Reborn Medicine King

C1854 Pass on the Skill

C1854 Pass on the Skill

1In the Underworld, the strong are respected.    


When the two old men heard what Wan Sheng said, they didn't hesitate at all and directly attacked, locking onto Wan Sheng's aura almost instantly.    


Wan Sheng saw the two fists coming at him. The Spiritual Strength turned into armor, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a shield, which was placed in front of him.    


Bang ~ ~ ~    


With an explosion, wan Sheng's body was sent flying like a cannonball. In the end, he crashed into the ground and broke a few trees.    


The two old men stood in the air, their eyes wide open with anger.    


"Kid, even though you are very powerful, we two old men don't need to take you seriously. If you want to get beaten up, come and find us at any time."    


On the ground, wan Sheng once again condensed his armor and shot into the sky. His expression did not change, and he was not angry at being shot down at all. It could be seen that he had already expected this result.    


Chu Zhan and the others swallowed their saliva. They found it hard to calm their hearts. Wan Sheng had suffered such an attack, but it didn't seem like anything had happened to him. It could be seen that the strength of his body and Spiritual Strength was astonishing.    


The two old men didn't expect this either. They knew very well what kind of strength they had used.    


Just from the defense alone, wan Sheng had already reached a very powerful level.    


Wan Sheng wanted to try again, but Jiang Fann spoke at this moment.    


"Alright, there's no need to continue fighting. You're still not their match, but you should be able to suppress them in less than two years. After all, it should be very difficult for them to improve at their age."    


Wan Sheng nodded in agreement with Jiang Fann's words.    


The two old men, on the other hand, were obviously not going to accept it. They turned their heads and looked in Jiang Fann's direction with dissatisfaction on their faces.    


However, when they saw Jiang Fann's face clearly, they flew to the two sides and chose to avoid the battle. It was quite funny.    


Jiang Fann had seen them before, but they hadn't had much contact with each other. It was very common for the cultivators of the Underworld to spar with each other. All Saints liked to fight, so their moods weren't affected too much.    


He flew to Jiang Fann's side and asked in a low voice, "How much of a chance do you have of winning against those two just now?"    


Jiang Fann didn't even consider it and asked directly. "100%!"    


Wan Sheng was somewhat speechless. He turned around and left, walking towards the forest not far away.    


Soon, he walked out of the forest and pulled a cultivator along. It was the one who had fought with him previously. Unfortunately, his aura was in a mess, so he was obviously injured.    


Wan Shengsheng: "Apologize!"    


The man said to Chu Zhan, "I was the one who spoke without restraint just now. I hope brother can forgive me."    


Chu Zhan nodded, not knowing what to reply for a moment.    


Wan Sheng let go of his hand. He then said to Jiang Fann, "I will go and rest for a while. When I plan to leave, call me. I was wandering around here just now and saw a pond. It is very strange. I want to try it out."    


Jiang Fann knew what he was talking about. He smiled and said, "Be careful. Don't force it."    


Wan Sheng didn't understand what Jiang Fann meant, but he didn't say anything. He just left in that direction.    


Chu Zhan and the others were still thinking about the battle in the sky. Wan Sheng was obviously a cultivator of his generation, but the gap between them was just too great.    


If they all had that kind of ability, what else could stop them in this boundless world?    


Jiang Fann had seen their expressions many times in the past few days. He knew very well what they were thinking.    


Jiang Fann then said, "Everyone, don't be sentimental. We were too busy earlier, so we didn't prepare much for you. Let's have a good chat later. I have obtained some decent cultivation techniques during my previous training. Some of them are very suitable for you. I believe it will be very useful for your future cultivation and combat strength."    


Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard Jiang Fann's words. Jiang Fann's words had completely touched their hearts.    


Although they had obtained many cultivation techniques and inheritances along the way, there weren't many cultivation techniques that were suitable for them. After all, this was a boundless world, and most cultivation techniques were suitable for Cultivator of Alien Clan. Although outsiders and Human Clan used the same cultivation method, there was a fundamental difference between them. Therefore, their cultivation techniques were more suitable for them to cultivate.    


As for Jiang Fann, he thought of many things at this moment.    


Now, with his many ways of cultivating, he had changed the trend of many things. Although he had brought about a huge change, Jiang Fann had also neglected one thing, which was the situation of Chu Zhan and the others in his memory.    


In his memory, Chu Zhan had a top cultivation base amongst his peers. His talent was outstanding, and his cultivation technique came from the Leehuo Academy. He was very powerful.    


However, the reality was completely different now. Although Chu Zhan's talent was not bad, the environment he was cultivating in was incomparable to the world of Low Nine Heavens. The cultivation technique in his hand was also very ordinary, and he was no longer able to exert all of his combat strength.    


The Little Devil King, Zhou Tong, was also the same. He also wrapped around Faang Xiao, Gu Ling'er, and the others.    


Ever since Gu Ling'er obtained the Divine Phoenix Furnace, her cultivation base had been slightly higher than everyone else's. At this moment, it was still considered not bad. As for Shen Meng, she was also the only cultivator who exceeded their expectations.    


Other than Ling'er and her, everyone else's means were too ordinary. Without the most powerful cultivation technique, how could they protect themselves in this boundless world?    


Zhou Tong was the most excited.    


"Jiang Fann, I knew you were the most reliable. What cultivation technique did you choose for me? Why don't you all give it to me and let me choose a few?"    


