Blockbuster Son-in-law

C1564 He Was Scared to the Point of Pissing His Pants

C1564 He Was Scared to the Point of Pissing His Pants

1Zhou Yuan flew into a rage out of humiliation. When he thought about how Chen Hao had humiliated him and how his eyes had been injured, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.    


However, at this moment, the culprit who had caused all this was still standing in front of him as if nothing had happened. This made Zhou Yuan even more impatient.    


The huge anger made Zhou Yuan lose his rationality. He finally pulled the trigger.    


With a bang, everyone was stunned for a moment.    


Zhou Yuan fell to the ground, his right hand covered in blood. He howled in pain. A bullet pierced through his right wrist and broke his nerves. The gun in his hand could no longer be held and fell to the ground.    


Everyone was completely stunned when they saw this scene. They did not know why things had turned out this way.    


Xie Ying's mood was even more like a roller coaster, moving back and forth several times.    


When he saw Zhou Yuan really shoot Chen Hao, he really cursed Zhou Yuan in his heart several times.    


Even if they wanted to kill Chen Hao for revenge, Chen Hao couldn't just die like this.    


There were still many things that they hadn't asked about the Chen Family and Haoyu Union.    


Xie Ying had originally planned to torture Chen Hao and vent his anger after capturing him, then spare his life and bring him back to the Freemasonry to wait for the president to deal with him.    


After all, with Chen Hao's current status and identity, letting him live was the only way he could play a greater role.    


However, Xie Ying did not expect Zhou Yuan to be so impulsive. Zhou Yuan had opened fire without warning, giving him no chance to stop him.    


What Xie Ying didn't expect was that after a gunshot, Chen Hao was fine, but Zhou Yuan was actually injured.    


Everyone was shocked.    


"What's going on?"    


"How could this be? Could there be a ghost in this room?"    


Zhang Lanfang's face was filled with fear, and she wished she could leave this place immediately. The gunshot just now had already scared her to death. Now that such a strange thing had happened again, it made her want to leave this place immediately even more.    


Today was really too unlucky. If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have come here. She wouldn't have gotten involved in this mess.    


Xie Ying reacted the fastest. He immediately looked around and finally saw a familiar face in an inconspicuous corner.    


Qi Wan stood in the corner dressed in a black suit and a hat, dressed like a bodyguard.    


She had been very low-profile from the beginning and kept her head down. If he did not look carefully, he would not be able to recognize her at all.    


When Xie Ying saw Qi Wan's face, his expression immediately changed.    


"Why is it you!?"    


"You were the one who fired the gun just now?"    


Everyone's gaze fell on Qi Wan, and they quickly recognized who she was.    


After all, anyone who had been to the amusement park that day would have a deep impression of this terrifying "she-devil" Qi Wan.    


Qi Wan walked towards Chen Hao. Seeing her approach, everyone subconsciously made way for her and kept a distance from her.    


Zhou Yuan was lying on the ground, clutching his bleeding hand. At this moment, he had slightly recovered from the pain. He looked at Qi Wan, gritted his teeth, and growled.    


"It's you!"    


"You b * tch, I won't let you off!"    


Qi Wan looked coldly at Zhou Yuan. She raised her gun and aimed it at Zhou Yuan's head.    


Zhou Yuan was cursing at the beginning, but when he saw this scene, he instantly shut his mouth, and sweat flowed down from his forehead.    


The surrounding Freemasonry elites also became nervous when they saw this scene. They aimed their guns at Qi Wan.    


Everyone knew that this woman was ruthless and merciless.    


Out of consideration for Zhou Yuan's safety, Xie Ying compromised in the end and stepped forward to mediate the situation.    


"If there's anything we can discuss, let our young master go."    


"Our young master is the only son of the president. You won't let him go if you kill him."    


"You don't want to become enemies with the Freemasonry, right?"    


Xie Ying was extremely unwilling in her heart. She was unwilling to lower her voice and plead on behalf of a brainless young master like Zhou Yuan. But at this moment, he had no choice but to do so. If Zhou Yuan really died... In a fit of anger, the president might drag all of them down with him.    


He didn't want to be killed by this useless young master.    


However, when Zhou Yuan heard Xie Ying's words, he couldn't help but get angry.    


"Xie Ying, why are you so useless, to actually beg for mercy from them?"    


"Our Freemasonry isn't a vegetarian. Do they dare to kill me?"    


"If they kill me, they'll make the entire Freemasonry their enemy. They don't have the guts to do so."    


As soon as Zhou Yuan finished speaking, Qi Wan suddenly opened fire. That shot landed beside Zhou Yuan, scaring him so much that he screamed, "Ah!"    


A warm flow flowed between Zhou Yuan's legs. Zhou Yuan's legs trembled, and he was so scared that he wet his pants in front of everyone.    


The Freemasonry people were also stunned. Seeing their young master, who usually flaunted his power in front of them, being thrown at them like this, their expressions were indescribably complicated.    


Zhou Yuan's expression was especially ugly. He wished he could find a hole to hide in. He gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Hao and Qi Wan. He clenched his fists tightly, wishing he could eat them alive on the spot.    


He had never experienced such an embarrassing thing since he was born.    


He would never let Chen Hao and Qi Wan go!    


After the fright just now, everyone in the Freemasonry was also frightened. They all knew what the consequences would be if Zhou Yuan died. No one could escape, and they would all be buried with him.    


Qi Wan's shot made Xie Ying's heart stop for a second, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.    


Xie Ying cursed in his heart at Zhou Yuan, this brainless trash. He still wanted to show off at a time like this. He even began to regret why he accepted this mission this time and came here with this trash.    


Xie Ying looked at Qi Wan and could only say good words:    


"Don't be impulsive."    


"If our young master dies, it will be very difficult for you to leave this place."    


Qi Wan did not speak, the muzzle of her gun was still pointing at Zhou Yuan.    


Xie Ying saw that Qi Wan didn't understand, so he turned his gaze to Chen Hao.    


"As long as you let the young master go, I can let you go."    


"I can guarantee that you can leave this place safely."    


The moment Xie Ying finished speaking, Zhou Yuan, who was lying on the ground, became unhappy.    


"Who asked you to agree to let them go?"    


"Without my permission, no one can leave this place even half a step."    


Zhou Yuan looked at the elites of the Freemasonry beside Qi Wan and felt a little more confident. After all, if they pointed their guns at Qi Wan alone, their firing speed might not be slower than Qi Wan's.    


"If you don't stop now, you'll be turned into a sieve by my subordinates."    


"If you beg for mercy now, I can consider sparing your life."    


Zhou Yuan sized Qi Wan up and down, which made Qi Wan very uncomfortable.    


Qi Wan frowned and was about to shoot again. This time, it was Chen Hao who attacked and held the gun in her hand.    


"Wan, do you remember what I told you before coming here?"    


Qi Wan frowned and looked reluctant, but in the end, she still put down the gun.    


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