Beast Piercing The Heavens

C502 I want to work with you guys

C502 I want to work with you guys

2500 meters, 400 meters, 300 meters!    


At this moment, Ye Qinghan saw the sky full of yellow sand in front of him. It was actually so cute, as if a traveller who was about to lose all hope while walking in the desert, suddenly saw an oasis.    


"Hiss hiss!"    


In the next second, the patch of yellow was covered by a black shadow. Ye Qinghan realised that he recognized this person. It was one of the third stage s of the Heavenly God Realm, a subordinate of Yan Hou. Something was strange... This Martial Cultivator did not escape out, but instead pounced towards Ye Qinghan with an excited cry. Although his speed was fast, it was obvious that his body was a little stiff. His eyes were bloodshot.    


"The Martial Cultivator that was demonized? Get out of my way! "    


Just as Ye Qinghan was about to escape, he was suddenly stopped in his tracks, and shouted angrily. His body lit up with a bewitching purple color, the God Slaying Blade in his hand soared through the sky, bringing along his boundless rage, he slashed down towards the figure heavily, directly smashing onto the left shoulder of the Martial Cultivator!    


His soul was in chaos, and seemed to be of no use to the Martial Cultivator, who did not even pause an inch. This was somewhat out of Ye Qinghan's expectations. However, what made him even more surprised was that … However, the God Slaying Blade suddenly lit up with a weak black light. Just as the blade touched the Demonified Martial Cultivator, a black light flashed and a change occurred!    


The threads of black fog on the Demonized Martial Cultivator's body unexpectedly rushed towards the God Slaying Blade, but this Martial Cultivator was actually stunned halfway, both of his hands were still waving about, as though he had suddenly been petrified. The place where his left shoulder and the God Slaying Blade had touched seemed like the place where a demon had been shot in the head by Niu Potian for the first time, as it started to wind and melt. With a speed that could be seen with the naked eye, her entire body, from top to bottom, gradually turned into black powder, and in the blink of an eye … Disperse in the air!    




Ye Qinghan stared blankly at the God Slaying Blade in his hands, unable to comprehend what was happening. In the next second, he hurriedly woke up and looked at the passage in front of him that was about to be closed by the black fog.    


Run, run!    


Escaping the area covered by the black fog, Ye Qinghan quickly scanned the area, and realized that there were two groups of black fog on his left and right, spreading out continuously towards him, and that after the black fog behind completely enveloped the passage, it was also quickly spreading towards him. There was no time to ponder as he continued to use his divine power to move forward.    




"Hiss hiss …"    


From time to time, the screams of the Martial Cultivator and the Demonized Martial Cultivator could be heard from behind them. Ye Qinghan was very clear that in such a short period of time, more than half of his team of two thousand plus had either died or had been Demonized, and this number was still increasing. Perhaps, he would become a part of this number in the next second.    


The only fortunate thing was that this group of demons was attacking the encirclement of the Martial Cultivator s, and did not chase after the few Martial Cultivator s who escaped. She still had a chance to escape.    


"Someone's coming out?"    


As Ye Qinghan ran, there was a sound of breaking air coming from behind him. Turning his head to look, he saw Ye Yaorao leading more than ten women and charging over. It was obvious that Ye Yaorao had slowed down a lot in order to take care of the few people behind him. Other than Ye Yaorao, the expressions of the other women in the group were extremely ugly. They seemed to have just received a fright. These people were all at least at the third stage of the God of Heaven Realm, their speed was even faster than Ye Qinghan's. In a moment, they had already surpassed him, and didn't even look at him before rushing forward.    


Ye Qinghan followed behind the dozens of ladies, continuously walking forward. In about ten seconds, they had already thrown Ye Qinghan far, far away, and disappeared into the howling cold wind and yellow sand. This place's visibility was too low, Ye Qinghan had no sense of direction so he could only cover his head and continue running.    


"Eh? Why are you back? "    


After a moment, over 10 figures appeared a thousand metres away, they were Ye Yaorao and the rest who had returned, panicking as they ran back the way they came. Then, she suddenly turned around and ran towards the left. Ye Qinghan muttered to herself for a bit, then turned and followed along with them, running to the left while looking at the direction where they came from.    




A hint of black began to emerge from the yellow sand in that direction. It seemed as though a new Fiend had appeared in that direction.    


With the obstruction in front and the pursuers after, Ye Qinghan wished that he could have four legs now. His speed was too slow. The longer he stayed in this place, the more dangerous it would become. At the same time, he began to pray that there wouldn't be any more demons in this direction. Otherwise, with his speed, if he were to turn back, he would definitely be surrounded again. Right now, Niu Yanhua and the others had already disappeared without a trace. If they were surrounded, the only thing left for them was death.    


"Hiss hiss!"    




