Blockbuster Son-in-law

C1344 Extortion

C1344 Extortion



Chen Hao's voice exploded in their ears. Both of them trembled and knelt down on the ground at the same time.    


"Alliance Master, please spare us!"    


"We know we were wrong!"    


Bang! Bang!    


The two of them knew that they had the lowest status in this matter, and there was a high chance that they would be the ones to take the blame. At this moment, they did not hesitate to admit their mistakes.    


They kowtowed towards Chen Hao, and while kowtowing, they kept begging for forgiveness from Chen Hao.    


"Wang Hai, Hu Gao Fei!"    


"What about the two of you?"    


Chen Hao glanced at the general manager and Hu Gao Fei, then turned to look at Wang Hai and Hu Gao Fei.    


Both of them had bitter expressions on their faces. They wanted to push the blame on the branch.    


However, judging from Chen Hao's current condition, he had already grasped a lot of evidence.    


He sighed softly and knelt down as well. He said to Chen Hao in a deep voice.    


"We know that we were wrong!"    


"But I don't know anything about what the branch did!"    


"Alliance Master, please let us down for the sake of the headquarters!"    


Chen Hao didn't even want to listen to their explanation. It was Chen Hua's responsibility to investigate whether they had been wrongly accused or not.    


What he needed to do now was to give Chen Hua the greatest confidence.    


Speaking of which, this was also the first thing Chen Hua did after taking over the investigation!    


If he did not do it well, he would give others the illusion that their Discipline Department was just a formality.    


Now that Chen Hao was personally supervising it, everything would naturally fall from grace.    


Killing the chicken to warn the monkeys!    


Without waiting for Chen Hao to speak again, Chiang Tiancheng looked directly at Jiang Wenxuan and said in a cold voice,    


"What are you waiting for?"    


"Must Young Master Chen ask you about it?"    


Jiang Wenxuan was also confused. Although she had some conflicts with Chiang Tiancheng, there was no deep hatred between them.    


She wouldn't let Chiang Tiancheng accuse her so wrongly, but since Young Master Chen was here, she didn't want to argue with him.    


Seeing Chen Hao looking at her, Jiang Wenxuan said.    


"Young Master Chen! This has nothing to do with me!"    


"Although this branch is managed by me, I have five branches under me. It's impossible for me to keep an eye on each and every one of them every day."    


"Furthermore, this branch has only been established for less than two months. It's only right that there are some problems."    


"If there are problems, we can solve them!"    


Young Master Chen frowned when he saw Jiang Wenxuan's casual manner. He spoke to Jiang Wenxuan calmly.    


"Are you still quibbling?"    


"Do you not know how bad the influence of this division is? Or do you think this kind of thing doesn't matter at all?"    


"Or does it mean that I made a big deal out of nothing?"    


Upon hearing Chen Hao's question, Jiang Wenxuan was also shocked. She quickly said to Chen Hao.    


"Young Master Chen, that's not what I meant."    


"I just hope that Young Master Chen will give me a chance! I will naturally handle this matter properly!"    


"Then what do you plan to do?"    


Chen Hao asked faintly.    


Jiang Wenxuan gritted her teeth and said to Chen Hao after hearing what Chen Hao said.    


"All employees who are involved in this matter will be fined their salaries!"    


"Those who are unaware of this matter will be punished slightly! However, if you know about this matter, you must be severely punished. At the very least, you must be fined three months of salary! "    


Upon hearing Jiang Wenxuan's words, Chen Hao burst into laughter.    


Upon seeing Chen Hao's expression, Jiang Wenxuan looked at Chen Hao with a puzzled expression.    


"Let's not talk about how to deal with it first. Let me ask you, do you have any connections with the branch?"    


Chen Hao knew very well that the branch dared to be so arrogant and full of confidence.    


They must have used their interests to tie these people together. It was unknown how many benefits the Haoyu Union had gotten from them.    


Do you really think I, Chen Hao, am here to do charity by eating my food and smashing my bowl?    


Upon hearing Chen Hao's words, the doubt in Jiang Wenxuan's eyes intensified.    


"Young Master Chen! I can assure you! I have absolutely no relationship with this branch!"    


" Besides, I don't need these benefits! I do not lack this bit of money!"    


"I also do not wish to sincerely shield these people, but..."    


"It's just what!"    


Chiang Tiancheng couldn't help but ask. Was his cousin really that stupid?    


He believed that Young Master Chen had no interest in the branch, but now it was obvious that Young Master Chen had made up his mind. Young Master Chen wanted to argue with him.    


He really didn't know how he had died!    




Before Jiang Wenxuan could finish, Chiang Tiancheng slapped her across the face.    


As the person who had known Chen Hao for the longest time, Chiang Tiancheng naturally knew Chen Hao's temper.    


When he saw the anger on Jiang Wenxuan's face, he snorted and said,    


"Shut up first! Shut up! "    


After saying that, he turned around and said to Chen Hao.    


"Young Master Chen, I believe that Wang Hai and Hu Gao Fei will not be able to protect this division!"    


"There are still people in the dark! But I can also guarantee that it will not be Jiang Wenxuan! "    


Although he was not on good terms with Jiang Wenxuan, the disciples of the Chiang Family had been selected through many rounds of selection to enter the headquarters. Naturally, there was no problem with their character.    


When Jiang Wenxuan saw that Chiang Tiancheng was defending her, she was stunned. With a complicated expression, she stopped speaking.    


He was also a new disciple of the Haoyu Union. Naturally, he was unaware of Chen Hao's means.    


In his eyes, Chen Hao still needed to rely on the existence of Chiang Family, so he didn't put Chen Hao in his eyes.    


When he heard Chiang Tiancheng's words, Chen Hao nodded his head lightly.    


He turned to Chen Hua and asked, "Have you made any progress on your side?"    


"There is a group of people. There are at least ten of them, but I think that's not all. That's why I didn't start the fight."    


"Then ask!"    


Upon hearing Chen Hua's words, even Chen Hao was startled. He immediately spoke with a gloomy expression.    


As soon as Chen Hao's voice faded, Chen Hua grabbed the general manager by his feet and dragged him outside.    


At this moment, the general manager and the others were kneeling on the ground and trembling. Suddenly, they were grabbed by Chen Hua and shouted.    


"Alliance Master, please spare us, I will confess everything!"    


"I only beg that you do not attack me!"    


However, Chen Hao ignored his pleas for mercy, and still waved his hand at Chen Hua, asking him to drag him out.    


Who knew if what he said was true or not? This matter must be verified by many parties.    


This matter was like a poisonous thorn in the Haoyu Union. It had to be removed completely!    


Seeing the general manager being pulled away by Chen Hua, the others were also shocked.    


Especially Wang Hai and Gao Hu Fei, their bodies were trembling uncontrollably.    


They also did not know that the general manager had actually roped in so many people. They originally thought that it was just the two of them!    


At this time, they were also somewhat shocked by the general manager's broken hand!    


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