Faang Xiao said angrily, "Can't you have some face?"    


Everyone laughed.    


Jiang Fann said, "Everyone has a share. For example, the armor transformation technique of Saint is very suitable for Big Brother Chu Zhan. It is a technique that is not inferior to an ancient technique. You have seen how powerful it is just now, but it is very difficult to get started. Big Brother Chu needs to put in some effort."    


After Jiang Fann finished speaking, everyone turned to look at Saint Wan, who was walking away.    


Although Wan Sheng had gone far away, he heard what Jiang Fann said. He turned around and said with a frown, "Are you not going to let go of my family's cultivation technique?"    


Jiang Fann shook his head. "That cultivation technique isn't the secret technique of your Wan family. I did not get it from your family. Your Wan family's cultivation technique is only two-thirds of the entire cultivation technique. You should know this better than me. "    


Wan Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up when he spoke of this. Then, he jogged over to them.    


He pulled Zhou Tong aside and asked Jiang Fann, "Do you have any other skills?"    


Jiang Fann looked at him with a smile. He didn't respond, but judging from his expression, it was obvious.    


Wan Sheng was obviously a little excited. This was his strongest and favorite cultivation technique. Although he hadn't mastered it yet, he knew very well that it was incomplete. The cultivation technique above Mortal Separating Stage was completely missing. He had searched for it many times in his clan, but unfortunately, he couldn't find any clues.    


Wan Sheng was also very straightforward. He stayed where he was and didn't intend to rest. After that, he turned his head and looked at Chu Zhan.    


"I can teach you. I can help you enter the beginner level. Whether you can comprehend it or not will depend on your own comprehension ability."    


Chu Zhan was wild with joy. He was a Body Training Cultivator. The battle just now had made his blood boil. The defensive power of the armor transformation technique was so shocking that it could directly increase his combat strength. At that time, he was only envious. He didn't expect that he would have the chance to learn it.    


"Thank you!"    


Wan Sheng shook his head. "No need to thank me. He called you Big Brother Chu, so I should call you that too. Helping you is the same as helping myself."    


Zhou Tong's face was full of envy.    


"Jiang Fann, I want to learn that technique too! One sheep can be put away, but two sheep can also be put away. Why don't I learn it too?"    


Jiang Fann decisively shook his head and rejected his suggestion.    


"Although that technique is very powerful, it isn't suitable for you. Your technique is more suitable for hiding, and there are some powerful assassination techniques as well."    


After saying that, Jiang Fann flipped his palm and a precious jade appeared in it. This was something he had refined together with the Xiao family. The technique of the Xiao family was engraved on it. It could conceal one's aura very well.    


The other piece was handed over to Zhang Pan and the others.    


Zhou Tong clearly recognized this piece of precious jade and said directly: "Jiang Fann, wasn't this what you planned to teach all of us? Don't tell me you intend to use this to fool me? This isn't fair! I also want to learn the Armor Transformation Technique!"    


Jiang Fann said unhappily: "Don't worry, you have to learn this technique. I have other things for you, but you have to learn this technique first. Otherwise, it will be a waste to give you the rest. "    


Zhou Tong was skeptical, but in the end, he gritted his teeth and put away the jade.    


"Then I will believe you this time!"    


Jiang Fann looked at Faang Xiao. "Beauty Fang, I know your means very well. He originally wanted to give you a set of Divine Eye techniques, but unfortunately, the cultivation conditions were too harsh. I can't satisfy it either, so I can only give you a set of techniques to cultivate the Spiritual Sense. Once this technique is cultivated to perfection, it can surpass the peak. Stepping into the Rebirth State, just the grade of this technique... It will not be weaker than the Armor Transformation Technique, so don't waste your talent... Continue to study your own natal technique. It is the best way to complement each other. "    


After he finished speaking, a jade slip appeared in his hand and flew towards Faang Xiao.    


Faang Xiao did not stand on ceremony and directly accepted it. This kind of technique was rare to begin with, and it was even rarer to see such a high grade technique. Many cultivators who cultivated the Spiritual Sense had no choice but to give up on this path because they did not have a stronger technique.    


Gu Ling'er held Jiang Fann's arm and said with a smile, "Do you have anything else you want to give me? My cultivation did not drop by much."    


Jiang Fann said, "Although your cultivation base is not weak, your combat strength is hard to protect yourself. Previously, the environment was not good. Big Brother Chu and the others also have the means to protect you. That's why I didn't ask you to do this again. Your aptitude is very good, and it's time for you to put in some effort in this area. You just need to steadily improve your alchemy skills. "    


After saying that, Jiang Fann began to ponder. He naturally couldn't be too casual about what he gave Gu Ling'er. If he could, he even wanted to pass the Heaven Burning Fire to Gu Ling'er. Unfortunately, Gu Ling'er was simply unable to control it. Back then, he had also used the Innate Dao Fruit to barely suppress it.    


And in his fire control technique, there was another powerful technique that he had comprehended.    


Jiang Fann looked at her with a gentle gaze.    


"I will teach you ten types of Heavenly Flames with completely different attributes, then I will teach you the Heavenly Flame Fusion Technique! However, it won't be easy to comprehend it. Do you want to try it? "    


Ling'er did not think about it and directly nodded her head.    


"I do not want to drag you down!"    


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