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0"What kind of intention is this?"    


When Prince Jiang Yang heard this, he was shocked!    


He hadn't thought of this!    


However, Jiang Yang still had a lot of faith in his family of eight prime ministers!    


After all, the other party was an old official who had accompanied four of the previous kings!    


If he didn't have any ability, how could he have done so?    


"Break through!"    


"The Kunlun Kingdom is about to break through to a Titled King!"    


"In order to buy this person some time, the Kunlun Empire had purposely set up a suspicious formation so that the surrounding countries would not dare to rashly make a decision!"    


Prime Minister Wang Ba slowly said as he stroked his beard!    


As he spoke, his face was brimming with confidence!    


Obviously, he had no doubts about his speculations!    


Hearing Prime Minister Wang Ba's words, King Jiang Yang pondered for a moment before nodding his head crazily!    


Wang Ba's words were true!    


Only this could explain why there was such a show in the Kunlun Congress!    


No matter how you looked at it, it was logical!    


"In the palace of the Kunlun Dynasty, there is only one Minister at the peak of the emperor's palace, Fei Du!"    


"It looks like the person who made the breakthrough this time is most likely Fei Hou!"    


Jiang Yang said with a frown!    


"This old official thinks so too!"    


"Other than Fei Xin, the Kunlun Dynasty can't bring out any other decent people!"    


Prime Minister Wang Ba proudly replied!    


In regards to Kungfu, Jiang Yang and the other officials, they had never really put them in their eyes!    


Especially after the death of King Kun and the ascension of the devilish child, these thoughts became more and more obvious!    


In the past, Prince Kun was a genius!    


Even King Jiangyang didn't have much confidence in winning against King Kun!    


But now, Kung Un has passed away, and the successor is a brat who is not even ten years old!    


Add to that the withering of the talents of our nation!    


There was only one person who could barely handle it, and that was Fei Hou!    


Thus, it was normal for him to be looked down upon!    


"If the one who broke through was Fei Xiang, then he wouldn't be much of a threat!"    


As Jiang Yang spoke, he started laughing!    


In his eyes, Fei Meng was just a piece of trash!    


Even if such a trash became a Titled King, what could they do about it?    


That is to say, they can only protect Kungshu and not be exterminated by the dynasty that rules over them!    


In fact, if Jiang Yang were to invade, Fei Meng would have no choice but to give him a good look!    


"My lord, it doesn't matter if Fei Wu can break through or not!"    


"This is a great opportunity for us!"    


"Otherwise, if Kungfu is truly exterminated!"    


"Then the territory of our nation will become ownerless!"    


"At that time, our country might not be able to take this land for itself!"    


Prime Minister Wang Ba slowly said, with a shrewd and scheming appearance!    


There isn't just Jiang Yang in the surroundings!    


In fact, Jiang Yang is to the north of Kung Un!    


As for the remaining east, west, and south, each of them also had their own country to border with!    


However, even though these three countries are also drooling over our country!    


However, it was not as urgent as Jiang Yang's!    


After all, they were also afraid of the imperial edict and did not dare to act rashly!    


Therefore, once Kungfu was exiled from the country, it would become a masterless land!    


In that case, any of the empire orders that were hanging above their heads would no longer exist!    


When that time comes, these three countries will definitely reach out to Kung Oo and try to divide up Kung Oo!    


In this way, the country of Jiang Yang naturally had no way to monopolize the benefits!    


For a country like Jiang Yang that had coveted our country for almost a hundred years, this was naturally unacceptable!    


Therefore, they had to think of a way to monopolize Kungsholm!    


And now, it was indeed a great opportunity!    


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