Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C52 First Class Feng Shui Master

C52 First Class Feng Shui Master

1West Lake Household Winery, has wine cellar, bar, KTV, golf course, winery square.    


More and more Feng Shui Master were waiting in the winery plaza.    


At the side of the winery plaza, there was a podium with tables, chairs, and a microphone placed on top of it.    


Amongst the Feng Shui Master present, there were more than a hundred third grade Feng Shui Master, fifty second grade Feng Shui Master and four first grade Feng Shui Master.    


The third tier Feng Shui Master s gathered together and chatted with each other. Occasionally, a third tier Feng Shui Master would use their connections and connections to mix in with the second tier Feng Shui Master's crowd, not interrupting and listening.    


As for first-rate Feng Shui Master, their circle was isolated and no one dared to step forward.    


The president of Feng Shui Association is called Zou Tian.    


Zou Tian went up to the podium with a microphone in his hand and said in a clear voice:    


"I welcome everyone to this exchange of Feng Shui World. As the president of Feng Shui Association, I thank everyone for your support of Feng Shui Association."    


A round of applause rang out from the audience.    


This was the first step of the Feng Shui World Exchange. The president's speech was the same as a typical company leader's speech.    


Zou Tian spoke for a few minutes, then invited Feng Shui Master to give a speech, sharing his experience, and imparting knowledge to the other Feng Shui Master.    


The plaza of the winery instantly became quiet. Everyone listened carefully, afraid that they would miss the content of the first grade Feng Shui Master's speech.    


The first one to go on stage was first class Feng Shui Master Bai Hann, he was close to sixty years old and had a lot of theoretical knowledge on feng shui as well as the skillful handling skills of the Talisman Seal.    


Everyone wanted to hear Bai Hann explain the skills of the Talisman Seal, but Bai Hann's eyes suddenly popped out and the noise became much quieter.    


Bai Hann explained some feng shui knowledge. Everyone's interest waned, but no one dared to object. After a few minutes, Bai Hann left the stage and it was the second first grade Feng Shui Master's turn to make a speech.    


The one who came on the stage was called Wen Xuekun. He was around 50 years old and wore a pair of lace glasses. His hair was combed very bright.    


This Wen Xuekun's knowledge on feng shui was quite unique. He didn't talk about anything else but women, and completely dissected the woman's facial and palm appearances. If not for the Feng Shui Association Master Zou Tian, reminding Wen Xuekun of the time, Wen Xuekun would probably have talked until the end of the day.    


The Feng Shui Master present all shook their heads. Wen Xuekun was nicknamed "Old Fey Stick". It was rumored that he used the money he earned from reading Feng Shui to toy with women.    


When Wen Xuekun left the stage, it was the third first Feng Shui Master. It was a woman called An Jia.    


An Jia was the youngest among the five first grade Feng Shui Master s. She was about thirty years old, and after careful maintenance, her appearance was not much different from twenty years old.    


Her temperament was not that mature, and she knew how to take care of herself. Adding her identity, the female Feng Shui Master An Jia had the highest popularity among all the Feng Shui Association.    


An Jia wore a light makeup, her eyebrows slightly raised, her expression calm. As soon as she went up on stage, she welcomed the cheers of the Feng Shui Master.    


"Does anyone want to hear about Talisman Seal s?"    




The Feng Shui Master s replied crazily.    


"Alright, I'll tell everyone about the Talisman Seal today."    


An Jia began to explain the origins and development of the Talisman Seal. In the end, she took the three Talisman Seal as an example and personally demonstrated it to everyone.    


"This is the Rushing Thunder Talisman."    


An Jia's hand swiped, and the Talisman Seal's Rushing Thunder Rune released a ray of light, flashing across the air.    


"This is the Jade Water Talisman."    


An Jia once again shot out the Talisman Seal's Blue Water Talisman. A stream of water suddenly formed in the air and fell to the ground, as if it was a magic trick.    




