Beast Piercing The Heavens

C418 Great opportunity!

C418 Great opportunity!

3The pair of beautiful big eyes appeared in his mind once again. Ye Qinghan didn't stop and immediately locked onto the two pure black pupils in the middle of the Spiritual Consciousness.    


Slowly, he saw that pitch-black void again, and saw that naked woman. Actually... In a sense, he couldn't tell if that person was a woman or not. Was it naked?    


Just that when he entered the space, he suddenly had a feeling that the person standing in the air was a woman with a perfect naked body. This was purely a feeling, but this feeling was extremely strange. It made Ye Qinghan very sure that this feeling was real.    


This woman's sixth sense had nothing to do with it, it was related to the image of her expression. Ye Qinghan was very clear that this was a type of message sent to him by this strange map.    


The moment he felt this woman, the call in his heart became stronger and stronger. Right at this moment, a strange information suddenly surfaced in Ye Qinghan's heart. At this moment, he seemed to hear a very pleasant female voice sound out in his ear:    


"As long as you can see me clearly, it's possible that you... "Get me, and get me a great opportunity!"    


This piece of information was very sudden, and its meaning was very ambiguous.    


But it was at that moment that Ye Qinghan was deeply shaken. His mind quickly spun, and he quickly understood the deep meaning contained within these words. This message was very likely from the woman. She was luring herself to continuously spread the Spiritual Consciousness towards the void, until it reached the place where she stood, completely enveloping her body. That way, he would be able to see her clearly. He might even be able to get her, as well as a great opportunity.    


As for whether he could get her or not, and whether this woman was real or not, or just a phantom image in the air. Ye Qinghan was completely unaware of what this great opportunity was.    


However, Ye Qinghan did not think too much into it. Now that he had such clear hints, he was even more determined. He decided to continuously bring the Spiritual Consciousness closer to the woman in the sky, all the way until he could clearly see her in front of her!    


At this moment, his Spiritual Consciousness was only able to see through those two pure black eyes to enter this void, and was still a long distance away from the woman. He began to control the Spiritual Consciousness and slowly spread it into the air.    




Just as the Spiritual Consciousness had spread a little distance, suddenly, his mind was struck by a roaring sound, and the boss's image immediately disappeared, followed by the piercing pain from the last time, which once again spread throughout his body. Holding his head, he began to roll on the ground nonstop. He roared furiously, the muscles and bones throughout his body all spasming up. His handsome face once again became incomparably distorted …    


Just like before, the Soul Ring quickly lit up with a gentle light, but this time, the light from the pattern on top of his head did not light up again. This time, Ye Qinghan rolled on the ground, and only passed out after more than ten minutes.    




This time, Ye Qinghan woke up after falling unconscious for a full seven days. After waking up, his entire body was similarly comfortable, without the slightest hint of dizziness or pain.    


"Damn it, does this young master have to live out my life in pain before I can grow up?" Could it be that I am the legendary Xiao Qiang? "    


Ye Qinghan thought about the heart-wrenching pain before fainting and all the hairs on his body stood up. The duration of the pain seemed to have doubled? If he were to double it next time, then double it next time? Then even God would be played to death...    


This time, his Soul Sea did not increase much. Last time, it increased by 10%, but this time, it was only by 1%. This made him puzzled; This harvest and contribution seems to be inversely proportional.    


"As long as you can see me clearly, it's possible that you... "Get me, and get me a great opportunity!"    


However, when he thought of these words, and recalled the blossoming firework above the Hidden City, he did not hesitate for a moment and prepared to rest for a while more to use the Spiritual Consciousness to investigate. He remembered clearly that the time that he had spent sensing the void this time around was much longer than the first time.    


Once again, the Spiritual Consciousness leaked out, and through the pair of pure black eyes, it entered the endless void. Without any hesitation, it slowly spread the Spiritual Consciousness towards the woman.    




After a while, Ye Qinghan was in the training room holding his head and rolling on the ground, screaming out in pain.    


"There's been another improvement, continue!"    


He felt that every time he fainted, the strength of his soul would increase. Although it was now only at 1%, having an increase was pretty good too.    


Most importantly, he felt that the distance that Spiritual Consciousness could radiate in the air increased every single time. Although it was just a small increase, if it continued, sooner or later, he would be able to get close to that woman and see her perfect body clearly! And then... Own her!    


Thus, Ye Qinghan began his happy and painful life!    




A month after Deicide Guard was killed, the God City was finally completely shaken. Although there were a lot of strong experts in the Saint Level, on the surface, there were only four people in the Saint Level and only four guards in the God City.    


Out of the four guards who represented God City, one of them had suddenly disappeared for a month, and it was under the direction of God City which knew of his whereabouts, so this matter was incomparably serious.    


"We can't wait anymore, Burning God Guard, let's go see the God Lord! This matter can only be decided by God! " Tu Shenwei looked at the secret command that came from the Hidden City in his hand and could no longer sit still. The Hidden Island envoy from half a month ago, saw that the Deicide Guard had yet to return after a long time, so he sent a small team to investigate the situation. Still gone. Burning God Guard also felt the seriousness of the situation. The two hurriedly got up and ran towards the Divine Pavilion.    


"Greetings, god master. This subordinate has an important matter to attend to!" Both of them ignored the occasional sound of the girl moaning and the screams of the young man as they kneeled down and shouted.    


"Tsk tsk, quickly say it!" The God Master transmitted his voice after a short while.    


"There's an anomaly in the Purple Island. Several investigation teams have disappeared, and even Deicide Guard went to investigate it a month ago … It's gone missing, and no news has yet to be sent back. This matter is of great importance, and this subordinate does not dare to deal with it in private, so I request the Divine Master to adjudicate it! " Tu Shenwei did not dare talk any further and directly reported what had happened to him, but he secretly activated his War Qi, preparing to take on the wrath of the God Lord.    


"Oh? "Tsk tsk …"    


Hearing that, Shen Zhutu laughed out loud, a terrifying laughter spread across the entire Divine Pavilion, then suddenly stopped, a sharp voice sounded out: "Finally unable to hold it anymore? Tsk tsk, order the Dark Guard to not go send himself to death. If the Deicide Guard is dead, then all of you will be dead. More... Send fifty people to me, let me have a good time first. After all, if I ever go to Purple Island again, let them have a good time!    


"Fifty people?"    


Hearing that, Burning God Guard's charming and flirtatious face instantly turned bitter and unsightly. The God has been playing more and more recently, ten to twenty people, then thirty, but now there are only fifty? No matter how many people there were, they would all be played to death after a day and a night. Most importantly, he only wanted young men and women of Human Clan, and he also wanted people of superior looks.    


War God Mansion and Demon God's Manor; actually, they had long been alarmed by the secret capture of God City. Moreover, they had already begun to secretly move the beautiful men and women away. She didn't know whether or not the entire War God Mansion would erupt if this continued. Would the continent go extinct because of Shen Zhutu's perverted habits and crazy actions that led to the third World Exterminating War?    


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