Reborn Medicine King

C1791 Red Apes

C1791 Red Apes

3The spiritual attacks of these monkeys were indeed very powerful. Unfortunately, there was no place for them to use them now. They also noticed that Jiang Fann's movement speed was getting faster and faster. The distance between them and Jiang Fann had been widened. Some of the weaker ones were almost unable to keep up.    


Jiang Fann was still full of vigor and vigor. Of course, they were very angry.    


Some of the mantises that could not keep up with Jiang Fann stopped and roared towards the sky. The sound was so loud that it could be heard from far away.    


The little guy reminded Jiang Fann, "Those monkeys are still calling for help. Should we change direction and be careful of bumping into their trap?"    


"Even if we change direction, they will still think of a way to surround me. I will move in this direction. Perhaps I will rush out of the area controlled by these monkeys. At that time, the problem will be solved."    


Jiang Fann had obviously thought of this as well. However, he had no intention of changing his direction. He would deal with any change without changing his direction.    


The Spiritual Sense was released, but the Chapter of Pill Dao still didn't sense even a single herb. This was very strange. Under such a strange environment, logically speaking, this type of situation shouldn't have happened. This was even more impoverished than the Nine Desolates that had yet to recover.    


Meanwhile, the situation that followed became even more urgent. That group of monkey manul called over a new helper.    


Jiang Fann felt a few auras approaching quickly. Their speed was much faster than the group of mantises, at least faster than his current speed. From the direction they came from, they would soon meet face to face.    


Judging from their auras, the creatures that came later were clearly not monkey manul. Their auras were stronger, but it was not necessarily because of their realm.    


The Purple Jade Eagle clearly sensed the presence of those auras as well. It reminded Jiang Fann, "Are you still not going to change your direction?"    


Jiang Fann did not respond. Instead, he carefully sensed the changes in his surroundings. He did not know what was in front of him. If he had the same ability as the monkey manul, it would be very dangerous to face him head on.    


However, as he continued forward, he suddenly noticed a change.    


The group of mantises chasing after him seemed to have slowed down a little. Jiang Fann knew that it was not that the mantises had lost their strength. After all, this was their home ground. Moreover, they had slowed down almost at the same time. Jiang Fann was very careful and immediately noticed it.    


As they continued forward, the speed of the monkeys slowed down again. This made Jiang Fann think of something.    


They still didn't slow down, and the life forms in front of them did the same. The distance between them was getting closer and closer.    


However, the distance between them and the monkeys behind them was getting further and further away.    


At this time, the Purple Jade Eagle clearly noticed this change as well. It opened its mouth and said, "That group of monkey manure seems to be slowing down!"    


Jiang Fann said, "They have already slowed down for a period of time. Those life forces at the front are different from them. If I'm not wrong, these should be two different races. Furthermore, they rarely interact with each other. The group at the back seems to be somewhat afraid of the ones at the front."    


Purple Jade Eagle said, "It's very likely that these types of demonic beasts have their own territories. Normally, they wouldn't dare to randomly intrude into their territories. However, judging from the current situation, the ones we are going to meet should be stronger."    


The little guy said, The little guy said, "I don't know if you have entered another territory or not. Are you sure you want to meet the one in front?"    


Jiang Fann said without hesitation. "I am now a little further away from those mantises. I should have some time to try. If what you said is true, those mantises will not keep chasing. I will also slow down a bit to see their reaction."    


He didn't hesitate. He slowed down his pace and purposely slowed down his pace to the point that it was slower than the monkeys. He wanted to see if they would catch up.    


As he slowed down, he noticed that the monkey and manul behind him were also stunned for a moment. Then, they slowed down quickly and let out a very urgent cry.    


The group of lives in front didn't have any intention of slowing down at all. They continued to charge in this direction.    


Jiang Fann decisively retreated. He closed the distance between himself and the monkeys. His speed wasn't slow, but he maintained the safest distance. He just wanted to see how the monkey manul would react next.    


The monkeys obviously didn't expect Jiang Fann to start retreating. The group of monkeys began to stir. Jiang Fann looked at them from afar and found that the group of monkeys kept knocking on the ground, trying their best to show their strength. They bared their teeth.    


However, their condition was obvious. Something was wrong. They didn't want to catch up to Jiang Fann even though he was approaching them. They weren't as strong as before. Judging from their condition, it was obvious that they were in a tense atmosphere.    


It couldn't be that they were afraid of him. There was only one reason for that. These monkeys were afraid of the lives chasing after them.    


They knew that they couldn't catch up to Jiang Fann, so they sent out a signal to let the other races surround him. They didn't expect Jiang Fann to make such a choice.    


The little guy said: The little guy said, "Don't rush over. You will be attacked. You have to wait for the life behind you to appear before making any plans. You also need to prepare your teleportation formation to deal with it at any time, just in case."    


Jiang Fann understood what he meant. He was keeping a relatively safe distance from the monkeys. Seeing them like this, the monkeys were furious. Unfortunately, they didn't dare to chase after them. They were so angry that they stomped their feet.    


Jiang Fann wasn't idling around either. He unleashed a rain of fire from the monkeys' heads. The fire in the forest lit up instantly. The monkeys used their special techniques again, using their powerful spiritual energy to resist the attack of the fire.    