Just as An Jia was about to shoot out the next Talisman Seal, she suddenly frowned. The other three Feng Shui Master s followed suit.    


When An Jia had used the Blue Water Talisman earlier, they had clearly felt that something was wrong with the stream of water in the air. However, they could not tell what was wrong with it.    


If it were not for everyone's expectation of An Jia's next Talisman Seal, An Jia would have definitely used the Jade Water Talisman again to see where the problem was.    


An Jia's mind was preoccupied with her own matters as she stopped what she was doing.    


The next first grade Feng Shui Master was Chen Zhidao. Once he went up on stage, all of them cheered in unison. Chen Zhidao was one of the five first grade Feng Shui Master, and became the first grade Feng Shui Master the longest.    


When Chen Zhidao was thirty years old, he was already a first-rate Feng Shui Master. Now, Chen Zhidao was fifty-nine years old, making Chen Zhidao's position in the Feng Shui Association very heavy.    


Like An Jia, Chen Zhidao gave a speech on feng shui matters and gave everyone a symbolic demonstration of his Rushing Thunder Talisman. His Rushing Thunder Talisman was clearly stronger than An Jia's, and the appearance of Thunder and Lightning in front of everyone's eyes made them extremely shocked.    


"Next, Guan Dong." Feng Shui Association President Zou Tian's face was full of smiles.    


No one agreed.    


"Is Guan Dong here?"    


Zou Tian asked a few more questions.    


At this time, Guan Dong arrived late and walked into the winery square.    


Zhang Haorann and Zong Xiaosu who came with Guan Dong had long unknowingly sneaked into the Feng Shui Master and chose a seat with less people.    


"Master Zhang, the first grade Feng Shui Master s who spoke just now, was it one of them who turned the West Lake Household Winery into a ghost house?" Zong Xiaosu asked in a low voice.    


"It's possible." "Don't forget, in the Landscape Villa, it was Chen Zhidao who used Venomous Insect to harm others, causing Liu Tie's wife, Little Tan, to become a ghost controlled by the Venomous Insect."    


Zong Xiaosu nodded and said:    


"I've asked around before, the ones who know how to control Venomous Insect are Chen Zhidao, An Jia and Wen Xuekun. Chen Zhidao is usually magnanimous, but I didn't expect him to be so narrow-minded, causing traffic accidents on the highway. Hence, he was dissatisfied and killed Meng Liang's family. "    


"Wen Xuekun, he's a well-known pervert who loves to tease women from good families the most. He himself is a first class Feng Shui Master, he does not lack money, but has this kind of habit. He's really not a good person."    


"As for An Jia, I have never heard of any unfavorable rumors about her, but she is extremely powerful. She is a first class Feng Shui Master in her early thirties."    


After Zong Xiaosu introduced Chen Zhidao, An Jia, and Wen Xuekun, he introduced the other two to Zhang Haorann, "I don't need to talk about Guan Dong, you know." Bai Hann is an honest and honest man, he can use Talisman Seal s, he does not know how to control Gu. Sometimes, when I do not know the answer, I will ask Bai Hann for advice. "    


When Guan Dong went onstage to give his speech, applause rang out from the audience.    


Zong Xiaosu asked tentatively, "Master Zhang, who do you think is the real mastermind?"    


"Probably not the five of them." After watching and pondering, Zhang Haorann gave an answer that Zong Xiaosu could not understand.    


Zong Xiaosu was puzzled. "If Xihu Province's strongest five Feng Shui Master s are already them, if it's not them, then who else could it be?"    


Zhang Haorann explained the reason to Zong Xiaosu.    


"To transform West Lake Household Winery into a Yin Residence, the abilities of the five of them is still insufficient."    


"I told you before, the Yin Residence is actually the Magical Formation. They control the Magical Formation and they have to be in the array. Thus, the real culprit is definitely here, it's just that it's not the five of them."    


