Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C9 Get Out of Here, You Piece of Shit! 

C9 Get Out of Here, You Piece of Shit! 

0One of the chefs couldn't stand it any longer. Slamming his hand onto the cutting board, he pointed at the disgusting man in front of him. "Just get out of here, you piece of shit," he snarled. "May Restaurant doesn't welcome jerks like you, so if you don't pack up and leave, I'm calling the police!"    


Cui Kai scoffed. "Oh, you stupid fatty, what are you yelling around for? With that voice of yours, I would've assumed you're an announcer rather than a chef." He leaned over the counter as his eyes glimmered. "Why don't you hurry up and cook my favorite Kung Pao Chicken, yeah?"    


The other customers shifted uncomfortably, slowly standing up. While the food here was good, the friendly atmosphere had just decreased exponentially.    


"We're leaving," a few of the customers announced as they headed out to eat at another restaurant.    


What? She snapped her head up in attention as she hurried out of the counter to call them back, but it was already too late. They had already headed over to her competitors.    


"Look, what the hell do you want?" Xiao Yishan finally snapped, digging her fingernails into her palm. "What tricks are you on about this time? Haven't the Chef already told you? You aren't welcome here! Now, please leave."    


She didn't even give him any leeway to react.    


A few days ago, Cui Kai had already made a scene at May Restaurant. There were flies in his food. "Do you know how sick I'm going to be?" he demanded, wagging his finger. "I want a thousand yuan! Now!"    


With how careful they were, she doubted there were any flies in his dish.    


The meal he had ordered was worth around forty yuan, yet the man was shameless enough to ask for a thousand yuan in compensation. To cure him, he said–as if there were really any flies on his plate!    


Xiao Yishan wasn't going to compensate him, but how the hell was she supposed to know that he'd stick around the restaurant from time to time? Because of him, all her customers had already run off!    


And the real reason he had done all of this was that he couldn't get her number!    


"Xiao Yishan, what happened?" Zhang Haoran and Xu Qing raced over to Xiao Yishan's side. However, the older woman wasn't paying any attention to them. Unable to bear the man's words, her shoulders started trembling, and her nose reddened.    


Seeing such a beautiful woman in tears made plenty of the other customers upset. A part of them wanted to rush over and protect her, but they couldn't say anything against Cui Kai.    


"Ah, what do we have here?" Cui Kai turned around and noticed a young girl standing next to Zhang Haoran. At the sight of her plump lips and large eyes, his grin widened even further. She was almost as pretty as Xiao Yishan!    


His eyes glinted.    


Not only is this beauty blessed by the heavens, but she also looked so young. It seemed that today's a lucky day for him! But why was it that he had never seen her before...    


Just then, a thought occurred to him.    


He remembered now. She was none other than Xu Qing–the class beauty of Woloong High School!    


She's the woman that Boss Wei Weilian couldn't catch himself! And she's hanging around with this brad? If the boss knew about this, wouldn't he die of anger?    


He had seen Xu Qing's photo millions of times on his boss's phone, so he knew exactly who she was.    


He licked his lips. Wei Weilian's family was extremely rich and influential in the city. Even for someone like him, a self-perceived gangster, he didn't have any thoughts of going against a man like him.    


After all, he was his number 1 dog!    


His smile widened.    


After taking care of Xiao Yishan, he'd just grab the brat and get of their way. 'If the boss knows that I delivered her to him, wouldn't he reward me of some sort?' he thought. Just thinking of the money he'd get was enough to give him the tickles!    


Consequences be damned! He'll get what he want today!    


Making up his mind, he turned swiftly.    


"Who are you, kid? Xiao Yishan's friend?" Cui Kai snapped at Zhang Haoran. The man towered over him, like a mobster boss questioning an ordinary citizen.    


However, the younger man didn't look the slightest bit intimidated. In fact, he even laughed at his face!    


He was the Tao Ancestor! He was already at the Void Refining Dao Integration Stage before he was rebirthed! There was no way he was going to be intimidated by this piece of shit!    


He scowled.    


"This is a public restaurant. If you're going to keep behaving like this, then you might as well fuck off!"    


"What the hell did you say?" There was no way he was going to let this brat order him around!    


Oh, he was going to teach this kid a lesson!    


There were other customers who cheered Zhang Haoran on. A few shook their heads in disappointment. While a few others felt sorry for the young man. After all, he was just a high school student. There was no need for him to entangle himself with these gangsters.    


"Zhang Haoran!" Xu Qing was surprised as she tugged his arm. A few seconds ago, the man was very calm and collected, and now, it's as if he had turned a 180. Standing beside wasn't like the Zhang Haoran she knew.    


As for Xiao Yishan, she didn't expect him to stand up for her!    


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