Beast Piercing The Heavens

C943 Humiliation

C943 Humiliation

3"Li Tian, let go of my Highness! Otherwise, Nanling Continent and you will be irreconcilable! "    


"Put your majesty down!"    




Countless angry roars sounded. Young Master Huo Yu and a group of young masters, who had been bestowed with Heavy Treasure by their families, as well as the South Mountain Martial Cultivator s who were hiding behind the crowd and not getting pierced by the Soul Poisonous Jade Sabre, all angrily roared one after another. His face was full of anger, full of regret. Many of the Martial Cultivator s, and even Young Master Huo Yu had grown to hate him!    


If it wasn't for him? How could they all fall to such a state? Not only is my life on the line, right now, even the noble prince is being stabbed in the stomach with a sword …    


In fact, the reason why many young masters had betrayed them along with Young Master Huo Yu was not entirely because they wanted to kill Ye Qinghan and split the Heavy Treasure with him. It was because of the Your Highness Cherry Blossom. This flower of South Mountain, was so noble, so beautiful, and was the goddess in the hearts of the South Mountain's young Martial Cultivator. But the goddess … At this moment, she actually had some kind of inexplicable good impression of Ye Qinghan. If Ye Qinghan came down and fought side by side with her, then this flower of South Mountain would probably be trampled on by Ye Qinghan …    


Therefore, when Li Tian contacted them and Young Master Huo Yu said this in secret, they did not hesitate for long and turned traitor. But at that moment, their goddess was held by Li Tian by the neck with one hand and lifted up in the air with a dripping blood sword at his waist. The blood-red night that was left at the tip of the sword was the blood of their goddess!    




His pretty eyes were filled with madness. He wanted to rush forward to save Your Highness Cherry Blossom, but he was afraid that Li Tian would make a move. He wanted to tear Ye Qinghan into shreds, but he knew that if he charged over, he would die. In the end, the only thing he could do was to roar, and bring his subordinates to crazily attack Li Tian's subordinates.    




The Fighter As Well s of the Nanling Continent were very smart, they knew that Li Tian kidnapped the Your Highness Cherry Blossom to threaten Ye Qinghan. When Young Noble Huo Yu took action, they all rushed towards the Stellar Sea Martial Cultivator who had been poisoned by the Soul Poison, causing the entire competition ground to become chaotic again.    


Ye Qinghan's eyes slightly narrowed, his fingers that were attached to his back continuously moved, but he was not flying towards Li Tian. Li Tian had a protective treasure, and definitely had a Soul-protecting Artifact as well.    


Quietly releasing hundreds of Jade Knife, Ye Qinghan stood in mid air, no one dared to approach, while countless Martial Cultivator began to flee, he did not care, and only mockingly looked at Li Tian and said:    


"Don't look at me with such a gaze. If I say you are trash, then why aren't you convinced? You said that even if you want to abduct someone, you should abduct someone who is related to me, right? The Li Xiaosha over there, is the son of a friend of mine. That Viper War God is my benefactor and there are many young masters who have a good relationship with me. What's wrong with you abducting a woman I've only met once? "    


Li Tian looked at the crazy Martial Cultivator and heard Ye Qinghan's mocking words. He was at a loss for words. He wasn't sure if Ye Qinghan was related to Your Highness Cherry Blossom, but Your Highness Cherry Blossom was so determined to help Misty Continent, so he thought that the two were related. Now that he thought about it, it was only the first time Ye Qinghan had come out of the Misty Continent and it was also the first time the Your Highness Cherry Blossom had come out of the Nanling Continent. Indeed, the two of them did not know each other. Even if they met, they did not have a relationship.    


However, since he had already done such a foolish thing, Li Tian could only choose to die. His eyes flickered a few times, and said sinisterly: "Your Highness Cherry Blossom, you would rather die than stand on your side, are you just going to watch her die?"    


"Then what do you want? You want me to surrender? You want me to kill myself? Is it possible to think about you with your pig head? " Ye Qinghan said with a cold smile, his face full of ridicule.    




