Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C6 Extracurricular Vehicle Shock

C6 Extracurricular Vehicle Shock

0The news of Zhang Haoran saving Xiao Weiwei in the schoolbus had spread like wildfire. Everyone knew about it–from their lower classmen to their teachers. Even then, they still couldn't beleive what happened.    


Truly, there were just mysteries that they couldn't answer, and no one wielded better puzzles than a high school in the city.    


Unlike his other classmates, Zhang Haoran didn't choose to live on campus. Instead, he rented an apartment not too far away from the vicinity. It was still a walk away from Woloong High School, and it was also much cheaper than the school's accommodations.    


He grabbed his books on his desk and walked home, as usual.    


Many would've preferred to ride their bike back to their apartment, but he was different. That's because he liked taking many detours, taking around ten minutes before he'd reach his destination.    


Perhaps it was better that way because the home he was getting back to looked more like a dump than a safe haven. His frugal lifestyle did nothing to change it either.    


As soon as he passed one of the street lamps, the lights dimmed down, and he could make out a black Santana parked by the side of the road. Its shade glinted in the night, attracting any passerby's attention.    


Zhang Haoran furrowed his eyebrows. The village usually didn't have many visitors, so who'd park their car there? With his curiosity piqued, he couldn't help but take another step forward.    


Just then, he noticed another abnormality. Turned out that while the Santana was parked, the entire vehicle was creaking up and down, and he could make out a shadow in the windows.    


His eyes narrowed. His Yin Yang Eye technique could easily pierce through the metal, enough for him to see what was going on.    


A man and a woman were entangled with each other inside the car. The woman was none other than Tong Mei. She was slightly older than them, around eighteen years old, and she was known for her good figure and attractive features. Everyone knew her as the type of girl to hook up with all the rich guys around the city.    


The guy she was sleeping with was Ji Jiangnan. He was in his third year at Woloong High School. He was pretty large for his age, and with his stature, no one would dare provoke him.    


Inside, he could see Tong Mei leaning against the front seat. Her hair was in total disarray and her lips were slightly parted. Occasionally, she'd let out a few stifled cries of surprise as soon as he'd press down against her skin.    


"God, I wish I can do this to you all night." He breathed heavily.    


"I heard that this Zhang Haoran kid–the top student of our class–just rescued a girl with his medical skills." She slowly wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "You can schedule an appointment if you want to last a little longer with me. Perhaps he could do a thing or two about that."    


"The bastard would do anything I'd tell him to." He grunted. "If he doesn't, well, let's just say my fist is the last thing he gotta worry about."    


"Mmm, I like my men strong." She groaned under him as her fingers dug into his skin.    


"You little bitch, I like your taste!" They moaned in satisfaction.    


As the Santana bounced up and down, neither of them saw the shadowy figure walking down the street.    


Zhang Haoran turned away and shook his head. That really was interesting couple.    


The next day, high school class five.    


"Hey, Haoran!" Xiao Weiwei called out the minute he had stepped into the classroom. "My cousin Xiao Yishan wanted to treat you out to lunch–for saving my life back in the school bus. I was wondering if you could go."    


However, as he was about to refuse, Ling Huan pulled him back. "Haozi," he whined. "Do you know her sister runs a small restaurant? It's pretty popular around here–I've eaten there a few times too. You should go!"    


"Please, you just want me to pack you some snacks." He rolled his eyes.    


"Guilty." Ling Huan chuckled.    


"She also invited Ling Huan over too," Xiao Weiwei said quickly as a delighted smile graced her features. "Come on, it's just one day anyway–how bad can it be?"    


Zhang Haoran could only agree.    


Ling Huan couldn't care any less. As long as he was eating a meal for free, the world could just burn to the ground. "See, man? It's going to be good, you'll see." He patted his stomach in agreement.    


Once they were finished with school, all of them headed to May Restaurant.    


As soon as they reached the vicinity, Zhang Haoran noticed a lovely girl waiting for them. A smile brightened up her entire features as she waved her hand in greeting.    


She wore a blue denim jacket–it was the first time he had ever seen her wear it, but it fitted her quite well. She looked like she had just walked out of the covers of a magazine.    


Her long jet-black hair fell to her shoulders, covering the side of her face. However, even if there were strands of hair blocking the sight, he could still see her dark eyes and angelic features. She was truly a beauty.    


As if he had just been electrocuted, Zhang Haoran pulled back and blushed. "You didn't tell me that your cousin also invited Xu Qing over."    


Xu Qing had actually been bothering him about his technique and how he had managed to save Xiao Weiwei from needing intensive medical treatment. He wasn't able to answer her, and it only made her complain about him even more.    


"You all helped me, didn't you? Of course, I have to treat you all." She chuckled.    


Ling Huan nodded rapidly. "Right! I even gave Haozi a bottle of water."    


Zhang Haoran shook his head, speechless. "Y'know, Ling Huan, some things are better left unspoken," he teased, and they all burst into laughter.    


As soon as they reached the entrance, Xu Qing wrapped her arms around Xiao Wei. She glanced at Zhang Haoran for a while before turning around. "So, how have you been?" she immediately asked as Xiao Weiwei directed them to their table.    


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