Universe Storage Box



0"Come with me." The old man thought for a while, then spoke to Huang Feng and Huang Feng. He then brought Huang Feng and the other two to an elevator.    


After they entered the elevator, they realized that the elevator didn't go up but down. There were more than 20 floors down and it was very spacious.    


On the other hand, Huang Feng was not too surprised by this situation. After all, he had seen quite a few underground buildings in the biohazard movies, and the buildings there were not worse off at all.    


Everyone's elevator stopped at the bottom level. After that, someone stopped them and asked for a body search. It was the same even if there were some generals among them. It was evident how heavily guarded this place was.    


Huang Feng and the rest did not object, since this place was so tightly guarded, there must be something important here.    


"I want to see Doctor Phillips." The general who brought Huang Feng and the others said to a person who looked like an assistant.    


"Please come with me." The assistant said, but his eyes stayed on Huang Feng and Marcus for a while.    


"They're with me. They have important things to give to the doctor." The general said.    


"Alright." The assistant said, and then led the group in, but as they walked, he said, "second rank boss is inside, Doctor and Head don't seem to be in a good mood."    


"Oh?" Hearing that, the general was stunned, but then he understood. Ever since the Zombie virus broke out, everyone's mood had not been any better.    


second rank boss and Dr. Fenpres were indeed not in a good mood right now, because the people second rank boss sent to the desert oasis to pick up Professor Lenny had already returned. However, they did not manage to bring Professor Lenny back, it was not that the Professor Lenny did not want to come back, but the Professor Lenny had already died. The entire oasis was filled with corpses, and not a single person was left alive.    


Professor Lenny, what a pity. He is an outstanding talent in this field. If only I had insisted on keeping him here." He had a good relationship with Professor Lenny. Now that he had suddenly heard the news of his death, he was naturally in a bad mood.    


second rank boss was also in a bad mood. When he found out about the news of Professor Lenny's death, his first action was to capture the person in charge of this research institute and interrogate him.    


"Chief, please be at ease. Even without Professor Lenny, we will definitely be able to develop the serum against the Zombie virus as soon as possible." Phillips could also tell that second rank boss was not in a good mood, so he quickly comforted him. He was obviously sad about Professor Lenny's death, but now was not the time to be sad, no matter how sad he was, Professor Lenny would not revive. What he could do now was to pull himself together and use the resources at hand to research and produce a medicine to fight against the Zombie virus as soon as possible.    


"Mm, it's been hard on you all." second rank boss said with a slightly relaxed expression.    


Just then, the assistant brought Huang Feng and the others in. The general and the Colonel Manning first saluted towards the second rank boss, then said to Doctor Phillips: "Doctor, I have something here to give you. Take a look and see if it is useful for your research."    


"What is this?" Dr. Phillips asked as he received the medicine.    


"It's a medicine that can eliminate the Zombie virus." The general said, "Of course, they're saying that. The reason I brought it over is because I want to ask you to verify the effects of this medicine."    


"A drug to remove the Zombie virus?" Dr. Phillips and second rank boss were stunned for a moment, then they turned to look at Huang Feng and Marcus. They had gathered the most outstanding scientists in the entire country, and after researching for two years, they still did not have any results. No matter how he thought about it, it didn't make sense.    


"This thing isn't ours, it was given to me by the Professor Lenny. Oh, right, you all might not know who he is, but he is ?" Marcus said, he thought that these people were the same as the generals, he did not know who the Professor Lenny was, but just as he was about to introduce some of the Professor Lenny, he was suddenly interrupted by Phillips.    


"What?" What did you say? You say that this was given to you by the Professor Lenny? Which Professor Lenny? " Dr. Phillips asked somewhat anxiously.    


"It's the Professor Lenny, I met him at the oasis previously, the oasis was attacked by Zombie and everyone was dead, only I ran out. Before coming out, the Professor Lenny gave me this thing and told me to bring it out with me, I was originally going to bring it out with him, but he was killed by the Zombie." Marcus said.    


After hearing it, both Phillips and second rank boss became excited. It was clear that the Professor Lenny Marcus was the Professor Lenny they were talking about just a moment ago. They thought that he had already died and that there was a lack of strong helpers on their side.    


Phillips immediately had his men take the medicine for analysis and then said to Marcus: "Tell me more about the Professor Lenny."    


"Alright." Marcus said, then told Doctor Phillips about the Professor Lenny. In truth, he did not interact much with the Professor Lenny and did not know too much.    


"Professor Lenny is indeed a genius. In such a poor environment, he was actually able to create this medicine. If it were here, I would have studied it much faster." Phillips lamented.    


"Yeah." The more it was like this, the angrier he became towards the person in charge of this place. If it wasn't for the other party, with the help of Professor Lenny, they would have been able to develop a medicine to resist the Zombie virus. From a certain point of view, the person in charge here was the sinner of the entire human race!    


"It's a pity that this potion is the only one we have. If we had the corresponding research data, our research progress would have been much faster." If Professor Lenny was here in the first place, he could have asked him, but now that Professor Lenny was dead, it was obvious that the research materials he had researched before his death were very important.    


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