Martial Godly Emperor

C1029 He Was Seriously Injured and Couldn't Wake up

C1029 He Was Seriously Injured and Couldn't Wake up

2"Of course. You can choose any junior of Ji Imperial Family. Tell me who you like."    


Ji Lihuo said to Dugu Qian with a smile.    


Dugu Qian was stunned. Why did he mention her?    


Her face turned red and she immediately rejected, "Senior Ji, please don't joke with me."    


Ji Lihuo's handsome face immediately became serious, "Do you think I am joking when I talk to you with a smile? I'm serious. Think about it. If you agree to my conditions... I will think of a way to protect Meng Yu. Just tell me before that Jingshan Pan arrives. "    


Dugu Qian was a little angry and wanted to say something, but Meng Yu pulled her arm. She heard the kid say proudly, "Senior Ji, thank you for helping me today. As for the next time Jingshan Pan comes to find me, don't worry. One should take responsibility for one's actions! Within three months, I will definitely leave Qian Ding. Don't make it difficult for you!"    


"Impudent!" A man named Ji Family shouted at Meng Yu from behind, "What kind of attitude is this? How dare you say such things to my Old Ancestor Ji Family?"    


Ji Lihuo smiled and said, "Very good. You have ambition. You have a similar temper as me when I was young. If you can survive Jingshan Pan's pursuit, I would really like to be friends with you. "    


Meng Yu did not even raise his eyes. He said faintly, "What virtues do I have that I dare to climb up to the honorable Old Ancestor Ji Family?"    


Ji Lihuo smiled and did not answer. He turned around and walked towards Ji Mutian and the others.    


Meng Yu also knew that the Ji Imperial Family wanted to borrow the Heavenly Cloud Sect's crisis to recruit them. Of course, whether it was Dugu Qian's appearance, talent, or personality, they all satisfied the people of the Ji Imperial Family.    


Furthermore, if Dugu Qian became the imperial concubine of one of the later generations of the Ji Imperial Family, then Ji Family's people would become even more famous when fighting Jingshan Pan.    


At this time, the three supreme elders who were repairing the formation just now brought some of the sect's elders to repair the Mountain-defending Array and the torn space. The rest of the people flew towards the sect.    


On a small mountain peak around the Heavenly Cloud Sect, at the entrance of the bright and wide cave.    


"How is Supreme Elder Nangong now?"    


Meng Yu, Dugu Qian, Luo Xueer, Xia Ting and a group of people were waiting outside, asking Nie Lingyan who was walking out.    


Nie Lingyan shook her head and sighed, "Senior brother Nangong might not be able to do it anymore, you guys go in and take a look. Don't make too big of a commotion and disturb his peace."    


Meng Yu and the others agreed and rushed in.    


"Xiangmei, what happened to Grand Master Nangong?"    


Dugu Qian asked the female servant in white who was leading the group.    


The female servant named Xiangmei had a sweet face, but there were tears on her pretty face, "Supreme's body is seriously injured in many places, and the most dangerous part is... His Elemental Soul was attacked, and this was the main reason why he lost consciousness. If he doesn't have a good Pills to heal him, then Supreme Elder Nangong's Elemental Soul will slowly wither away. Until he dies!"    


"A Elemental Soul is injured?"    


Dugu Qian, Meng Yu and the others looked at each other in surprise.    


The Pills that could heal Elemental Soul was very rare, which meant that Nangong Chong was in trouble this time.    


"Lead the way. We have to go and see him. "    


Dugu Qian ordered.    


Xiangmei nodded, turned her small waist, and gracefully walked forward.    


When they reached a rich and warm room, Nangong Chong closed his eyes and slept on a large bed.    


The wounds on his body had already been treated, but there were still some wounds on his face and neck that were slowly bleeding.    


Two beautiful maids were there gently wiping his wounds.    


Liang Zhihai was sitting on a chair with his eyes closed. It could be seen that he had just finished treating Nangong Chong's injuries and was currently recovering his elemental energy.    


