Beast Piercing The Heavens

C50 Exorcism city

C50 Exorcism city

2The original name of Exorcism City was not Exorcism City, but rather Silver Moon City. Several thousand years ago, when a peerless lady called After Month entered this city, this city became a city of Yue Family, and this city became Silver Moon City.    


The reason why he had the nickname of Exorcism City later on was because of a joke from a Mansion Lord. That expert who had cultivated in seclusion for dozens of years, after he successfully challenged the previous Mansion Lord in the Mansion Lord Challenge Competition, received invitations from the five great families, inviting him to stay for a few days in the great families. The Mansion Lord did not even bother to pay his respects to the few great families. After settling the matters of the mansion, he began to travel to several major cities.    


However, after staying in Silver Moon City for five days, he firmly refused the generous urging of the current Family Head s of Yue Family and was very sure that he would need to return to Dragon City. After he left Silver Moon City, he looked at the plaque that read "Silver Moon City" and said, "This city should not be called Silver Moon City, it should be called Exorcism City.    


So later on, the people of War God Mansion began to call this city's Exorcism City, because this city was truly very enchanting. If God City was said to be the holy land of all the races on the continent, then Exorcism City was definitely the holy land in the eyes of the War God Mansion men.    


Because of Exorcism City, there was nothing famous at all. There were only women, beautiful women, and all sorts of beautiful women.    




"This is the famous Exorcism City? "There's nothing particularly strange about it."    


Ye Qinghan sat in front of the horse carriage with a relaxed expression, looking at the wide road ahead, the sparse number of passersby, and the shops on both sides of the street. He did not feel anything special as he spoke to the Evening Seventeen sitting beside him with a smile.    


"From the looks of it, there's nothing special about this city or any other city." Evening Seventeen laughed, as if he had thought of something, and his eyes flashed with light. He licked his lips and continued: "The special parts of this city are all in the buildings ahead, as well as the Moon Tower that we need to stay in later."    




Ye Qinghan nodded his head and didn't mind until the carriage continued to move forward. After walking for two or three miles, then turned two bends, and walked to a street, he finally knew what was so special about this city, and why it was called Exorcism City.    


The street in front of him was very wide, to the point that it was even twice the size of Blue City's Niu Fang Street. It was enough for the two carriages he was riding to ride on. It was not necessary for a city to build such a wide road, but it was obvious that the architect who had designed it was a genius. That was because there were many carriages and pedestrians on such a large road.    


"What is this place?" Why is it so lively? "    


After walking for a few miles and turning two corners, Ye Qinghan realised that he had changed into something like the sky. Looking at the ant-like crowd of people and carriages, he was slightly shocked.    


"This street is called Cloud Rain Street. There are thirteen Exorcism City s on such a lively street. Furthermore, what you saw was not the most lively one, but rather the most exciting one. " Evening Seventeen nodded, he was very satisfied with Ye Qinghan's expression, because the first time he came, he also had this kind of expression.    


"Those women …" All of them were brothels? These... Are all of them here for whoring? " Without waiting for Evening Seventeen to finish speaking, Ye Qinghan suddenly shouted loudly. He suddenly realized something strange. He finally realized why this street was so wide, why there were so many people on this street, and why this city was called Exorcism City.    


In front of each of the doors was a row of beautiful and flirtatious women dressed in beautiful attire, constantly throwing flirtatious glances and flirtatious sounds to passersby. Their half-naked chests and snow-white thighs were shaking from time to time, showing off their strong grace and passion. The moment the guests stopped in front of the door, countless women would quickly surround them and use their coquettish voices and ample breasts to shake the guests until they were unconscious, then they would walk in.    


Ye Shisan laughed, and nodded as he explained to Ye Qinghan: "Haha, Young Master Han, looks like you really do not understand Yue Family. The most famous of Yue Family were the brothels and the beauties. There were more than three thousand and six hundred brothels with Exorcism City recorded in the register. All the races of the continent were gathered here, and all sorts of beauties were known as the hundred thousand beauties. And their slogan was, only things that you can't think of, nothing that you can't get … Hehe, let's go, once we reach the Moon Tower, you'll know what it means to be enchanted! "    


"Eh, I know that the most famous charm in Yue Family is the bewitching technique, a bewitching technique that is as famous as our family's War Beast … I just didn't expect them to turn the art of seduction into a tool for prostitutes to confuse men, and to even allow a city's sex industry to flourish and become so powerful. " Ye Qinghan frowned slightly as he spoke with some confusion.    


"Wrong!" The and Yue Family's bewitching techniques were definitely not displayed like this by these prostitutes. There is only one brothel in the Exorcism City, and that is the Moon Tower that we have to go to now. Moreover, Yue Family's charm is definitely not on the same level as the low level bewitchment of these prostitutes. You will know about it when you reach Moon Tower. " Ye Shisan's face revealed traces of still chanting, and he confirmed this in an extremely cautious manner.    


"Oh!" "Is that so?" Ye Qinghan revealed an interested smile. He was slightly looking forward to the Yue Family and bewitching technique that was as famous as the Ye Family and War Beast.    


Ten carriages majestically drove forward. On the carriages, Ye Qinghan was once again shocked by the many brothels and densely packed crowds of people on the street. From start to finish, this street covered more than ten miles. Other than brothels, this was also a brothel! Other than prostitutes, there were also customers. It was still dusk, and the night had not even started yet, yet there was already such a luxurious lineup. And on such a large street, there were still twelve Exorcism City s.    