Li Tian didn't know how to answer this again. He understood Ye Qinghan's personality a little, although loyalty and friendship were both important, he was after all, not familiar with Your Highness Cherry Blossom. After a moment of silence, he helplessly said: "I admit defeat this time, and let us go! As long as we leave the Soul Emperor Pavilion, I will naturally not harm Your Highness! Otherwise, I can only drag His Highness to death with me! Ye Qinghan can decide, your highness' life and death is in your hands. "    


Ye Qinghan was silent as he pondered over Li Tian's suggestion. At this moment, even Young Master Huo Yu and the rest had stopped their slaughter. Everyone quietly looked at Ye Qinghan who was standing there with his eyebrows knitted slightly. Waiting for his decision, or rather … They were waiting for him to decide their lives.    


Originally, everyone was still rejoicing at the fact that so many people, especially the elites of the continent, had mastered ancient secret techniques. Li Tian's twelve guards were experts in joint attacks, and were able to reach the strength of the Sixth Grade War God. Li Tian and the others also had many secret treasures. However, after Ye Qinghan revealed his first soul skill, everyone's mood dropped to the bottom. They all felt that Ye Qinghan was like a Ninth Grade Invincible War God, undefeatable.    


A Soul Cultivator of the Divine Monarch Realm with a total strength of at least seventh grade!    


His seventh grade was not high, but he was absolutely invincible in this place!    


Furthermore, Ye Qinghan had only displayed his terrifying speed, weird soul skills and a set of Super Divine Tool. The secret art that could hide itself, the treasure that could kill the Sovereign, had not been revealed. Most importantly, could it be that Ye Qinghan had not obtained any treasures on the eighth floor?    


In a single exchange, in just a short period of time, the number of corpses had already reached two thousand. Who could contend against them? Who would dare to fight?    


No one had the guts to fight Ye Qinghan. The only thought in everyone's mind was to escape the Soul Emperor Pavilion and return to their continent. However, there was no exit to the sixth floor, so everyone was looking at Ye Qinghan …    


Ye Qinghan was silent for a moment, but everyone felt as if tens of thousands of years had passed. Every second felt incomparably uncomfortable. At this moment, all the Soul Poison outside of the bodies of the Martial Cultivator s were clean and tidy, but out of the five thousand people, there were less than three thousand remaining.    


"Sigh, forget it!"    


After a long while, Ye Qinghan sighed, he raised his head and looked at Your Highness Cherry Blossom, and then said to Li Tian: "I must defeat or kill all of you in this challenge, if you do not admit defeat, or else I will not kill all of you, this challenge will not end. If all of you get down on one knee and surrender to me... This challenge will end and all of you will be sent away! You know... I mean? "    




Ye Qinghan's meaning was obvious, everyone heard it clearly, countless of Low Level Fighter's eyes revealed joy. Li Tian and the rest looked embarrassed and angry.    


You want to kneel to Ye Qinghan?    


The moment they knelt down, these young masters and young masters would never be able to raise their heads in front of Ye Qinghan. This matter will definitely spread across the entire God Realm. In the future, how will they still have any face to stay in the God Realm? This would become a humiliation and stain on everyone's faces for the rest of their lives. If they were unable to take revenge in the future, they would never be able to wash it away …    


"Swoosh swoosh swoosh!"    


Countless of Martial Cultivator did not care about those young masters and young masters, they started to kneel down. Protecting one's life was more important, they knelt down on one knee in the air, with their heads lowered towards Ye Qinghan, indicating their submission.    




The eyes of countless young masters flashed with hatred, but they still lowered their noble heads. The situation was better than others, so the humiliation Ye Qinghan brought them today could only be reported to them in the future. If he didn't kneel today, he wouldn't even have the opportunity to exact vengeance in the future!    


"Ye Qinghan, you are also a big shot, I hope … You mean what you say! "    


Li Tian's face was as black as charcoal. He glared at Ye Qinghan for a long time as though he wanted to kill him with his eyes. Finally, along with Your Highness Cherry Blossom, the two of them knelt down on one knee at the same time.    




At this time, a ray of divine force came over, grabbing onto Your Highness Cherry Blossom's knees, preventing her from kneeling. Li Tian's face changed as he thought that there was nothing strange with Ye Qinghan, the God Power in his hand suddenly appeared and was about to attack.    


"Relax! Actually, it was fine to express a gesture, there was no need to kneel! Of course, since you've all kneeled, Miss Cherry Blossom Miss doesn't need to kneel anymore! "    


Ye Qinghan laughed, and looked at Li Tian in ridicule, as though he was a cat scratching a mouse, obviously trying to humiliate him. The faces of Li Tian and the other young masters darkened once again. All of them looked at Ye Qinghan with burning anger, but did not dare to rush forward.    


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