Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C61 Xu Tie-lin

C61 Xu Tie-lin

2Zhang Haorann and Xu Rongsheng left Tianshu Temple, Xu Rongsheng personally saw Zhang Haorann upstairs to the room.    


"Little brother, take this."    


Xu Rongsheng handed a bank card to Zhang Haorann.    


On the top left corner of the bank card was carved the words "Special VIP" and on the top right corner the word "Xu Rongsheng".    


"Boss Xu, you're too kind." Zhang Haorann waved his hand.    


"No no no, little brother, you must accept it."    


Xu Rongsheng sincerely said, "You've helped me so much. If I don't return the favor, I'll feel bad. This is my VIP card at the bank, I can overdraft 20 million. "    


"The money that the Feng Shui Master s owe you hasn't been returned yet, so take this card. It's an emergency."    


Zhang Haorann felt that Xu Rongsheng's words were reasonable and did not reject them. He accepted them.    


After Xu Rongsheng left, Zhang Haorann returned to a peaceful life.    


Compared to the terrifying experience of West Lake Household Winery, the period of peace and quiet during this period of Lying Dragon High School, the discussions about Zhang Haorann were much less than before. It was as if everyone was already used to Zhang Haorann's presence and achievements, the fact that he was the overlord of Lying Dragon High School.    


Perhaps, only when Zhang Haorann's academic performance had declined and he was no longer in front of the whole school would he be discussed once again.    


There was still more than a month before the Lying Dragon High School welcomed the important day that would decide the future of the students, the college entrance examination.    


On the May 1st Labor Day, students of the Loulong High School were on vacation, carrying their dreams of university in their hearts. They didn't take the break to rest, but to look for famous teachers outside the school to take private courses. Some of the students with average grades who didn't take the college entrance exams seriously were using this time to have fun.    


Xu Qing was at home reading and studying.    


Xu Qing's father was called Xu Tiehlin, and her mother was called Lee Feng. Her family's financial situation was not bad, and Xu Tiehlin was the family's pillar. He was in the hardware business, so his income was not bad.    


Lee Feng was a full-time woman who was responsible for Xu Qing's daily meals after her return home.    


As soon as Xu Qing returned home, she saw Xu Tiehlin reading a newspaper. His face was ashen, just like his stubborn temper.    


Lee Feng, on the other hand, was sulking on the side. She looked like she was very angry and ignored Xu Tiehlin.    


"Dad, you and Mom fought again." Xu Qing had already gotten used to it. She changed into her slippers and walked into the house.    


Lee Feng said:    


Qing, look at your dad's bad temper. I told him to read less newspapers and hurt his eyes a lot, but he refused to listen. He also said that I should pour him a cup of tea and let him walk as far away as possible.    


Xu Tiehlin put down the newspaper and said, "Qing, you know your mom's personality, nagging on and on, talking endlessly about the same thing, not knowing how tired she is. I've been busy all day, so why did I come back to read the newspaper? I've only been reading for an hour."    


Xu Qing advised, "What her mother said makes sense. The newspapers have been reading for too long and are not good for the eyes. We should rest immediately after reading it. This way, the damage to the eyes can be minimized."    


"It's okay, dad's eyes aren't good, why don't you just wear a pair of reading glasses?" Xu Tiehlin saw that his daughter was not on his side, so he just ignored her and continued to read the newspaper.    


Xu Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry. What a good pair of parents.    


"Qing, how's your academic performance recently?" Lee Feng asked with concern.    


Hearing Lee Feng's question about Xu Qing's academic performance, Xu Tiehlin intentionally lowered the newspaper so that he could see Xu Qing.    


"This month's examination will be the second in my entire school. I hope that on the 25th next month, I will be able to continue to rank in the top three." Xu Qing said happily.    


"Top three?"    


Xu Tiehlin suddenly felt uncomfortable, "If you get into second place, then you have to rush to first place and let others see that my daughter is first place in Woulang High's entire school. Remember, don't be discouraged next time."    


Xu Qing said helplessly, "If it's that easy to get first place, I definitely won't miss this opportunity. With Zhang Haorann here, I have no hope of being first in the entire school."    


"What Zhang Haorann? Li Haoran? He can't possibly stay first right?" Xu Tiehlin puffed his beard and glared at Xu Qing. He felt uncomfortable with Xu Qing's attitude, "Without General Chang Sheng, Qing, believe that you can surpass him next time and become first in the entire school."    


Lee Feng shook her head at the side. Xu Tiehlin, seriously, you don't know much about learning. Are you saying that you can surpass it if you want to? Besides, as a father, you don't usually ask your daughter about her grades or go to school to interact with the teachers.    


Of course, Lee Feng didn't say that Xu Tiehlin was wrong because of this.    


Xu Tiehlin spent most of his income specifically on Xu Qing. From the West Lake University Medical College, he hired a respected professor to tutor Xu Qing personally, acting as a tutor.    


"Don't worry dad, next time I will definitely surpass Zhang Haorann. If I really can't do it, I'll ask Zhang Haorann about the secret technique he is studying. That should be enough, right?" Xu Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, afraid that her parents would argue again.    


The reason for her strong personality was mostly due to Xu Tiehlin.    


"That's more like it."    


Xu Tiehlin was satisfied. He picked up the newspaper, but after a few glances, he suddenly put it down.    


"Wait, who did you say was Zhang Haorann?"    


