Beast Piercing The Heavens

C528 Chaos

C528 Chaos

1Chaos, utter chaos!    


The situation on the field was a complete mess!    


Four strong people at the peak of Divine General were chasing after Ye Qinghan, but Ye Qinghan didn't want to start a war with them and pursued the Low Level Fighter to kill him. Niu Yanhua activated "Thunder God's Protection" with all her might to stop the crowd's attacks. Niu Potian and the others used "Thunder God's Protection" to crazily chase down all the middle and low level experts on the battlefield. On the contrary, the most pitiful people present were the God Of Heaven Warrior s and the low leveled Godly General Fighters s.    


The scene looked like Firework Tribe had the upper hand. More than half of the hundreds of Martial Cultivator brought by the Dwarf Warriors had already been killed. Actually, Ye Qinghan and Niu Potian were extremely clear in their hearts that if this continued, they would both die.    


They had all killed Martial Cultivator, who had a relatively low level of enemy strength, but the fifty plus experts dressed in red war armor did not sustain too many casualties. Those were all Third Sky of Sky God Rankers and there were at least seven or eight Fighter As Well at the peak of Divine General. Once Ye Qinghan used up too much of his divine power, and once Niu Yanhua was unable to hold on, Thunder God's Protection would be destroyed. They would be torn to pieces by their enemies in a fit of rage...    




Other than them crazily tearing and killing everyone else, what else could they do?    


Niu Potian was only at the third level of Divine General. Niu Zhantian and the others were even worse, some were at the second level, while others were at the first. As for Ye Yaorao and the rest, their abilities were pitifully low. With the protection of Thunder God, they would be killed in an instant.    


Flee? Where could they escape to with their speed?    


"Hiss hiss!"    


As time passed, the demons and Demon Dwellers that were attracted by the battle started to appear. The scene became even more chaotic, into a complete mess.    


"Damn it!" If this goes on, there will be more and more demons.    


Although Ye Qinghan could not suppress the bloodlust in his heart, he did not suppress it either. But he still kept a clear mind inside his heart, the situation became more and more serious, he had already used up a lot of his divine power, and the white barrier that Niu Yanhua was using became thinner and thinner, to the point where he could vaguely see the figure inside. It was not that he didn't want to escape, it was just that the four Divine General s behind him were chasing him like lackeys, and if it weren't for the Mystery Steps and Absolute Domain, he would have died long ago.    


His blood-red eyes rapidly turned, and he decided to take a gamble. His swiftly running body began to charge quietly in the direction of the group of Martial Cultivator s that were obstructing the demons and Demon Dwellers. He had to think of a way to kill the four peak Divine General s behind him, otherwise this would be a dead end for him.    


Seeing Ye Qinghan rushing over with a cold wind, the Martial Cultivator who were blocking the way, ignored the demons and Demon Dwellers, and started to flee in two directions in panic. The more than a hundred corpses on the ground had proven that if this humanoid demon were to approach, the only outcome would be death.    


After Ye Qinghan casually killed the few Martial Cultivator s who were running slowly, he rushed into the army of Demon Dwellers without any hesitation, looking like he was trying to wildly escape. The four Sky God Realm cultivators were anxious. Ye Qinghan had killed so many of them, if he was able to escape now, then with the furious temper of their boss, that dwarf, he would definitely tear them apart. The speed of two of them suddenly increased dramatically, and they sent the Demon Dwellers in front of them flying. After circling around in a circle, they directly passed Ye Qinghan, rushed to the front of him, and intercepted him. The four of them formed a circle surrounding Ye Qinghan.    


"Hiss hiss!"    


The roars from the Demon Dwellers at the side did not cause the five to panic. Their weapons flew everywhere, directly turning the Demon Dwellers into dust. At their level, the Demon Dwellers could easily kill them.    




The three surrounded one of them and one of them started to attack. The Soft Sword in his hand released a red sword light that danced in the air like the tongue of a poisonous snake.    


"Come at me!"    


Ye Qinghan's bloodshot eyes flashed, he stomped his foot on the ground, causing the ground to shake, his body rushing towards Martial Cultivator, the God Slaying Blade unleashed green sword waves, aimed straight at the Soft Sword.    




Just as the four Martial Cultivator s at the peak of Divine General had imagined, Ye Qinghan borrowed the recoil caused by the cyan colored blade light colliding with the red sword light to cause it to explode, and his body suddenly changed directions as he increased his speed, preparing to flee between the two people behind him. This was his usual practice, and the four of them were already very familiar with it.    


The two people behind carried two gigantic Iron Rod s and smashed them towards Ye Qinghan who was crazily rushing over, attempting to throw him back into the encirclement. However, Ye Qinghan's feet continued to use a strange footwork technique, his body suddenly accelerated, avoiding the two people's attacks with great difficulty, borrowing the Qi waves produced by their attacks to once again increase his speed, and once again rushed out of the encirclement.    




Ye Qinghan is like this every time, he seems to want to fight you head on, but every single time, he would suddenly change his direction, using their attacks to rebound and flee. Furthermore, his footwork is extremely strange, and his body even has afterimages while running, his speed is too fast, it is impossible to tell that he is the real body and that he is the fake body. All of them ran away for him.    


That's not right!    


The helplessness and shock in the eyes of the two Martial Cultivator s suddenly changed. Because when Ye Qinghan rushed out, his body did a somersault in the air, causing him to lose a head, and pounced towards one of them. They actually wanted to fight him head on?    


"Come at me!"    


This Ranker's eyes revealed a trace of ecstasy. Although Ye Qinghan's attack was strange and that Violet Light was also terrifying, it was useless against them. They were just worrying that Ye Qinghan wouldn't fight head on with them, when he had instead come knocking on their door. The gigantic rod in his hand vibrated in the air, transforming into numerous afterimages as it smashed down towards Ye Qinghan.    




This Martial Cultivator's attack speed was too fast, Ye Qinghan simply did not have enough time. When he swung the God Slaying Blade, its body flew out like a meteor and the absolute domain that the black fog was using shook, almost shattering.    




A Martial Cultivator across from them was rushing over, but in the blink of an eye, she saw a black shooting star smashing towards them, causing his body to roll in the air, her face full of fear and panic. She could not help but reveal a cruel smile, raising her huge rod, ready to kill Ye Qinghan instantly and destroy the black fog barrier on his body.    


Eh? That's not right!    


Just as he was about to condense his divine power and smash down towards Ye Qinghan who was rushing over, he suddenly saw Ye Qinghan's body twisting strangely, and his face was no longer filled with panic, but was filled with a cold intent. Just as he was about to be hit by the huge club, his body turned into an afterimage as he twisted to the side and took a small step, coincidentally dodging the attack. The God Slaying Blade in his hand transformed into a streak of black lightning and struck heavily towards his head.    


"This blade …"    


The Martial Cultivator opened his eyes wide, and instantly died. He only had enough time to make two mosquito-like noises before his soul was completely sucked into the God Slaying Blade. When the Divine Crystal left his body, Ye Qinghan grabbed it with one hand and kept it inside his Dimensional Ring.    


It was too late. It was too soon!    


Ye Qinghan used the habitual thinking of the few of them, thinking that he was going to escape again. Under such a surprise attack, using the abnormal ability of the God Slaying Blade being able to devour the soul of the Martial Cultivator, he successfully killed a peak Divine General Ranker.    


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