Meng Yu and Dugu Qian used the Spiritual Consciousness to examine him. Then, both of them sighed. Nangong Chong's injuries were too serious. His Elemental Soul injuries were the most fatal.    


Thinking about how he was seriously injured for the sake of the sect, and even went to rescue the three hundred disciples' Dao Soldiers, Dugu Qian's tears started flowing.    


No matter what, if it wasn't for Nangong Chong and Meng Yu saving them that time, they would have been burned to ashes by Jingshan Pan's fiery red thread.    


Meng Yu felt very sad in his heart. Although he didn't have any relationship with Nangong Chong, this person was very loyal, hot-blooded, and straightforward. He dared to barge in and fight, and he was loved by his disciples.    


Furthermore, this man, Liang, Nie and the other elders didn't blame him. He even went against Jingshan Pan, who was a man of Jingshan Pan's strength. The more he thought about Meng Yu, the more he felt unpleasant.    


"There are a few Pills here. I found them in the cave before this, and it has a suppressive effect on Nangong Elemental Soul's atrophy. Give it to him."    


Meng Yu casually handed the two bottles containing the Soul Cleansing Pill to Xiangmei.    


Xiangmei accepted the bottles without any hesitation.    


In the end, the reason why Nangong Da was injured so badly was all because of this brat in front of him.    


Of course, she wouldn't blame Meng Yu.    


"Is this the Soul Cleansing Pill?"    


When Xiangmei received the two Jade Bottles and saw the words carved on it, she looked at Meng Yu in shock.    


This Soul Cleansing Pill was a Heaven Superior Grade Pills. It was rare and expensive. It was very difficult to find it in the Snow Dance, but Meng Yu did not hesitate to take it out.    


With this kind of Pills in hand, it could extend Nangong Chong's life by a year!    


Meng Yu waved his hand and said, "Give it to him to consume first."    


They walked out.    


"Sect Master, what should we do now? Is there no good Pills in the sect that can cure Elemental Soul?"    


Meng Yu asked.    


Dugu Qian shook her head. Her three thousand black hair was also gently swaying. Her delicate face revealed a worried expression.    


The group walked forward.    


"Oh right, I told you to restrict your feet. Why did you run out again?"    


Dugu Qian stopped walking and looked at Meng Yu with blame.    


"At this time, do you still want to blame me for leaving the Heavenly Cloud Palace?"    


Dugu Qian snorted and her expression became indifferent, "You should go back to the Heavenly Cloud Palace."    


"I want to go and see Jiaojiao, Yaner, Liang Xiu, Xiang Dongsheng and the others. They are all injured."    


Meng Yu looked at the beautiful Sect Master with eager eyes.    


The delicate Sect Master's body trembled in the night wind.    


But she did not say a word and walked away with Luo Xueer.    


"Her heart is in a mess. I wonder if she will agree to be Ji Lihuo's wife for you."    


Xia Ting looked at the beautiful figure that disappeared into the darkness and said to Meng Yu.    


The two of them went to see the injured Cai and Su girls, as well as Liang Xiu, Xiang Dongsheng, and the others. After that, they went to pay their respects to the dead disciples.    


Seeing Cai and Su's injuries so serious, Meng Yu felt very sad.    


Fortunately, they weren't like Nangong Chong, who had suffered injuries to the Elemental Soul.    


When Meng Yu went to see them, these two girls were still pretending to be pitiful.    


Even Liang Xiu was very happy when she saw him go over to see her.    


When he went to visit Xiang Dongsheng, this person smiled and said that he was fine. Young Sect Master should have placed his love on the female disciples.    


However, when Meng Yu was about to find a place to break through to the Elemental Soul Stage, Xia Ting told him that Zi Bing and Nangong Chong were the same. Elemental Soul was also injured.    


"Sect Master, tell me, what can we do to save the two of them?"    


In Sect Master Mansion, Meng Yu went straight to the beautiful Sect Master's room and said.    


He got the news from Xia Ting that Dugu Qian had a way to save Nangong Chong and the others, but that method was too dangerous, and Sect Master didn't dare to say it out loud.    


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