However … A moment later, a strange cry vaguely appeared in front of him along with the terrified cry of the woman, causing Ye Qinghan's heart to sink into the ocean. Another Fiend appeared up ahead? If he really was a demon, then he would definitely die.    


"What are you panicking for? This is the Demon Dwellers! Their attacks weren't frightening, it was fine as long as they could be sent flying. Remember! "Don't get entangled, and don't get close to them. If you get scratched by them and attacked by the demon qi inside their bodies, you will immediately be demonized and charge at me!"    


It was precisely Ye Yaorao's voice that caused her eyes to light up.    


Demon Dwellers? Demonized Martial Cultivator?    


Thinking about the Martial Cultivator that had been demonized just now, smashed into smithereens by the God Slaying Blade, a trace of hope rose in Ye Qinghan's heart. If the Demon Dwellers in front could also chop down and be killed instantly, then he would have a high chance of escaping.    


Charge, charge, charge!    


Ye Qinghan ran forward quickly, and after about 10 seconds, he could vaguely see countless figures squirming about, but after a glance, they all sucked in a cold breath of air.    


How many demonic Martial Cultivator s were there?    


The dense mass of zombie-like Demon Dwellers were in front of them. At a glance, they only saw patches of blood-red eyes, and these Demonified Martial Cultivator s' bodies were all stiff, but their speed was extremely fast. The black aura circled around their bodies and surrounded Ye Yaorao and the rest.    


It was just that after these Martial Cultivator were Demonized, they no longer had any martial skills from before, they just instinctively brandished their weapons, or turned into black hands, and blindly rushed towards them while baring their fangs and brandishing their claws. Ye Yaorao and the rest of the people were forming an arrow formation, with balls of energy surrounding their bodies, they attacked the incoming Demon Dwellers and sent them flying out in groups.    


However, there were too many Demon Dwellers s and their speeds were very fast. Moreover, there were constantly Demon Dwellers s jumping and pouncing towards them from the air, their advancing speed was very slow.    


"Big sister, you can leave by yourself. If you drag this on, you'll be dragged to your death by us."    


Ye Yaorao's attack was extremely powerful, the silver sword released a sword beam that was more than 10 metres long, with just a casual sweep, the Demon Dwellers s in front were all flung out one by one. Furthermore, all of the Demon Dwellers that she swept past, froze into ice at an obvious rate. However, the attacks of the Martial Cultivator s behind them were clearly weaker, as they would often knock the Demon Dwellers s flying and the Demon Dwellers s behind them would rush forward again. If not for Ye Yaorao's help, they wouldn't be able to advance at all.    


"Cut the crap. If it's my last resort, I will leave. Follow me!" Ye Yaorao's cold face revealed a trace of bitterness. How long had it been since she left the ancient fortress? Out of her nearly hundred subordinates, only about ten or so were left behind her. As for these ten plus people and herself, they didn't know if they would die in the next second. Or did it turn into the zombie-like Demon Dwellers in front of him?    




She quickly swung out her sword, sending the two Demon Dwellers s flying in the air. Suddenly, she saw an incomparably shocking scene on her left. A hint of surprise and delight suddenly appeared in his ice-cold eyes.    


"This …"    


More than ten women noticed Ye Yaorao's abnormality, and looked over, but this time they couldn't leave their eyes, even the Demon Dwellers beside them had forgotten to attack, their beautiful faces collectively revealed a trace of ecstasy.    


"This person is so powerful!" It's someone from our tribe, I know him! "    


"He's coming our way. He's coming to save us!"    


Looking at the over ten excited people, the happiness in Ye Yaorao's eyes flashed, the silver sword in her hand shot out a few rays of sword beams in all directions, sending the incoming Demon Dwellers flying, and then shouted coldly: "What are you all standing there for? Hurry up and attack, do you all want to die? "    


After waking up the more than ten women in her subordinates, Ye Yaorao once again shifted her gaze to the left. A look of contempt flashed in her eyes, and she coldly snorted: "She's clearly a strong person, yet she disguised herself as the second level of the heavenly god and acted like a pig to eat the tiger. This man is also not a good person, hmph … None of the men are good stuff! "    


From the group of Demon Dwellers on the left, a black clothed Martial Cultivator holding a strange black Long Knife was floating over. The ferocious and terrifying Demon Dwellers in her surroundings, were as though they were squashed in mud. His black Long Knife danced casually and as long as it was swept, all of them would crumble to pieces, like a Invincible War God that was casually walking amongst the army of ten thousand, it was impressively Ye Qinghan.    


"Miss Ye Yaorao, this one is Ye Qinghan, I wish to cooperate with you!" Ye Qinghan was like a sharp arrow, in the blink of an eye, he had already easily arrived near Ye Yaorao and the others.    


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