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1Hearing Fei Xin's words, the empress dowager was stunned!    


How could she not know that all the other officials had not come up with any good plans!    


At that moment, her heart gradually sank to the bottom!    


If even the officials couldn't do anything about it, what could a girl like her do?    


When she thought of the vicious Jiang Yang army, the empress dowager panicked!    


Even though she was a Palace Realm Martial Cultivation!    


However, in the face of such an irreversible situation, he was no different from an ordinary person!    


After all, it was true that she was a Martial Cultivation of the imperial palace, but the opposing Jiang Yang Country still had two Titled Kings!    


In the era when a single Conferred King was able to suppress an entire country!    


These two Titled Kings could be called a true giant!    


"Fei... Fei Qing, why don't we go and beg Mister? "    


However, the empress dowager was after all the empress dowager of a nation. After slightly panicking, she quickly forced herself to calm down!    


That's right, she thought of the exceptional Devil Han!    


And now, this peerless expert had become the master of Xiong Wu!    


He could be considered the teacher of kings in the Kingdom of Kun!    


Logically speaking, Mister should have solved Kunge's problem!    


Hearing Her Majesty's words, Fei Xin sighed softly.    


"Empress Dowager, this old subject wanted to go and beg Mister as well!"    


"However, you are still a master beyond this world. This old official is afraid that I will upset you by disturbing you with such mundane matters!"    


In Fei Xiang's eyes, Devil Han was a peerless master after all!    


Normally, this kind of people liked to play the game!    


They would not care about the matters of the secular world!    


Even though it was a life and death crisis for Kunlun!    


But in the eyes of the experts, that was a rotten thing!    


"Fei Qing, you worry too much!"    


"I am about to die. Even if I am to disturb you and make you unhappy, can the result be even worse?"    


When the empress dowager heard this, she shook her head.    


As soon as he said this, Fei Xiang was taken aback!    


That's right, our nation is about to be exterminated!    


At that time, the city would fall!    


It was unknown whether or not the ministers and royal family were still alive!    


What are you worried about, Mr.    


If he lost his life, why would he be worried?    


I might as well beg Mister, just in case Mister is willing to protect Kunge!    


At that time, even if he didn't please Mister, he could still take all the blame!    


As long as I can keep my kungfu!    


With that in mind, Fei Meng was suddenly enlightened!    


He hurriedly bowed towards the empress dowager!    


"Yes, the empress dowager is right. This old official has become a devil!"    


"In that case, this old official shall request an audience with Sir!"    


Without waiting for a response from the empress dowager, he rushed out of the Cabinet!    


The remaining cabinet ministers looked at each other, at a loss of what to do!    


Empress Dowager Kung's eyes reddened as she saw this scene!    


She knew it was because Fei Xin didn't want to implicate the Kunlun royal family!    


That was why he chose to solitarily seek an audience with Mister!    


If he angered Mister, he could at least prevent the royal family from being implicated!    


"Fei Qing... Truly a loyal subject! "    


The empress dowager sighed in her heart!    


After the fall of King Kun, many people in the royal family will be walking on the road to power in the afternoon!    


Therefore, many of the other clans had advised the empress of Kunwu to get rid of Fei Zhong!    


But Empress Dowager Kung, I forbid these slanderous words!    


There was no other reason. She believed in the eyes of the king!    


After all, the King Qun had told her before!    


No one in Kungwu could entrust such an important task to anyone, except Fei Wu!    


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