Universe Storage Box

C1230 Supe's Death

C1230 Supe's Death

1Although the uprising army didn't pose much of a threat to Huang Feng, however... Huang Feng didn't want to continue killing like this. These people were all innocent. There was no point in killing any more of them now. Only the head evil could solve the problem. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to kill all of them.    


Thinking of this, Huang Feng attacked while rushing towards Su Pei. When Su Pei saw Huang Feng's actions, he understood what Huang Feng was thinking. He subconsciously wanted to run away, although he also had some skills. However, he had rarely used them during this period of time. He had already wasted a lot of his time. Plus, the ferociousness of Huang Feng had far exceeded his imagination. He believed that even if he was at his peak, he wouldn't be a match for Huang Feng. Therefore, it was better for him to leave.    


However, Huang Feng immediately noticed his movement. He raised his right hand and pointed at Su Pei, who had just turned around, and used the Six-Veined Divine Sword once again.    


When using the Six-Veined Divine Sword to attack someone, the opponent was completely unprepared. After all, there was no trace of this thing. Furthermore... In the blink of an eye, there was no time for the opponent to react. Furthermore, Su Pei had his back facing Huang Feng. This made him even more unprepared.    




Su Pei screamed and fell to the ground. There was a hole the size of an egg on his right leg. Blood kept flowing out from that hole and instantly dyed his pants and the ground red.    


The surrounding people were shocked by the sudden change. They did not know how Su Pei got hurt. Who hurt him? Huang Feng and Wang Daniu were still some distance away from Su Pei. Furthermore, both of them were surrounded. There should be no way to hurt Su Pei. Could it be that Huang Feng had come this time? Could it be that he was surrounded by his helpers?    


Thinking of this, everyone looked around, but they didn't find anything.    


Huang Feng took advantage of the time when those people were stunned. He took a step with his feet and flew up from where he stood. After that, he flew over everyone's heads and arrived beside Su Pei in the blink of an eye.    


Huang Feng lifted Su Pei up with one hand. He looked at Huang Feng and said, "Leader Su, where are you going?"    


"Huang Feng, let's talk this out." Because of the pain, Su Pei's face was very pale. When he saw Huang Feng coming to his side, his face turned even paler. However, he still forced a smile on his face. He said to Huang Feng.    


Su Pei was a man who was not afraid of death when he was under Leader Qiu's command. Every time he led his troops to war, he would always be at the front. Therefore, at that time, he was very popular with Rebellion Soldiers. After Leader Qiu died, he gathered so many people around him. This was the prestige he gained from fighting bravely.    


However, ever since he became the leader and enjoyed riches and glory, Su Pei's courage became smaller and smaller, and he became more and more afraid of death. It had been a long time since he had been to the front line. Compared to the danger and suffering at the front line, he had never been to the front line. Obviously, he was more willing to stay behind and enjoy himself.    


Therefore, now that he was in Huang Feng's hands, he didn't want to fight to the death with Huang Feng. Instead, he wanted to beg for mercy.    


"Leader Su, you have really changed." Huang Feng said with emotion. The previous Su Pei was in high spirits. It was also because of that that he decided to help him back then. However, the current Su Pei was no longer as imposing as before.    


"Heh, Huang Feng, what happened before was all a misunderstanding. Let's talk it out. Since you have returned, the position of General will naturally still be yours. We will still work together like before. What do you think? " Su Pei didn't care about Huang Feng's tone. What he was thinking was... To protect... Keep your own life, keep your position.    


When the surrounding people heard Su Pei's words, their faces were filled with shame. Su Pei was their leader, but in the end, their leader was actually so cowardly and shameless. Naturally, they would feel embarrassed.    


"Nothing much." Huang Feng shook his head and said.    


"Then..." Su Pei wanted to continue bargaining with Huang Feng, but in the end, Huang Feng grabbed his neck with his hand. With a slight twist, everyone on the scene clearly heard a cracking sound. Then, they saw Su Pei still wearing a flattering smile on his face. His head twisted at an unbelievable angle, then it drooped down powerlessly.    


Huang Feng threw the dead body of Su Pei to the side. After that, he looked at the surrounding people and said, "Su Pei is dead."    


That's right, Su Pei was dead. Huang Feng hadn't thought of how to deal with Su Pei yet. After all, he was the one who had sacrificed his life for ___. However, after arriving here... He realized that the other party didn't care about their old relationship at all, and had even directly killed him. Huang Feng didn't stand on ceremony anymore.    


When he saw that Su Pei's corpse was thrown to the ground by Huang Feng as if it was trash, it was as if no one could accept this fact. Just now, Su Pei was still full of energy, but in the end, in this short period of time... He had already turned into a corpse.    


Even Wang Daniu, who had been in the middle of the battle and had suffered a lot of injuries... He looked at Su Pei's corpse. A sad expression appeared on his face, although Su Pei didn't trust him anymore. He was even very suspicious of him. However, he had been following Su Pei for a long time. He had feelings for Su Pei, and now that Su Pei was dead... He naturally felt sad.    


However, he never thought of seeking revenge from Huang Feng. Because, he felt that what Huang Feng did was right. Su Pei wanted to kill Huang Feng. Huang Feng was merely retaliating passively. Therefore, even if it was Huang Feng who killed Su Pei... Wang Daniu didn't think that Huang Feng had done anything wrong.    


"Kill him and avenge our leader!" Suddenly, someone shouted from the quiet scene. Even though Su Pei had changed a lot, he was still the highest commander of this army. Therefore, there were still many people who supported him, including those who had come to surround him. There were also some generals who had just held a meeting here.    


Huang Feng looked at the group of people rushing towards him once again, but he wasn't afraid at all. After snatching away a knife, he began a massacre. At this moment, if he didn't kill them, he would be afraid of them. These people would still continue to charge forward.    


More and more corpses were piled up on the scene. At this time, no one was concerned about Wang Daniu anymore. All of them rushed towards Huang Feng, wanting to kill him. Huang Feng's body was covered in blood. However, all of them belonged to the others. He wasn't injured even until now. He was now a first-class expert, but these people at the scene... They were just ordinary soldiers. If they wanted to hurt him... It was not easy, even if they had a lot of people. There was nothing they could do.    


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