Martial Godly Emperor

C1076 Kill Him

C1076 Kill Him

1"Don't look over there. Quickly conceal your aura!"    


Liu Fen reacted and quickly covered Ling Wanqing's beautiful eyes before lowering her head to hide in the tall flower bushes by the side.    


Meng Yu and the rest also concealed their aura and merged with the surroundings.    


It was unknown whether those few figures were from the Jingshan Family or just passing by. They did not stop and flew over their heads.    


Although it was just a false alarm, Meng Yu and the others didn't dare to stop here. Soon, they flew towards the direction of Yuheng.    


"You guys go back. Tell Senior Sister Xia, Yaner, and Jiaojiao that I'm fine here."    


Meng Yu flew against the wind. His clothes and long hair were blown backward by the wind.    


Ling Wanqing said, "You just said that you will be back for a year. This year, excluding the three or four months on the road, that means we will be able to see you after we go back for more than eight months?"    


Meng Yu touched Ling Wanqing's little head and said, "That's not true. I am going to Yuheng to avoid trouble. As long as that Jingshan Pan did not find me, I will quickly go back."    


Ling Wanqing did not avoid him this time. She even closed her eyes shyly. Her cheeks were dizzy and she looked very obedient.    


"Not bad, not bad. You are so obedient. Just be my maid!"    


Meng Yu said.    


Ling Wanqing bit her lips and kicked Meng Yu until he hit the mountain peak in front of her, leaving a mark on him!    


"Hmph! This idiot! He actually wants me to be a maid!"    


Ling Wanqing clapped her small hands complacently.    


Meng Yu flew up with his face covered in dirt and dirt and shouted discontentedly, "Hey, why do you always hit people?"    


"I will hit you. What can you do?"    


Ling Wanqing straightened her chest and shouted with her hands on her waist.    


Meng Yu couldn't afford to offend her.    


The playful Female Cultivator said, "Can the two of you let me be quiet for a while?"    


Liu Fen flew over and asked Female Cultivator, "You want to bring our Young Sect Master to Yuheng. Can you really guarantee his safety?"    


The playful Female Cultivator proudly raised her small face and said, "Don't worry. I will protect him."    


Liu Fen and Ling Wanqing looked at her with suspicion, "Why do I feel that you are like a human trafficker? Quickly tell me, what is your intention of abducting and selling our Young Sect Master?"    


Female Cultivator's pretty face sank, "You all think that he is a treasure, but in my eyes, he is just a pile of dung. Who would abduct and sell him for no reason? If it wasn't for the fact that he saved me, I wouldn't have bothered with him."    


Meng Yu also felt that Liu and Ling's words made sense, so he said, "Up until now, I still don't know your name. I only know that you are from the True Li Sect. "    


That mischievous Female Cultivator snorted coldly and said sarcastically, "What? Don't you know that my name is very impressive? You have already seen my body. But what about me? I don't even know what you look like! "    


" What? "    


Ling Wanqing looked at Meng Yu. What did this kid have to do with that woman? He actually looked at her body?    


When Meng Yu heard what Female Cultivator said, he instantly returned to the room in the courtyard and pulled her out from the bucket filled with fresh flowers.    


At that time, he didn't think too much about it. When he saw her full and smooth body, he didn't realize that he was looking at a daughter.    


Now that he recalled the situation at that time, that kind of charming feeling made his face turn red.    


He even thought about why he wasn't confused at that time. He took a bath with her and then pressed her down.    


Female Cultivator saw that Meng Yu's expression was different, and only then did she know that she had said something wrong, and her small face instantly turned red.    


Meng Yu said, "You tell me your name and your true origin, and I'll tear off this mask for you to see."    


"You are such a wimp," Female Cultivator said angrily. "My name is Yaoyao. I come from the True Li Sect. Are you satisfied now?"    


Meng Yu touched his nose. Seeing that she still didn't dare to say her real name, he didn't mind tearing off the delicate human skin mask on his face. Immediately, he revealed that delicate and pretty face.    


