Beast Piercing The Heavens

C9 Training the divine blood secret manual

C9 Training the divine blood secret manual

2Three days later! In the small courtyard on the east side of Ye Family, night time.    


"Drip, drip!"    


Ye Qinghan sat alone on the bedside, his eyes closed, his sleeves rolled up, his right hand held onto his left hand, while his left hand held onto a level.    


At the foot of the bed, in a black wooden bucket, was a pool of blood.    


At this time, it was already completely night. The Nightingale's Castle which had been bustling for an entire day had finally calmed down. Outside the window, the moon hung high in the sky.    




Ye Qinghan exhaled a long breath, his face was pale white, and he felt extremely lightheaded. He forced himself to calm down and tied up the wound with the gauze that was on the side of his bed. Looking at the bright red blood in the cask, he guessed it was about time. He struggled to kick the cask out of the bed before collapsing onto the bed. After a while, he fell asleep.    


The next day was late in the morning.    


"Brother, what's wrong?" Wake up! "    


Ye Qingyu gently pushed open the door and smelled a faint scent of blood. When he entered the door, he saw his brother lying on his side on the bed with blood stains on his left hand. She was so frightened that her face lost color, and she immediately shook Ye Qinghan, and started to cry out softly.    


"Eh?" Ye Qinghan opened his eyes in a daze. He closed his eyes to rest for a while before finally coming back to his senses. Seeing his sister, Ye Qingyu, anxiously sitting on the bed, looking as if she was worried about losing her composure, he felt a surge of warmth in his heart. He smiled and said: "Little girl, it's fine.    


"But? But! "Bro, you look so weak like this."    


"It's nothing. I think I'll be fine after a few days of rest due to being too tired!" Seeing that his sister's eyes were filled with worry, Ye Qinghan smiled gently and comforted her.    


After coaxing his sister away with great difficulty, Ye Qinghan finally let out a long sigh of relief. Last night, he finally made up his mind and started the first step of the Divine Blood Secret Book — — releasing blood.    


He closed his eyes and lay down on the bed to rest for a while. Only then did he rub his temples, forcefully pull himself together, and secretly pour out the blood under the bed.    


He turned and walked out of the Nightingale's Castle Market, paid for a few kilograms of animal liver. He also went to the medicine store and bought a few different types of medicinal powders according to the instructions on the Blood God Secret Book. Using a knife, chop the internal organs into small pieces and sprinkle the medicinal powder over them.    


Just like that, the powerful secret formula for replenishing blood that was recorded in the Divine Blood Secret Book was completed.    


"This... Can food eat? "    


Looking at the red-black, red-black, and blood-stained pieces of internal organs that emitted a fishy and indescribable smell, Ye Qinghan's stomach started churning. This thing really wanted to puke, let alone eat it raw!    




Ye Qinghan closed his eyes, tentatively grabbed a piece with his hand and threw it into his mouth. After chewing a few times, he swallowed it. Unexpectedly, his stomach started to churn. He felt a strong urge to vomit, spitting out everything he just ate.    


What should he do?    


The second step was very clear to the divine blood Secret Book. This secret recipe had a very strong blood replenishing function. Yesterday, he had already drained a quarter of his blood. If he didn't replenish his blood, he wouldn't be able to start the third step of blood refinement. This was because the Divine Blood Secret Book had clearly written it down. The first and second stages of blood circulation were all for the third stage of blood refinement. This was because while refining the blood, one needed to constantly produce new blood in their blood vessels, and the new blood contained ordinary blood and God's Blood Essence. By refining blood, it was equivalent to refining ordinary blood. The blood essence of the God in the blood was constantly left behind, constantly being created, continuously being refined, and leaving behind essence blood. This way, the God's blood essence in his body would become denser and denser.    


There was no other way!    


They could only eat!    


The scenes from the past surfaced in Ye Qinghan's mind, and his expression slowly became determined.    


For his dead father, eat! For the sake of loving his mother, eat! For the humiliation he had endured all these years, eat! For the gentle and lovely sister, eat!    


Eat! Eat! Eat!    


Ye Qinghan mechanically grabbed a piece of internal organs and threw it into his mouth, he chewed on it hard and quickly swallowed it. At this moment, it was as if his sense of smell had been turned off without any adverse reactions. He just kept grabbing, chewing, and swallowing.    


On his hands and mouth, there were traces of blood. There were even some pieces of flesh left on his lips. As for him, he didn't have the slightest reaction. He only chewed and swallowed numbly. Occasionally, he would even smile, causing him to look extremely terrifying.    