As he spoke, Zhang Haorann's expression turned serious.    


Zong Xiaosu was enlightened.    


On the way to the winery square, he and Zhang Haorann specifically asked Zhang Haorann for his suspicions. Zhang Haorann not only helped him solve it, but also told Zong Xiaosu about the Magical Formation's information.    


Zong Xiaosu was only a second class Feng Shui Master. How could he have heard of Magical Formation?    


It turns out that although the West Lake Household Winery was a Yin Residence, it was far beyond the scope of a Yin Residence. Someone had set up the West Lake Household Winery as a Magical Formation, and the creator of the array could change the fengshui of a wine house and turn a dead person into a ghost amongst the Magical Formation.    


Zhang Haorann told him that the so-called Yin Residence and Talisman Seal, were all Magical Formation. The Talisman Seal used the drawing of talismans to form a miniature Magical Formation, allowing the Magical Formation to communicate with all sorts of attributes in the air, displaying different uses, such as lightning, air currents, water tide, etc.    


Guan Dong was obviously not in a good mood when he was at the podium. After a few simple sentences, he left the stage.    


Chairman Zou Tian planned to find some time to ask Guan Dong about what had happened, and how much of a disappointment the Feng Shui Master's felt. You are a first-rate Feng Shui Master, you have to act like a first-rate Feng Shui Master, right?    


Zou Tian went up on stage.    


"Next is the third step of the Feng Shui World Exchange. Everyone will collectively discuss it and Feng Shui Master will be able to talk about the unsolvable cases on stage with the help of the other powerful Feng Shui Master."    


This was the last step of the Feng Shui World Exchange, and was also the process that everyone was most concerned about. Some Feng Shui Master could use this opportunity to ask others for help and get the answers they wanted.    


"Five minutes later, I will choose a Feng Shui Master to talk about the problems I have encountered and ask for everyone's help in resolving them." After Zou Tian said this, the winery plaza became a hubbub of noise, the Feng Shui Master people whispered to each other, and started discussing.    


Zong Xiaosu asked, "Master Zhang, I think it will be a good opportunity later. We will go up and question Chen Zhidao, leaving him speechless."    


Zhang Haorann agreed. He suddenly turned around and looked towards the entrance of the winery square.    


If one wanted to enter the West Lake Household Winery, and admire everything within the winery, one must first enter the main entrance, and then pass the winery plaza.    


At this moment, the door to the winery square was opened. At the same time, Xu Rongsheng's bodyguard and driver, Mo, walked over.    


"Master Zhang, I finally found you." Mo beamed and said, "You know all the people at the door. They are your classmates and friends, like Sister Xiao Yishan at A'Mei restaurant, and your good classmates Ling Huan and Xu Qing."    


Zhang Haorann's expression changed, "Who brought them here?"    


"It's Wei Weilian." Wu Tie said.    


"Wei Weilian?"    


Zhang Haorann's frown deepened. Back then in the Shoulder Dragon High Taekwondo Club competition, Wu Tie had leaned against a mountain, heavily injuring Wei Weilian. His shoulder was fractured and it was impossible for him to recover in a short period of time.    


"Let's go. Bring me there quickly!"    


Just as Zhang Haorann was about to follow Mo to the door, Zong Xiaosu suddenly pulled Zhang Haorann's sleeve.    


"Master Zhang, five minutes are up." Zong Xiaosu pointed at the stage, where Liu Tie was preparing to let the Feng Shui Master explain their difficult problems.    


Zhang Haorann immediately made a decision, "Mo, watch Wei Weilian carefully. This person has a problem with it, and tell Boss Xu to immediately send people and prepare a secret escape route. If something happens, you, Boss Xu, Xu Qing, and the others will escape."    


"Master Zhang, what happened?" Mo was confused.    


"There's no time to explain, just do as I say!"    


After Zhang Haorann said that, he brought Zong Xiaosu to the podium.    


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