Xu Qing nodded. "That's right. He is recognized as the top student in Wulong High School and has occupied the first place in the school for the past three years."    


Thinking of Zhang Haorann, a sweet taste flashed across Xu Qing's heart. She almost blurted out the fact that many girls in the school liked Zhang Haorann, scaring her. Luckily, she didn't say it out loud.    


Xu Tiehlin flew into a rage and threw the newspaper onto the ground.    


"How could it be Zhang Haorann?"    


"You can't date him! Absolutely not! "    


The moment Xu Tiehlin's temper was shown, it was like a car with an engine installed that couldn't be pulled back by even ten bulls.    


"Xu Tiehlin, what are you talking about!?" Why are you so angry at your daughter? " Lee Feng glared at him and said, "What do you mean by dating? Let me tell you, my daughter is my darling. If you continue talking nonsense about her, I will definitely settle the score with you."    


Xu Tiehlin said, "I open a hardware store, so I often deal with customers, some of which are the parents of Wolong High School. You said I don't care about my daughter, that's nonsense. I chat with the customers and know a lot of things about my daughter at school."    


Xu Tiehlin told them about Xu Qing's performance at school, including Wei Weilian's pursuit of Xu Qing.    


Lee Feng was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Xu Tiehlin to know more than her. It made Lee Feng a little unsure of how to respond.    


Xu Tiehlin snorted and said,    


"It's true that Zhang Haorann is the number one student in Wulong High School. He has learning achievements and has potential, but don't forget, he doesn't have money!" No background! "No one!"    


"Based on this, he wants to chase after my daughter? "In your dreams!"    


Xu Qing panicked when she heard this.    


"Dad, what are you talking about? I'm not dating Zhang Haorann."    


"Heh, you haven't dated him yet?" Xu Tiehlin said, "Don't think that I don't know about your crush on Zhang Haorann at school."    


Xu Tiehlin already knew that Xu Qing was secretly in love with Zhang Haorann, so he knew that the two of them were in the same class. However, this wasn't enough to make Xu Tiehlin angry.    


The reason for his anger was that Xu Qing took the initiative to contact Zhang Haorann at this special time of the college entrance exam. What if there were no more sparks due to the friction?    


"No, we definitely can't give them the chance." Xu Tiehlin was determined.    


Lee Feng said angrily, "Xu Tiehlin, are you done yet? So what if my daughter likes Zhang Haorann? He has good grades, which mom doesn't like him?"    


With that, Lee Feng looked at Xu Qing, "Qing, it's Labor Day holiday now. You have to find a way to contact Zhang Haorann. I'm going to cook a good meal at home to entertain Zhang Haorann."    


"Nonsense!" Xu Tiehlin suddenly stood up and stubbornly said, "He's just a poor kid, what ability does he have to come into my house? Besides his academic performance, how is he worthy of my daughter?"    


"Money?" Contacts? Relationship? Xu Tiehlin, is that all you have in mind? They are just students after all. So what if they have feelings for one another? " Lee Feng was overbearing and did not give in in the slightest.    


Xu Tiehlin threw the newspaper away.    


"Good, good, good! Fine, you two are a mother and daughter. I'm too lazy to tell you more! "    


"I'll go look for Zhang Haorann now. Tell him directly to stay away from my daughter in the future."    


"Dad, Mom, please don't say anymore." Xu Qing lowered her head and said, "Don't worry, I won't contact Zhang Haorann before the college entrance exam."    


Xu Qing silently went back to her room. If Xu Tiehlin really went to find Zhang Haorann, Xu Qing was afraid that Zhang Haorann would be affected badly.    


It was almost time for the college entrance exam. What if Zhang Haorann was disturbed and his grades fluctuated? What if there was a problem in the college entrance exam?    


In her heart, Xu Qing was extremely unwilling for something to happen to Zhang Haorann.    


Xu Tiehlin was relieved with Xu Qing's answer. He sighed and said to himself, "It's good that you understand."    


Lee Feng couldn't be bothered to continue talking to Xu Tiehlin.    


At this moment, someone knocked on the door.    


"Could it be Prof. Du!" Xu Tiehlin went to open the door.    


Prof. Du was the professor that gave Xu Qing supplementary lessons.    


There were two people standing outside the door.    


On the left was a middle-aged man who appeared to be in his fifties. Some parts of his hair were already graying, and he wore heavy clothes, giving off the impression of a scholar.    


His name was Du Yudong, and he was a professor at Xihu University's medical academy. He was responsible for giving Xu Qing an advance study of surgical medicine.    


On the right was a young, handsome, and extraordinarily dressed young man.    


"Prof. Du, who is this?" Xu Tiehlin examined the young man. He didn't know why, but the first time he saw the young man, he felt an appreciation for him.    


"This is my favorite student, a talented student of West Lake University's medical school, Lu Ming."    


Du Yudong introduced the young man beside him to Xu Tiehlin and added, "His father is Lu Kai."    


"Hello, Uncle Xu." Lu Ming shook hands with Xu Tiehlin with a relaxed smile on his face.    


Lu Kai?    


Xu Tiehlin's eyes lit up. Who Lu Ming is is not important, but Lu Ming's father, Lu Kai.    


He had heard of Lu Kai's famous name.    


This was the vice principal of Xihu University!    


"Lu Kai is the vice principal, Lu Ming is handsome and talented."    


"This family is so much better than Zhang Haorann. It's so fitting for Qing."    


Xu Tiehlin burst into laughter.    


"Come in, please."    


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