Yaoyao looked at him, his clear eyes widened, and suddenly burst into laughter. "So you have this kind of appearance. I thought you were very pretty."    


Meng Yu coldly harrumphed and changed into another mask. Immediately, he turned into an honest and ordinary cultivator.    


Ouyang Fei was at the front, while the three girls and Meng Yu were at the back. After flying for an hour, they landed in the woods by the lake.    


Meng Yu said, "Alright. Senior Sister Ling, Senior Sister Liu, I'll leave the matter of the sect to you. I'll definitely return as soon as possible. Also, after I go to the Yuheng, I'll make the best use of my time to cultivate and improve my Cultivation Level. Senior Sister Ling, you better call that cousin of yours to restrain himself. Otherwise, when I return, I will teach him a lesson!"    


Ling An was only an internal matter. Meng Yu had already given the "master's command medallion" to Zhang Shan and had her hand it over to Su Yuyan. As such, he didn't have to worry about protecting Su, Cai, and his people with the Dao Soldier.    


As for Xia Ting and Dugu Qian, they had many experts protecting them, so there was no need for Meng Yu to worry about them.    


What worried him the most was the threat from the Jingshan Family. If he didn't handle it properly, blood would flow like a river.    


This was also the reason why he had gone to the Yuheng.    


There was nothing Meng Yu could do about this Yaoyao who was willing to follow her to the Yuheng even before he found out about his background.    


However, he was sure that this girl wouldn't harm him.    


Otherwise, when Meng Yu was dealing with the people of Jingshan Family last night, Yaoyao only needed to spread some news and Meng Yu would die ten thousand times over.    


"Then let's go."    


Ling Wanqing seemed reluctant to part with him.    


Meng Yu smelled the light fragrance on the girl's body and smiled, "Senior sister, I really can't bear to part with you. Why don't we kiss each other goodbye?"    


"Fuck you, bastard!"    


Ling Wanqing lightly hit his chest and pouted. Her dress fluttered as she pulled Liu Fen and flew towards the vast starry sky.    


Seeing the two girls turn into two small black dots and disappear into the sky, Meng Yu felt a sense of loss.    


"Venerable Man, are we going to Yuheng Kingdom now?"    


At this moment, a yellow face suddenly appeared in Meng Yu's line of sight.    


In front of him was still Ling Wanqing's delicate smiling face, but now it had turned into a vulgar man's face. This change caught Meng Yu off guard!    


He knocked Ouyang on the head and said, "Do you have any more questions? Let's go now!"    


Immediately after, a flying boat appeared in Ouyang Shuo's hands. Meng Yu called out to Yaoyao and the three of them flew into the boat.    


The Yuheng Kingdom was located on the east side of the Jinlong Kingdom.    


Patriarch Ouyang controlled the flying boat, and Meng Yu gave him many Elemental Stones to increase his speed.    


Even so, it took them almost two months to cross countless mountains and rivers and reach the border of the Yuheng.    


During this period of time, Meng Yu was cultivating in the room of the flying boat.    


Yaoyao had also been quietly staying in the room and did not come out.    


Meng Yu felt that this Yaoyao was a bit heartless. Last time he saw her body, but she could easily get along with him, so he did not feel awkward.    


He even thought that she was not a virgin anymore.    


However, it didn't seem like it, because that innocent and romantic feeling of hers wasn't faked.    


In a spacious and gloomy hall.    


There were some skulls hanging on the walls.    


A Red-faced Man with an unusually strong aura sat at the top of the hall.    


"General, I heard that Meng Yu had arrived at the border of Yuheng Kingdom a few days ago. Please give us your instructions. Do you want to kill this person?"    


A tall cultivator with a powerful Qi cupped his hands and asked.    


Red-faced Man focused on the portrait in his hand, as if he was in deep thought. After a long time, he slowly said, "This kid caused chaos in the Jinlong, causing all the chicken feathers on the ground. But he came to our Yuheng to take refuge. I'm afraid that he will bring disaster to our Yuheng as well... En, we can't let him live. Kill him, be careful of your hands and feet."    


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