Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C10 Slap on the Face! 

C10 Slap on the Face! 

0"Look, Zhang Haoran," Xiao Yishan urged as she grabbed a hold of the young boy's hand. "I can't just drag you into this. How about this? I'll distract him while you head back and pretend nothing happened."    


Besides, he was the reason that Xiao Weiwei had survived that bus ride. Letting him take the blame right now wouldn't be the best way to pay him back. She'd rather suffer a loss herself than to see her cousin's savior paying for May Restaurant's mistakes. However, despite her pleas, he still stood strong and proud.    


"No," Zhang Haoran said calmly. "It's best that you don't get involved in this, Xiao Yishan."    


There was something about the boy's voice that made it seem as if he's the boss of them.    


Even the surrounding customers couldn't help but applaud, impressed by his confidence. At first, they didn't think much of this boy, but now, a part of them hoped that he could find a way to deal with Cui Kai–whoever this asshole was.    


There were a few customers at the back who rolled their eyes in jealousy. "The boy's just doing it to get her attention," a few of them murmured, but even then, they couldn't help but stare at the scene in interest.    


Xiao Yishan slowly took a step back, not trying to persuade him any further. While he looked like he was just in his late teens, there was a flash of determination in his eyes–one that she hadn't seen in anyone before.    


In his previous life, Zhang Haoran was known as the famous Tao Ancestor. He had already proven himself as one of the most powerful beings alive, and there was no way in hell he was going to get bullied in this life!    


He scowled.    


"Cui Kai," he started. "How many times have you lurked around May Restaurant?"    


"You call that lurking? It's just my third or fourth time visiting, kid. You got a problem with that?" The older man puffed out his chest, leaning against one of the columns of the small place. It was obvious that he wasn't the slightest bit intimidated by him. "Just go fuck yourself, kid!"    


"Four times then."    


He shrugged. "I hope that the lesson you're going to get this time around could get through your thick skull."    


Zhang Haoran activated his Profound Gold Essence Returning Technique, condensing the vital energy around the tips of his fingers. Now, the bright energy formed into a shape of a crane that had just spread its wings. Without another thought, he raced towards the gangster.    


"What are you on ab–" Before he could react, a black shadow loomed over his face.    




His face swung to the right.    




Cui Kai could feel his entire head slamming against the pavement as his back hit the corner. The man spat out blood, and everyone watched in disbelief. This was a gangster! A muscled one at that! And they had just watched him get beaten up by some high schooler!    


The young man slapped him four times in a row!    


What the hell?    


"You little bastard–" Cui Kai was about to scramble up when the black shadow loomed over him once more.    


Before he could finish his sentence, Zhang Haoran's fingertips immediately went over all his acupuncture points, sealing all of his vital energy in his chest. Dodging his attacks, he finished his technique and pushed back. Everyone could only watch in awe.    


"He really landed a punch," Xu Qing murmured to herself, speechless. Her hands were trembling as she struggled to follow their fight.    


"God, it's like I'm watching from some TV show." Ling Huan was still peering out from his private room. His jaw had dropped as he studied every single one of those moves. "Haozi's really landing his punches! But will it affect Cui Kai?" There was something about the man's quick movements that even they could barely see whether or not it had any impact on him.    


But no...There was no way he was going to doubt Zhang Haoran now! Not when there were tons of people watching him.    


"Xiao Weiwei, you shouldn't worry about him. I'm sure Haozi has something up his sleeves," he comforted, placing an arm on her shaking shoulder. "He doesn't play by the rules–that one."    


Something up his sleeves? Even he didn't know whether or not he trusted himself.    


"You think poking me like that would do the trick? Hey kid, if you want to be a hero, you should've stuck with playing pretend!"    


On the other side of the restaurant, Cui Kai laughed maniacally. However, just as he was about to take another step forward and throw a punch, he found himself frozen in stance. His face fell and his eyebrows furrowed.    


"What the hell? Why can't I move?"    


Suddenly, Cui Kai felt as if someone had punched him on the stomach over and over again. His vision blurred, and a wave of nausea tumbled over him. His hands trembled. What the hell was happening?    


He had never felt like this before. Even after emerging victorious in all his mob fights, he always got over the pain within just a few minutes...but was as if the brat had broken every bone in his body!    


"Fuck!" He spat out blood.    


His face was even paler before. Cui Kai's gaze fell on the puddle of blood on his feet, and his heart trembled in surprise. What did he do to him? "You–you..." he stuttered, not really knowing what to say.    


The little kid had poked four spots on his body before retreating...Did that mean that Zhang Haoran was also subjected to the same trick? Could he also not move?    


Using the little strength left in him, Cui Kai snatched one of the kitchen knives and hacked it towards the young man.    


All the bystanders started screaming.    


"He's going to kill someone!"    


"Why is Haozi just standing there? Fuck, man, leave!" Inside the box, Ling Huan was anxiously jumping up and down. He paid no heed to the chairs as his face squished against the transparent glass. "Just go!"    


How can he not be worried when his best friend's life was at stake?    


Some of the customers closed their eyes. Others turned their heads. However, there were a selected few who stared at the scene, anticipating what would happen next.    


Xiao Yishan's hands fell to her sides, completely stupefied by the scene.    


"No!" Xu Qing subconsciously rushed over to the scene when she saw the knife. "Haoran!"    


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