However, when the team turned a corner in front of them, they arrived at a square. Only then did Ye Qinghan know what shock was, and what lineup meant.    


The plaza was extremely big, almost the size of the football fields that Ye Qinghan had played in his previous life. In front of the plaza, there was a row of buildings, but they were surrounded by a pink palace wall. In the middle of the plaza, there were three doors, and above the doors, there were two large words: "Moon Tower". The super large plaza, the long pink-colored palace walls, and the three big gates that were twice as big as Ye Family, all these things did not shock Ye Qinghan. What shocked him was the countless luxurious carriages on the plaza, as well as the countless carriages that constantly rushed over from all directions.    


"This... I'm afraid there are thousands of them! " Ye Qinghan's mouth gaped, he pointed at the arranged luxurious carriages, and was truly shocked in his heart.    


"There will be even more later! Eh, that … Young Master Han, you are Young Master Ye Family. " Why does my young master feel like a country bumpkin entering the city?    


Of course, it was very difficult for Ye Qinghan when he was young. As the young master of the Ye Family, forget about having the chance to visit such a big place, it was even his second time sitting in a luxurious carriage. Although his identity was now different, and he had even turned from a chicken into a phoenix, his heart still believed that he was that Epilogue and not the Seventh Young Master of the Ye Family. Moreover, he had been a human for two lifetimes and experienced so many unforeseen events. After a very short period of time, he regained his calm, and silently nodded his head, indicating that he understood and understood.    


The horse carriage slowly stopped in front of the brightly lit Moon Tower. What made Ye Qinghan a little curious was that there wasn't a row of half-naked beauties standing in front of the Moon Tower gate.    


Seeing ten luxurious carriages neatly stopping in front of the Moon Tower, the grey-clothed person's smile became even more sincere. And when they saw the fluttering "Night" on the banner flying in the wind, their sincere smiles were clearly filled with more respect.    


In the end, their gazes stopped on Ye Qinghan who was being protected by Ye Shisan and the Evening Seventeen. Clasping their fists together, they bowed, and the grey-clothed person in the middle said with a smile: "Yue Ping greets Young Master Ye, Young Master Ye, and the two lords. Among the three of you, please come out, our manager has been waiting for Young Master Ye for a long time."    


"Yes!" Ye Qinghan nodded and smiled, then walked inside with Evening Seventeen and Yue Ping following closely behind. As for the Death God Team at the back, Ye Qinghan wasn't worried at all, because he knew that since Yue Qiu knew that he was Young Master Ye Family and why his group had come, he would probably properly arrange for those two hundred people.    


Walking into the Moon Tower, under Yue Ping's lead, Ye Qinghan did not immediately enter the hall of the Moon Tower, but instead turned into a luxurious passage at the side. The passage was not large, but it was extremely luxurious, so much that it could even be considered luxurious, and from the two guards standing at the entrance of Port Of Passage, one could tell that not just anyone could enter this passage. The passageway wasn't long. After exiting the passageway, the four of them arrived at a quiet building.    


The pavilion had two floors, and the decorations weren't as luxurious as the passageway. Instead, the ancient words "Four Directions Tower" faintly exuded an ancient atmosphere. There were people in front of the building. They were women, four of them exuding an enticing aura.    


"Moon Tower Manager, Yue Niang greets Young Master Ye, Greetings to the two Masters." The one who spoke was a slightly mature woman who was standing at the front. Her voice was pleasant to the ears and was extremely enchanting. She was very good-looking, just like a ripe peach. Her red color made people want to bite down on her. Her figure was almost shoulder to shoulder with the beautiful boss lady from Barbarian City, but the bewitching look on her face was even more pronounced than An Yue's. It was as if this girl was born with a body that did not need more than one action, and with just a light hello, and a light smile, she became bewitching in the air.    


This mature woman definitely did not use any bewitching arts, and actually caused my mind to waver a little. If I use bewitching techniques, then wouldn't it make me dizzy for a few seconds? Damn it, I wonder who would faint first if I used the bewitching arts on you?    


Ye Qinghan was slightly taken aback, but he secretly thought about it. With a slight smile on his face, he politely replied. "Master Manager is being too courteous, I'm sorry to trouble you."    


"Yue Niang, it's been a year but you're still as charming as ever." Ye Shisan only faintly nodded her head, while the Evening Seventeen beamed with joy as she tried to establish an old relationship.    


"Hehe, Lord Seventeen is still that bad." Yue Niang rolled her eyes, the way she spoke sounded caused everyone's eyes to gleam: "Young Master Ye, please come in, the other three great families are already here, we are just waiting for you guys."    


"Yes!" Ye Qinghan took the lead and walked into the pavilion, but unexpectedly, the moment he stepped into the room. His smiling face suddenly darkened, and his eyes narrowed into a slit. Boundless killing intent leaked out from that crack, causing Ye Shisan, and the others who followed behind to feel a chill throughout their body, as if a cold winter wind was blowing past.    


Ye Shisan and Evening Seventeen's bodies tensed up, they were instantly ready for battle, their sword-like gazes followed Ye Qinghan's gaze and looked at a handsome face, as well as a pair of large and small pupils that emitted a demonic aura.    


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