Universe Storage Box



2"Long time?"    


When Huang Feng dragged his luggage to his new residence, Tian Jun was already there waiting.    


"Yes." Tian Jun was still quiet. Only when it concerned his sister yesterday, he would talk a little more.    


Huang Feng did not mind, he accepted the things that the other party handed to him and looked, the procedures had already been completed, from today onwards, he could stay here.    


"Don't you want to come in?" Huang Feng casually asked as he saw Tian Jun passing the key of the house to him. Tian Jun did not have the intention of entering.    


"No need." Tian Jun replied, as if he did not want to be so blunt, and continued: "I still have things to do."    


"Alright then." Huang Feng did not force her: "Oh, by the way, how is your sister?"    


"She's all right, just a little scared yesterday." Tian Jun said.    


"You all should still be careful. Although I don't really understand that Brother Biao, I don't think he will give up so easily." Huang Feng said.    


"Yeah, I know." Tian Jun nodded.    


He also knew that the other party had suffered such a huge loss and would not easily give up. Therefore, he and his sister had already moved away from their original location, however, due to economic reasons, he could only look for a place to rent in the Slum District, and had yet to leave that area.    


Actually, with Tian Jun's bravery and bravery, if his sister was not present at the scene, he would not have let go of Brother Biao and the young man easily. It was just that he did not want his sister to see too dirty of him, so he did not kill her.    


After that, Tian Jun left. Right now, he was the intermediary, and with his sister's appearance, it was obvious that she couldn't work. The two of them could only depend on himself for their lives.    


Huang Feng sighed with emotion, but the two of them were not too familiar with each other, so he did not have a good time talking to them. In the end, when Tian Jun left, Huang Feng still gave him her phone number, and if he had any difficulties, he could come find him.    


Huang Feng's impression of Tian Jun was actually quite good, other than that first sneak attack. However, it was also because of that sneak attack that he understood his own shortcomings, and at the same time reminded him that he shouldn't be arrogant. After that, Tian Jun's concern for his little sister, as well as his personality of returning a favor, Huang Feng admired him a lot.    


After separating with Tian Jun, Huang Feng went upstairs to his own room. Looking at the clean and bright room, Huang Feng suddenly felt that his body and mind were both extremely comfortable.    


"Finally, I've changed my plans. Although I'm still renting a house, haha." It was obvious that he was in a good mood. Even though it was still renting a house, there was already a clear difference, isn't this a good start?    


"Kid, be good and stay home. I'll go buy you something to eat." After packing up, it was almost noon. Since he had just moved in, there was nothing in the fridge. He could only choose to go out and eat, and also buy some food for the Xiao Bai.    


Of course, it was only a guess, but if you did not look at the name and appearance of the little fellow, it seemed more like a puppy that had just made a move, it was very cute.    


Seemingly understanding Huang Feng's words, the little guy rubbed his hands a few times to show its intimacy. Huang Feng realized that this little guy was indeed a Divine Beast, and could understand his words very often.    


The refrigerator was still empty, so he definitely had to buy some food to put in. After that, the little fellow also wanted to eat something, but it seemed that it was a little too small, so Huang Feng was afraid that if it ate meat now, it might not digest it, so he bought some dog food, milk and other things.    


At the same time, although his new home was well-decorated, he still had to buy some daily necessities, so Huang Feng did not want to buy too many things. Fortunately, he had a day's rest time today, which was enough for him to make his purchases.    


On the other side, inside the Heaven'S Pride Group, Su Yumo announced the matters of the Manager Liu. Although the police department had yet to give out their specific decisions regarding the Manager Liu, on the other side, Su Yumo had already announced the removal of his position as the manager of the Security Department and expelled him from the company.    


Su Yumo's treatment of Manager Liu was not out of everyone's expectations. After all, Manager Liu had actually joined forces with outsiders to steal important documents of the company.    


However, Su Yumo's arrangement for the manager of the Security Department was completely unexpected. No one expected that Su Yumo would arrange a new person, who had just joined the company, to become the manager of the Security Department. In fact, after Su Yumo announced the news, many people also asked the same question.    


"Who is Huang Feng?"    


That's right, the manager of the Security Department that Su Yumo had arranged was Huang Feng, a person that most of the middle and upper echelons were not familiar with. However, Su Yumo also introduced Huang Feng to everyone, especially since he was the one who met and stopped the Manager Liu last night.    


After all, Huang Feng had only been here for a short while, he hadn't even passed through the intern period. Although he had made a huge contribution last night, this couldn't directly raise him to the position of manager. At most, he would be able to straighten it out early or give some cash as rewards, because promoting to become a manager all of a sudden was simply going too far.    


Some raised objections, but Su Yumo insisted on her opinion. In her words, she had announced her decision and not asked for everyone's opinion.    


Seeing Su Yumo insisting, the rest did not say anything, but were curious about the unfamiliar Huang Feng, how could he have Su Yumo pay so much attention to him, and not long after coming over, he was promoted to the position of the Security Department's manager.    


Of course, not everyone was surprised by this decision. When the news of Huang Feng being promoted to Security Department's Manager spread, two people revealed looks of surprise.    


One of them was Zhang Yun, who was in charge of management, when she heard the news, she revealed a meaningful smile on her face. However, she knew that she could not speak of certain things carelessly, otherwise, she might lose her job.    


The person who was most concerned about the new position of manager in the Security Department was none other than these security guards. From the moment they found out about the incident in the Manager Liu, they had always been concerned about who would become the new manager.    


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