Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C8 The Provoker

C8 The Provoker

2Zhang Haoran narrowed his eyes at the man standing not so far away. His dark eyes glinted, and his fingers drummed violently against the table.    


Among the line of customers was a suspicious young man. He was glancing around him, looking as if he was scared of getting caught in the act. From the way his feet shuffled and his fingers twitched, he could already tell that this man was up to no good.    


That was the guy who had destroyed Xiao Yishan's reputation. Not only did he use his dirty tricks to frame them, but he even tried to hurt them at one point. 'If I had met this guy in my previous life, I would've kicked him right in the balls,' he thought. Well, he had a second chance at that now.    


If he remembered correctly, the man's name was Cui Kai.    


Zhang Haoran's face darkened immensely and his other hand tightened its grip on the teacup.    


Just as he was about to stand up, the door to the private room had been pushed open.    


Xiao Yishan and Xiao Weiwei had already arrived with plates in their hands.    


The older woman smiled apologetically.    


"Sorry for the wait guys, I've been a bit busy with all the other customers," she said, placing the dishes on the table. "Weiwei told me that you love green pepper with shredded meat and boiled fish, so I got the chef to cook them just for you."    


"Here you go," Xiao Weiwei said happily.    


Zhang Haoran smiled before tearing a piece of boiled fish and bringing it to his lips. The flavor immediately exploded in his tongue, and his eyes widened in appreciation. "It's really good."    


"Good? It's freaking amazing!" Ling Huan paid no heed to his surroundings as he gulped every bite down, looking like a man who had gone through weeks without eating. "It's like I'm eating food from heaven!"    


He shook his head, amused. "You really are shameless."    


Truly, the man didn't know when to stop.    


"It's really good," Xu Qing agreed, taking another bite. "I really like it!"    


Seeing that everyone was satisfied, Xiao Yishan heaved a sigh of relief. She patted the table. "If there's anything else you want to eat, feel free to order, all right?" She grinned. "I'll be heading out now. See you later!"    


As soon as she left the room, Xiao Weiwei sat down.    


"The business is booming," Zhang Haoran commented, looking around. "Have you ever thought of redecorating the place?"    


"I've actually told her that millions of times but..." There was a pause before she continued, "The only reason she opened this place was to pay for my tuition. To put some of the funds to redecorating the place–she said it was too expensive, that she'd rather save up for me."    


What a kind-hearted woman.    


Right now, he could already tell that Xiao Yishan didn't have good relations with the other businesses. Given her outstanding looks, she'd likely get harrassed or be subjected to jealousy among her peers. It was a likely reason why she was alone in this entire process.    


Even when May Restaurant was booming, she could easily be subjected to other people's trickery. An example would be...An unpredictable smile slipped into his lips.    


"I'll just head out and buy some Coke," he said abruptly, standing up.    


"Nonsense. You're a guest! Why don't I help you out?" Xiao Weiwei was about to stand up when he dismissively waved his hand.    


"There's really no need."    


She froze and nodded slowly. After all, he seemed very sure about his decision.    


Xu Qing had already felt that something was up with the boy in front of him. As soon as he stood up, she soon followed. "I'll buy something from the vending machine too," she said, shooting him a 'don't argue with me' look.    


Speechless, he simply nodded and left the private room.    


Outside the private room, there were dozens of customers waiting in line–increasing with every minute that had passed. Xiao Yishan was sweating profusely as she tried to catch up with their demands.    


"Thank you! Have a great day," she called out, but as soon as she saw the next customer, her face darkened almost immediately.    


"Cui Kai, what the hell are you doing here?"    


Her face shone with disdain.    


The man called Cui Kai stared her down, looking like he had just seen a piece of good meat. Anyone who'd see the way he stared at her would've shaken their heads in disgust and made their way out of the room. He stood there, with hands in his pockets.    


There were a few people behind him who couldn't stand watching on any longer. "Are you going to eat here or not?" one of them yelled out. "Don't you see we're all standing in line?"    


Cui Kai's face twisted with incomparable rage. "There are so many restaurants on this street. Why don't you head over there instead?"    


"All we're saying is that–"    


"I don't want to waste my time arguing with a bunch of low-lives. If you don't want me here, hit me for all I care. If you can't, then scram!" he barked, taking off his leather jacket. Everyone could see green dragon tattoos wrapped around his muscular arms like a bunch of chains. All of them bore fangs and claws, with glowing eyes.    




He raised his eyebrows.    


Seeing that no one objected to his presence, Cui Kai snorted and gazed at Xiao Yishan.    


He grinned, revealing his yellowing teeth. "As for you, babe, I come and leave as I please," he said casually. "Besides, isn't May Restaurant open to all kinds of hungry people? I'm hungry, so it shouldn't be a problem for you to serve me, right?"    


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