Jiang Fann's Spiritual Sense had been keeping an eye on the approaching Qi behind him. They were also very vigilant. Their speed was much faster than those monkeys. If they were to close the distance, it wouldn't be easy for him to get rid of them. The core of the forbidden zone was too strange. He had walked a distance in the past few days, but unfortunately, he still couldn't figure out the situation here.    


Approximately half a minute later, footsteps could be heard from behind. A beast's roar could be heard. The group of monkeys trembled.    


Jiang Fann turned around and looked. In the distance, many figures were rushing towards him from the depths of the forest. They were tall and sturdy. They were actually a kind of strange human-like ape. They had fiery red fur and were very agile in the forest. They were approaching quickly.    


After these apes appeared, the group of monkeys let out a sharp cry and turned around to run. They didn't want to stay for a moment.    


Jiang Fann knew that the group of monkey manul was very afraid of these human apes. That was why they reacted like this. Jiang Fann did not hesitate. He used the Chapter of Body Arts and started moving in the direction that the monkey manul and the others fled in.    


It was very difficult to determine the territory of this place, and he was not familiar with it. He didn't want to have too much contact with those apes, and he didn't know how strong these fellows were either. However, judging from the bloodline aura, they were much stronger than the monkey manul. But more importantly, their overall strength was much stronger than the monkey manul. The weakest among them had most likely reached the Divine Dharma Stage realm, although there were only a few dozen of them. However, it caused Jiang Fann to feel a trace of fear.    


Jiang Fann didn't know what kind of race they belonged to, but those apes didn't hesitate. When they saw Jiang Fann, they immediately chased after him. They didn't put those monkey and manul in their eyes at all, and their speed was extremely fast.    


In the forest, they seemed to have turned into streaks of red light as they ran. After locking onto Jiang Fann's figure, their speed didn't decrease, but increased instead. They kept shortening the distance between them and Jiang Fann.    


Jiang Fann sensed where Lin Xirann was at this moment. Then, he took a slight detour and continued to run deeper into the forest. After the appearance of the ape, those monkey manul completely gave up on chasing. However, the pressure on Jiang Fann did not lessen much.    


Fortunately, this was no longer a situation where they were caught in a jam. They could not catch up in a few hours. He consumed some pills to keep himself in his best condition. As for those apes... As if they were tireless, they continued to chase. However, they did not have any other means of attack.    


The little guy and Purple Jade Eagle were not idle either. They had been carefully analyzing the characteristics of this group of creatures the entire time.    


"From the aura of their bloodlines, their auras are restrained and merged into their bodies. Their bodies are powerful and their speed is extremely fast. It seems like these are medicinal demonic beasts that purely cultivate their bodies. To you, it's actually a bit easier than dealing with those monkey mantises."    


The Purple Jade Eagle said, "There should be a bloodline suppression between them and those monkey mantises. Otherwise, it would be hard to imagine that the monkey mantises who possess such powerful means would be so afraid of them."    


Despite what they said, Jiang Fann did not dare to be careless. He said directly, "Do they have powerful mental energy? Can you all sense it?"    


The two denied it.    


"Yes," Jiang Fann said. If they knew how to restrain the Spiritual Sense and have such a strong body, it would be really troublesome for me to catch up with them. I have to find a way to get rid of them first before making any plans."    


Hearing Jiang Fann's words, the little guy said: "It's not easy to get rid of them. Think about the time when I used the Heaven Burning Fire and Thunder Method."    


Hearing this reminder, Jiang Fann smiled.    


While running, he condensed the Heaven Burning Fire in his palm and kept compressing it. He used the same trick again and prepared to release another fire.    


Jiang Fann had experienced that terrifying life before, and he knew how powerful that life was. Last time, the sea of fire was destroyed by that giant life, and now, he was setting fire in the depths of the forest. He believed that the life would definitely attack again.    


As the Heaven Burning Fire exploded, the surroundings instantly turned into a sea of fire. Jiang Fann continued forward without stopping for even a moment.    


However, he paid attention to the apes chasing after him. Then, he discovered to his surprise that the hair of the apes running at the front was glowing red. They actually directly rushed into the sea of fire.    


Powerful Heaven Burning Fires instantly spread to their bodies, but a strange force obstructed the burning of the Heaven Burning Fires. Although it could not completely block them, the damage the Heaven Burning Fires dealt to them was greatly reduced.    


Their movements weren't affected too much.    


However, that enormous black shadow that blotted out the sun appeared once again. That enormous palm descended from the sky like a mountain peak.    


As the palm appeared, most of the apes were frightened and scattered in all directions. Only two or three of them who were chasing at the front left the range of the palm. They only looked behind in fear before continuing to chase after Jiang Fann. Jiang Fann also took advantage of this short period of time to widen the distance between them.    


As for the mysterious giant life form, it seemed as if it didn't care about him at all. It didn't respond or even interfere with Jiang Fann's actions.    


This made Jiang Fann feel much more at ease. As long as this guy didn't target him, he would be able to deal with the rest of the troubles. At least, protecting himself wouldn't be a problem.    


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