Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C4 Yin Yang Eye

C4 Yin Yang Eye

0Every single one of the students were clamoring around, looking like a bunch of ants scuttling on a hot pan. From the looks on their faces, it was obvious that even they had no idea what to do.    


"Did any of you bring any Bactrim tablets, erythromycin tablets, or midecamycin tablets? Since we're still far away from the hospital, these anti-inflammatory pills could ensure that her appendix hasn't perforated...." She held her breath. "At least, it will delay the process."    


Everyone shook their heads. Spring break was just a day away, and they had already packed their bags. The only reason they were here was to relax and have some fun. Even if they were sick, they could easily head to some hospital nearby.    


None of them brought any pills.    


"Ms. Fang, why don't we just take a car and get Xiao Weiwei to the hospital?" Xu Qing suggested, seeing as they were all out of ideas.    


"That's the only viable idea we have." The older woman sighed. "If we delay it any longer, her condition would grow even worse."    


Many students nodded in agreement. However, on the center of the aisle, Zhang Haoran stood up and shook his head, attracting all of their attention.    


"Even if you got her there, it would still be too late."    


Upon seeing their furrowed eyebrows, he nodded at the coming traffic ahead of them. "It will take at least an hour to get us to the nearest hospital," he explained. "With her condition, even if she were treated in time, the operation would affect her for the rest of her life."    


In truth, her lifespan would be shortened inevitably.    


However, Xu Qing just wasn't having it. While Zhang Haoran was a bookworm, that certainly didn't mean that he was better than her! This was her field.    


Even back then, she had already immersed herself with a thousand clinical cases of western and traditional Chinese medicine. Xu Qing even hired a professional doctor to guide her academic development. That meant that she must know more than him when it came to operations and medical terms.    


"Do you even know what she could eat right now?"    


"I don't know," he said firmly.    


"Do you know what it means if the patient is suffering from total abdominal pain? If their temperature has risen above 39 degrees?" Her tone had become even snappier. "And what happens if they're suffering from chills?"    


Even then, Zhang Haoran remained unfazed. "Tell me about it."    


"It means that she has a perforated appendix. She's in critical condition and must be taken to the hospital immediately!" she snapped. "And now you want us to stall for time? If something really happens to her, would you be taking responsibility?"    


The more she spoke, the more furious she became. At this point, Zhang Haoran was left speechless.    


Even the surrounding students were surprised. Wasn't this the school belle who had a crush on him? And now, she was already screaming at him at the top of her lungs! Women were really a dangerous species. They could turn their attitudes faster than their fingers could turn the pages of their books.    


"Like I've said, you bringing her to the hospital would be useful, but by the time you do, she would've already paid too much a price." He shook his head. No matter how many times Xu Qing would defend her outlook, he still wouldn't budge. "Right now, I'm the only one who could help her. It's up to you whether or not you'll believe me."    


There was a few seconds of silence before she turned around. "Fine, let's see how you're going to save her."    


In reality, she understood what he was trying to say. If someone as weak as Xiao Weiwei were to undergo such a delayed operation, it would greatly affect her quality of life.    


Although bringing her to the hospital was the only hope she really had realistically, Xu Qing didn't push it any further. Why? Because a part of her was intrigued as to what he'd be able to bring to the table.    


"Haozi, are you sure about this?" Ling Huan said lowly, seeing the intensity of the situation. "If something happens to her...we'd all be held responsible for this."    


"Just leave it to me."    


His friend nodded heavily. "Fine, I believe you can do it."    


This time, Zhang Haoran stared at Xiao Weiwei in the eye as his fingers slid down to her abdomen.    


Now that her appendix had exploded, her fever was already spiking. Her eyes were already squeezed shut as she panted heavily, obviously in deep pain. Her hands were flailing out as if even she didn't know what to do anymore.    


"Your sterilized scalpel." He held out his hand, obviously referring to Xu Qing.    


She glared at him for a long time before taking out a scalpel from her personal first-aid kit. After disinfecting the blade heavily, she handed it over to him. It was a good thing she brought her practice kit with her.    


At the sight, the surrounding students avoid the urge to flinch. What the hell was that? Who knew that the school belle was actually carrying a knife with her this entire time? Many of the male students suppressed the urge to sigh in relief. It was a good thing that she liked Zhang Haoran. Otherwise, they were done for.    


Holding the blade with his left hand, he used his other hand to press against Xiao Weiwei's abdomen.    


While he appeared calm, Xu Qing was the complete opposite. She held her breath as she felt her heart thumping wildly in her chest. To actually cut open a person... involved so much information on appendectomy. While Zhang Haoran was smart, could he know them all?    


As he stared at her stomach, he took a deep breath. Somehow, he understood where their doubts were coming from. After all, he didn't really know how to operate, but it wasn't like he needed any surgical techniques.    


That was because he had already inherited the immortal divine ability. That was far better than any surgical techniques he would've been taught in high school.    


He had another thing up in his sleeves.    


Every person had spiritual their own yin and yang in their vital energy. After all, it's only normal for every one of them to be capable of holding both oppositions. That's what made them special, and it's what made this operation all the more complicated.    


"Divine ability–Yin Yang Eye!"    


His eyes suddenly changed. There wasn't a single trace of white in his eyes as his pupils started to expand. It's as if the man in front of them had already been possessed from the darkness of his gaze. It was a strange sight, but none of them said a word.    


The Yin Yang Eye had given him the ability to see through anything.    


Now, he could see Xiao Weiwei's elemental energy flowing around her abdomen, leaving a black space right in the center. It was as if something had stopped the energy from reaching space.    


"That's the root of the disease," he murmured to himself, this time far more confident than he had first started. That must be the location of the appendix, seeing as the life force had been obstructed in that area.    


Without another thought, he slowly cut open that spot with his scalpel.    


Then, he activated the Profound Gold Essence Returning Technique. The golden energy wrapped around his right hand, also extending to the blade of his scalpel. He took another deep breath as he steadied himself. Hopefully, this would all work out.    


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