Universe Storage Box

C36 Registered

C36 Registered

1When Huang Feng returned to his rented house that was a few square meters, the feeling became even stronger. He looked at his small rented house and smiled bitterly. He wanted to discuss marriage with such a condition. It was probably because the woman was blind that she agreed to follow him.    


"The revolution hasn't succeeded yet, comrades still need to work hard" Huang Feng cheered himself on.    


After that, Huang Feng went to take a look at his magical Storage Box. However, there was still nothing new. After a simple wash up, Huang Feng happily meditated.    


After today's small conflict, Huang Feng used magic a few times. He was more familiar with magic, and at the same time, he realized the importance of magic. If he had more magic, it would not only make him use magic a few more times. Moreover, the power of the same magic would also be a little stronger. And if it wasn't for his lack of magic power today, he wouldn't have cheated his opponent in the end.    


Moreover, because he only had this book on "The Initiation to Meditation," he only knew a few basic magic recorded on it. After all, these magic were only basic magic, even if he added a little more magic. The power that could be increased was limited.    


The problem now was that he didn't have those high-level magic incantations. There were no magic skills on Earth to begin with, if he wanted to obtain magic skills... He could only obtain things from the other worlds like the Profound Sky Continent through the Storage Box, and the things obtained by the Storage Box had no pattern to speak of. It was completely random. Therefore, even if Huang Feng wanted to, it was not something that could be obtained just because he wanted to.    


Therefore, at the moment, Huang Feng could only use these basic magic. Fortunately, as long as these magic were used appropriately, it would have a good effect.    


However, as a beginner mage, Huang Feng's physical strength or skills were not enhanced. If he did not use magic, his skills would still be the same as an ordinary person's. Even if he had mastered magic, it would not improve his skills by much. After all, he was now a mage, not a warrior. Magicians never used their skills to judge their strengths. What they were more proficient at was destruction.    


Therefore, Huang Feng still needed a Secret Scripture that could help him improve his skills. The best ones would be the best ones in the martial arts novels that he had read, such as the Nine Suns Divine Art. He could only obtain those things and encounter the things that happened tonight. Only then would he be able to do it with greater ease.    


However, at the same time, these things were not things that he could obtain as he wished. Fortunately, there was one good thing about the Storage Box. The things it obtained were completely random. It was not that the better the item, the harder it was to obtain it. The worse the item, the easier it was to obtain it. In other words, it depended purely on luck. It was different from playing games. Maybe his luck is so good that next time he gets something, it will be his best items. Of course, it was also possible that he wouldn't be able to get them all the time. In short, everything was possible.    


Because Huang Feng could not decide what he would obtain. Therefore... He did not want to spend too much effort on this. All he could do was to put as many varieties as possible into the Storage Box. In that case, the chances of the Storage Box choosing would be higher. Perhaps the chances of him obtaining something would also be higher. If he only put in one or two items, Huang Feng was afraid that he might need even longer to obtain one item.    


Huang Feng, who was meditating, once again felt that his five senses had become sharper. Although practicing magic could not improve his skills, it was very helpful to his senses.    


The night passed in Huang Feng's cultivation again. When the next day came, he finished his meditation on time. He was still in good spirits.    


"If this continues, do I not need to sleep anymore?" Huang Feng thought as he washed his face and rinsed his mouth.    


Because Huang Feng found that not only could meditation increase the magic in his body, but it could also keep his mind in the best state. It was even better than sleeping and recovering. This way, he would of course choose to meditate.    


However, Huang Feng did not want to completely separate himself from the life of ordinary people, so he would occasionally rest normally.    


Because of the increase in the magic power in his body, Huang Feng was in a good mood. However, this kind of good mood was reduced a lot after he went to the company.    


"What? I want to participate in football too?" Huang Feng looked at his superior in surprise and asked.    


"Yeah, there aren't enough people. The company wants me to add a few more from Security Departments Sect. I'll add you. It's not just you. Old Wang is going too. " Manager Liu said, "But don't worry, you're just substitutes. When the time comes, you don't have to go on stage. "    


Huang Feng was in a better mood. To be honest, he was not interested in football. He came to work to earn money, not to play football. However, it seemed that no one was going to participate. Manager Liu had just added a few people to make up the numbers. Otherwise, when the time came... ... If they didn't even have enough people, then it would be a bit embarrassing.    


"Alright, don't worry. This kind of situation happens every year. As long as the number of people participating in the company is not enough, they will definitely choose from us in the end. Last year, I was also reported the same way. But... In the end, I didn't go on stage. " After Manager Liu left, Old Wang patted Huang Feng's shoulder and said," Besides, it isn't without benefits to participate in the competition. The company will give subsidies. Of course, the subsidies for those who didn't go on stage will be less. If the results are good, the rewards will be very rich in the end. "    


"You still have money to take?" Huang Feng asked in surprise.    


"Of course, there is a bonus for this kind of competition. Although it's not a lot, the company's boss doesn't like it either. In the end, it will be given to the employees participating in the competition. Furthermore, if the results were not good and they did not get a ranking, they would be rewarded. The company will also give subsidies to the participating employees, although not a lot. However, having money is better than not having it, right? " Old Wang said.    


Huang Feng nodded. He was currently in need of money, and now he could get some extra money. That would be for the best. At this time, he hoped that he could be sent on stage. Even if he could not get any ranking, the subsidy would definitely be more than that of a substitute.    


The match would be held on Saturday two days later. Because it was a day off, there would be more people watching.    


"Goldie, let's go. It's time for us to stand guard." brother Wang tidied his security uniform, stood up, and said to Huang Feng.    


"Okay." Huang Feng replied. Compared to football, security was their job.    


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