Not long after, he had finished eating all the pieces of his internal organs. Ye Qinghan was already prepared. He picked up a large bowl of water and gulped it down quickly, before wiping clean his mouth and hands with the cloth. Then he sat on the bed, naked except for a pair of shorts.    


He took out a silver needle from the bedside, and carefully pierced it into the twelve acupuncture points on his body according to the diagram in the Secret Book. These twelve acupuncture points, two on the head, two on the hands and two on the feet, two on the body, they were all places where blood vessels intersected. Fortunately, these acupuncture points were all in front of the body, if they were on the back? Ye Qinghan didn't even know how to wipe it off.    




After piercing the silver needles, Ye Qinghan could distinctly feel the twelve acupuncture points start to heat up and feel a little pain and itchiness. It was as if there were twelve ants biting at these twelve acupuncture points.    




Ye Qinghan was pleasantly surprised! Although he didn't know if this reaction was good or bad. But at the very least, it had an effect.    


It was itchy! It was itchy! It was itchy!    


Suddenly, from the 12 acupoints onwards, all the blood vessels in his body began to heat up! It was itchy! At the beginning, it was equivalent to 12 ants biting each other! It was as if thousands upon thousands of ants were gnawing on his body! The pain was numbing and itchy. Although it was not particularly painful, it was still extremely uncomfortable. The most important thing was that Ye Qinghan could not touch it! This was because the Secret Book had clearly written it down. This was a normal symptom of blood refinement, which meant that the Secret Book was in effect, producing blood.    


It was painful and happy!    


This was how Ye Qinghan felt now. The pain was physical discomfort, and happiness was spiritual happiness because he felt hope. The Divine Blood Secret Book had worked! This meant that he would have the chance to summon a high level War Beast on his clan's Awakening Rites that was in more than ten days. It showed that he had hope of entering the Core Descendant s of the family, that he could fulfill his mother's last wishes, that he could take revenge for his past. It also showed that he had the chance to become a lord and take complete control of his own life.    


When a person was alive, he would have hope. Only then would he have motivation and passion!    


Fortunately, the feeling of millions of ants biting down on him faded after only a short ten minutes. But Ye Qinghan felt as if several years had passed. He was drenched in sweat, and his hair looked as if it had just been washed. Even the bed sheets beneath him were wet.    




Ye Qinghan let out a long breath, but secretly thought in his heart: Ah, father, father! You are indeed worthy of being a genius that only appears once in a hundred years, at the very least, the Secret Book that you have created, although you do not know how effective it is, but just the three tribes of school, blood recovery, and blood refinement are already earth-shattering.    


With the first day of training, the rest of the training was naturally done. Ye Qinghan locked himself in his own room everyday. If he wasn't cultivating the War Qi, or cultivating the Divine Blood Secret Book, his days would be busy and fulfilling.    


As for his sister, Ye Qingyu, he was very worried at first. On the third day after Ye Qinghan cultivated the Secret Book, he could no longer hold back his sister's numerous questions and told her that he was cultivating the Secret Book. Ye Qingyu saw that his brother had a firm will and had been cultivating for three days. Other than his pale face and skinny body, there was nothing else to do. He just silently prayed for his brother while he gave incense to his parents.    




On the fifteenth day of cultivating the Divine Blood Secret Book.    


Ye Qinghan silently put away the silver needles inside a cloth bag. After fifteen days of cultivation, Ye Qinghan's body had lost a few kilograms of weight. For the past dozen days, Ye Qinghan only ate a small amount of vegetables and fruits every day. He had to replenish his blood and eat the internal organs of animals everyday, so how could he have the appetite to eat meat and vegetables? Therefore, being thin was a very normal thing.    


However, after cultivating for more than ten days, he had become much more refined, and his face was no longer pale. Instead, it turned rosy. His eyes became even sharper.    


"Phew!" "I've finally completed my cultivation. These fifteen days really aren't a life for humans. Whether I succeed or not will depend on tomorrow!"    


Ye Qinghan sat at the window, looking out at the bright moon, he let out a long breath. These hellish days had finally come to an end. After ten days of torture, even his nerves were about to collapse.    




Tomorrow was the clan's annual bloodline Awakening Rites, and also the last chance for him to awaken at the age of fifteen.    


Fifteen years of hard training, fifteen days of torture and hellish living, his mother's last wish, and the rest of his life with his sister. Everything... Hope and dreams will come to an end tomorrow!    


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