Universe Storage Box

C15 Disgraceful

C15 Disgraceful

2Huang Feng immediately reacted when he saw the unhappy expression on the pretty girl's face. This should be the one he was waiting for.    


Huang Feng hurriedly opened the car door and asked tentatively, "Director Su?"    


"Yes, I am." Su Yumo said calmly. After that, she was stunned. She looked at Huang Feng and said, "It's you?!"    


"Yes, it is me. I was sent by Manager Zhang to give Director Su a car to do odd jobs." Huang Feng did not understand what Su Yumo meant. He thought she was asking him if he was driving the car.    


"Zhang Yun? I see. Let's get in the car." Su Yumo said thoughtfully.    


Initially, Huang Feng was still wondering if he should open the car door for Su Mo, but he did not expect Su Yumo to open the car door and sit in the front passenger seat.    


Huang Feng was a little curious. Usually, leaders would sit in the back. However, he did not ask. Instead, he got into the car and started the car.    


It was very quiet in the car. Neither of them said anything. Huang Feng drove carefully. He stole a glance at Su Mo, who was resting in the passenger seat with her eyes closed. She looked a little tired. However, it did not affect her charm at all. She was one of the two most beautiful women in a company full of beautiful women, which showed her charm.    


"Drive carefully. If you continue like this, there will be an accident." Just as Huang Feng was secretly sizing up Su Yumo, Su Yumo suddenly spoke, but her eyes still did not open, as if she was really very tired.    


Su Mo's voice startled Huang Feng. He wondered why his willpower was so bad. She kept staring at him, but Su Mo was so beautiful. It's normal for me to be attracted. If I'm not, then he wasn't a man.    


However, Huang Feng still turned his head away immediately and looked forward. His driving skills were average, so if he was really distracted, it wasn't impossible for an accident to happen.    


"How long have you been in the company?" Su Yumo's voice sounded again.    


"It has been two days. I just came yesterday." Huang Feng said as he drove. This time, he did not dare to turn his head to look again.    


"Two days? No wonder I haven't seen you before." Su Yumo said, "What did you do in the past? Athletes?"    


" Athletes? No, I have done a lot of work in the past, but I have never been an athlete." Then he asked boldly, "Why did Director Su say that?"    


This time, Su Yumo finally opened her eyes and looked at Huang Feng in surprise. She did not expect him to ask her a question, but she did not intend to hide it. She said, "I saw you catch thieves yesterday morning."    


Huang Feng suddenly realized that it was like this. He was much faster than ordinary athletes at that time. It was not surprising that Su Mo had such a thought.    


"I didn't expect you to be so fast. Have you practiced before?" Su Yumo seemed to be interested in this topic and continued to ask.    


"Not really. I usually like to run and exercise. I practice blindly." Of course, he would not tell Su Mo that it was because he was wearing a pair of magical leather shoes.    


Su Yumo nodded and did not ask further. Instead, she said, "Are you a university student?"    


"Yes, but it's just a university at the end of the first and second class." Huang Feng said.    


"Then why did you think of being a security guard? Although there are a lot of college students nowadays and it's hard to find a job, there are not many security guards." Su Yumo said.    


"Because the company's salary is good. I have been to a few small companies before. Not to mention the things I do, my salary is also very low. There are also no benefits." Huang Feng said honestly.    


"However, there is no future in the security industry." Are you willing to be a security guard?" Su Yumo asked. Did you think of entering other departments of the company? "    


Su Yumo's words made Huang Feng's heart jump. Could it be that the joking matter of brother Wang and the others was going to come true? Would Su Yumo really transfer him to another department?    


However, Huang Feng immediately discarded this unrealistic idea. After all, he was not familiar with Su Yumo. She might just ask. Why should she help him? Furthermore, even if she transferred him to another department, he would not know anything. What could he do if he went?    


However, he must have thought about it. How could Huang Feng be willing to be a security guard for the rest of his life? Especially after obtaining the mysterious Storage Box, Huang Feng's mental state changed. However, now was not the time yet.    


"I've thought about it. Why haven't I thought about it? However, I also know my own abilities. If I go to other departments of the company now, I won't know anything. I won't be able to do anything if I go there." Huang Feng said.    


Su Yumo heard Huang Feng's words and did not comment. She closed her eyes again to rest and the car returned to normal.    


"Director Su, we are here." When they reached the destination, Huang Feng saw that Su Yumo did not have any reaction and could only call out softly.    


"En Ning." Unexpectedly, Su Yumo snorted lightly, as if she had just woken up. She was like a little girl, pouting and rubbing her eyes, as if she was very dissatisfied with Huang Feng disturbing her sleep.    


But very quickly, Su Yumo's movements froze because she realized. This place was not at her home, nor was it in her office. It was in a car. More importantly, there was a man in the car!    


This discovery made Su Yumo suddenly feel shy. In her heart, she was blaming herself. Why was she so careless? In the car, in front of outsiders, especially in front of a stranger of the opposite sex, he actually fell asleep... He didn't know if he was drooling or talking in his sleep. If he did, it would be so embarrassing.    


Huang Feng was attracted by Su Yumo's expression again. Su Yumo was originally very charming. When he just woke up, his eyes were hazy and he rubbed his eyes with his mouth. It was very different from the calm and capable appearance she had previously displayed. This deviation was even more attractive.    


Perhaps because she felt Huang Feng's somewhat excessive gaze, Su Yumo's face was unexpectedly dyed with an unnatural red color. After that, she raised her head and gave Huang Feng a fierce glare.    


This glance also made Huang Feng sober up. He turned his head somewhat obsequiously. He opened the door and got out of the car. Su Yumo, on the other hand, calmed down her mood in the car. Only then did she open the door and get out of the car. After that, it was as if nothing had happened. She walked in front, but when she saw Huang Feng, his expression was slightly unnatural, but he didn't express anything else.    


Huang Feng should be glad that he looked at Su Yumo in such a way today. It was not Xie Mengjiao. Otherwise, he might have left his job very soon. He was not promoted, but was fired. One should know that the security guard did not look at Xie Mengjiao as excessively as the way Huang Feng looked at Su Mo today. Huang Feng had been arrested a few times today. Luckily, Su Yumo's personality was not like Xie Mengjiao's. Only then could he continue to do it.    


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