it up.    


Of course, this wasn't just Jiang Fann's own ability. He had borrowed the power of Xiao Ai and Lin Zhan, but no one else knew about it.    


After setting up the formation, Jiang Fann bid farewell to Jin Xian and promised to look for him the next time he came back.    


After that, Jiang Fann injected his Spiritual Strength into the formation. In the next moment, the surging Spiritual Strength started circulating. Not long after that, it tore open the space and a stable spatial crack appeared in front of everyone.    


Without any hesitation, Jiang Fann brought Qin Wuliang and the other man into the spatial crack and disappeared in the blink of an eye.    


When the crack slowly closed, Jin Xian destroyed the formation on the ground according to the agreement between him and Jiang Fann, and took away all the materials that could still be used. He could return them to Jiang Fann when he returned to the boundless world.    


The eyes of those scouts in the distance flickered with astonishment. They already knew that the formation wasn't just an ordinary teleportation formation. This was because they had sensed a special Spiritual Strength Qi. The stable teleportation formation and the spatial cracks gave them a completely different feeling. Obviously, Jiang Fann had gone to another spatial zone.    


The few scouts looked at each other in dismay.    


"What... what's going on? It's very similar to what I experienced before. That was a small invasion against Nine Desolate. Even though I didn't go to Nine Desolate, the aura that the spatial crack brought back was extremely similar to this. This was just too strange. Could it be that Jiang Fann had returned to the Nine Desolates with such a small formation? Isn't this too absurd?"    


"Although that formation isn't considered big, the quality of the materials used is very high. It seems like this fellow has really grasped the method to travel between the two worlds. No wonder the various clans couldn't catch him despite using so many methods!"    


"This guy left in front of us. He probably doesn't want to bring trouble to the Golden Gate, right? However, if the various clans want to catch him again, who knows how long they will have to wait."    


"Alright, let's not waste any more time. Send the news back, we can go back and rest for a while."    


The spies never thought that this would be the outcome. From the moment Jiang Fann attacked the two grand formations... Numerous imperial forces had expended a large amount of manpower to search for clues about Jiang Fann. They wanted to eradicate this Human Clan. However, they had never thought that Jiang Fann would disappear for a few months without a trace. It wasn't easy for him to appear. All the families had already sent out a large number of experts to gather. They were waiting for the net to close.    


These spies had always maintained a high level of concentration. They had been busy for several months without resting.    


They had never thought that Jiang Fann would leave the boundless world just like that. It was truly hard to accept.    


However, since things had come to this point, they had no other choice. They could only accept this situation and wait for the royal family to decide on their next mission.    


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