Blockbuster Son-in-law

C1500 Chu Xiao's Request

C1500 Chu Xiao's Request

2"Of course not."    


Chu Xiao checked the badge according to the rules and then said to Chen Hao with a smile.    


After Chu Xiao's voice faded, the matter was basically settled.    


"Next, Chen Hao, you can announce your decision."    


"With your current status, I think no one will object."    


After saying that, Chu Xiao directly swept his eyes across the crowd. Those who were swept by his gaze all lowered their heads one after another.    


No one dared to look at Chu Xiao in the eyes.    




Chen Hao waited for a while. When he saw that no one refuted him directly, he also smiled lightly.    


He stood up and said,    


"Since no one has any objections, I will tell you about my decision."    


"From now on, there are no more nine major powers in Sea City!"    




Although everyone was prepared for this, they couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air when they heard that Chen Hao's first decision was so ruthless.    


However, nobody had any objections in the end. Even if they were unwilling, they wouldn't dare to say anything in front of Chu Xiao and Chen Hao.    


"Only Vast Universe Corporation!"    


"Vast Universe Corporation is divided into five branches, Four Seas Branch, Jin'an Branch, Ding Sheng Branch, Xingxin Branch, and Junchun Branch."    


"I will be the chairman, Jiang Yuan, and Ren Wenshan will be the vice chairman!"    


"Wang Dong Cheng, Yin Anfu, Zheng Bin, Zhou Jianye, and Shen Junchun will be the directors."    


"The other higher ups will be split among yourselves."    


"That's all I want to say!"    


Although Chen Hao did not say much, the amount of information contained within was also very large.    


To directly abolish the nine great powers and turn them into five great branches, the meaning could no longer be any more obvious. From now on, the situation in Sea City City would only be dominated by Vast Universe Corporation.    


Besides the original five great powers, the other powers had also been directly removed from Seahold by Chen Hao.    


As for Feng Yongyuan and the others, it was entirely up to them to decide whether they were going or staying.    


Chen Hao didn't have any intention of stopping them. He wouldn't stay in Sea City for too long. All he needed to do was to firmly control the top powers.    


The rest of the matters would be arranged by them.    


When Jiang Yuan and Ren Wenshan heard the news of Chen Hao's appointment, their bodies couldn't help trembling.    


At this moment, they had already thought about it countless times, but when they heard that Chen Hao had confirmed it, they finally felt relieved.    


Immediately, they stood up and said respectfully to Chen Hao.    


"We will definitely not disappoint Young Master Chen. Leave Sea City to me and I guarantee that Young Master Chen will not have to worry about it!"    


"Rest assured, Young Master Chen. Sea City will not have any problems!"    


"That's right. Young Master Chen, just leave it to us."    


These people also knew that Chen Hao was going to leave soon. The reason why they subdued Sea City was merely a test for General Chu.    


Now, it seemed like Chen Hao had completed this test very well.    


Very quickly, following Chen Hao's command, everyone in the meeting room also left.    


Some were happy, some were worried. As for where they would go after this, it was not up to Chen Hao to decide.    


When everyone had almost left, Chen Hao turned his head and looked at Chu Xiao. He knew that Chu Xiao still had a lot to say to him.    


"You guys go out as well."    


He waved his hand and said lightly to Jiang Yuan and Ren Wenshan, who were standing at the side and waiting for orders.    


After the two of them left, only Chen Hao, Chu Xiao, and the middle-aged man were left in the meeting room.    


"General Chu, what do you mean by the border war emergency that we talked about earlier?"    


Seeing that Chu Xiao didn't say anything for a long time, Chen Hao finally couldn't hold the doubt in his heart and said to Chu Xiao.    


Hearing Chen Hao's question, Chu Xiao also sighed lightly and said,    


"Actually, this world isn't peaceful!"    


"You should know that there are not only strong enemies from various countries surrounding you when you've stayed at the border in the past."    


"Moreover, there are some unknown forces in the dark that have been coveting Lan Xing."    


"There are also many secrets involved. It's not convenient for me to reveal them."    


"However, you only need to know that with the current situation at the border, there is not much time left for Great Xia."    




Speaking up to this point, Chu Xiao's voice became surprisingly solemn.    


"I hope that as a part of the Great Xia, you can do your best to get through this crisis for the Great Xia!"    


After saying that, Chu Xiao also stood up directly. It seemed that he wanted to bow to Chen Hao.    


This scene scared Chen Hao to death. Immediately, he dodged Chu Xiao's bow this time.    


He couldn't bear such a bow.    


"General Chu, just say what you want to say. You don't have to do this."    


"As long as I, Chen Hao, can do it, I promise you."    


Chen Hao knew that General Chu must have some ulterior motive for placing such a huge bet on him.    


However, he wouldn't have any negative feelings about it. After all, Chu Xiao had never forced him to do it from the beginning to the end.    


He had always accepted it voluntarily.    


"I hope you can go to the border to fight against the enemy and bring the three thousand Black Dragon Troops with you!"    


Chu Xiao said with a solemn expression.    


"With your means and strength, I believe you will be able to make an appearance at the border very soon."    


"At that time, you might be the fourth War God of the Great Xia Dynasty!"    


"In the entire Great Xia, including me, there are only three War Gods. If it was in the past, it would be enough to deal with them."    


"But now, it's far from enough. The other two and I are getting old."    


"Great Xia does not have any successors. The three of us have been secretly training some successors, but after so many years, we have not gained anything!"    


Chu Xiao seemed to be immersed in his memory. He recalled the current situation of Great Xia and the hard work he had made in so many years.    


However, he didn't expect that the heir that he pursued bitterly was actually the husband of his biological granddaughter.    


This fate could only be said to be too wonderful!    


Hearing Chu Xiao muttering to himself, Chen Hao also became silent for a moment.    


After a long time, Chen Hao then said in a low voice,    


"General Chu, why are you so sure that I am the heir you have been looking for?"    


"If... I mean if I can't meet General Chu's requirements, what should I do?"    


The reason why Chen Hao said this was not because he did not have confidence in himself.    


It was because Chu Xiao's expression was too solemn and quick. He was afraid that he would let down Chu Xiao's expectations.    


This old man who was almost seventy years old had dedicated his whole life to the Great Xia.    


He didn't dare to guarantee such a thing easily.    


Hearing Chen Hao's words, Chu Xiao also laughed lightly. He patted Chen Hao's shoulder and said to him with a smile,    


"You don't need to feel too much pressure."    


"I've known countless people in my life. I have some discerning eyes."    


Chu Xiao chuckled and said.    


"I'm not saying that to make you promise me anything."    


"I just hope that you can do more for Great Xia when you have the ability."    


"I believe that with your strength, you will not stop here!"    


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