Universe Storage Box

C1303 Going Through Fire and Water

C1303 Going Through Fire and Water

2When Ah Zi woke up, she saw You Tanzhi lying motionless on the ground. She said to the guard, "I only asked you to hit him. I didn't ask you to beat him to death."    


The guard looked at You Tanzhi's condition and said to Ah Zi, "Reporting to the princess, he just fainted and didn't die."    


"Forget it. Forget it. Drag him down. It's not fun at all." Ah Zi said with some disinterest.    


"Yes." Thus, the few guards dragged You Tanzhi down like they were dragging a dead dog.    


After that, Ah Zi forgot about You Tanzhi. In her heart, there was only Qiao Feng. As for You Tanzhi, he was just a toy to her. If he died, he would die. If she forgot, she would forget.    


Ah Zi had always wanted to practice the Great Technique of Transformation. Thus, on this day, she came to the outskirts and used the Green Wood Cauldron to attract the poisonous insects. What surprised Ah Zi was that she actually saw Tie Chou there.    


It turned out that this Tie Chou was not dead. Furthermore, he had escaped from the prison cell. This time, he had escaped to this place. However, at this time, he was also caught by the soldiers.    


"Oh, so that's how it is." After Ah Zi knew the whole story, her eyes turned and she said, "Okay, you guys can leave. He is my man. I want to keep him by my side."    


"But..." The soldier was obviously hesitant because You Tanzhi was a dangerous person. They were worried about keeping him by Ah Zi's side.    


"But what is it? Why aren't you leaving yet?" Ah Zi said angrily.    


"Yes." The two soldiers quickly bowed and left. They had heard of the reputation of Princess Ah Zi. When she tortured her servants, she was full of tricks and would not show any mercy.    


"Tie Chou, look, I saved you again." After the two soldiers left, Ah Zi squatted down beside You Tanzhi and said.    


"Thank you, princess. Thank you, princess." You Tanzhi said excitedly. One reason was because he had been rescued, and the other was because he had seen the princess that he had dreamt of. Naturally, he could not help but feel excited.    


"Ah, you've delayed my important matter!" At this moment, Ah Zi seemed to have thought of something. Suddenly, she cried out in alarm, and then she turned around and ran back to the Green Wood Cauldron.    


"Princess?" You Tanzhi called out and followed Ah Zi.    


"Princess?" You Tanzhi went to the princess's side and called out again.    


"Ah!" Ah Zi seemed to be frightened and called out. After that, she quickly hid the Green Wood Cauldron in her hands behind her back.    


"Is there anything I can help you with?" You Tanzhi asked.    


"You scared me to death." Ah Zi patted her chest and said. However, her other hand was still behind her back, and she didn't take it out.    


"What is that?" However, You Tanzhi, who had sharp eyes, still saw the small cauldron on Ah Zi's back.    


"What is it?" Ah Zi obviously did not want her secret to be known by others. "What did you see?"    


"Princess, I saw it. I saw a incense cauldron in your hand." You Tanzhi said, "Let me help you take it."    


"You saw it?" Ah Zi rolled her eyes and said.    


"Yes." You Tanzhi did not deny it. In front of Ah Zi, he would never lie. He felt that it was a huge crime.    


"Okay." Ah Zi took out the tiny cauldron. In any case, You Tanzhi had already seen it. However, she didn't forget to threaten You Tanzhi. "If you tell me what you saw, I will let you die!"    


"No, no, no. Princess, I actually didn't see anything." You Tanzhi hurriedly waved his hand and said, "I only saw a beautiful woman as beautiful as a fairy by my side. I didn't see anything else."    


"Kid, you're quite slick." Ah Zi was obviously very satisfied with You Tanzhi's attitude. "Alright, you can come back with me."    


"Thank you, princess!" You Tanzhi said excitedly, "It is my great fortune that the princess can let me stay by your side."    


At this moment, You Tanzhi had already forgotten the vow he had made to the heavens in the cell. He had to avenge his father and uncle, and he had also forgotten to escape from this place. He only wanted to stay by Ah Zi's side. It was the thing he wanted to do the most in his life.    


Ah Zi was very satisfied with You Tanzhi's attitude. She smiled and nodded. Then, she brought You Tanzhi back to the prefecture lord's manor because she thought of another use of You Tanzhi.    


"Tie Chou, look how good I am to you. I asked someone to make you a new set of clothes. Does it look good?" Ah Zi handed a new set of clothes to You Tanzhi and said.    


"It looks good." You Tanzhi said gratefully. In his opinion, Ah Zi's little charity was a great favor. He was naturally happy in his heart.    


"Alright then. Come over. I have something to show you." Ah Zi hooked her arms and said to You Tanzhi. You Tanzhi obediently followed.    


Ah Zi brought You Tanzhi to a large clay pot. Inside was the poisonous centipede that she had previously captured with the Green Wood Cauldron.    


"Right now, there is something very important that I need your help with. Furthermore, I will reward you handsomely." Ah Zi said.    


"Princess, don't say anything about rewards. Just let me do whatever you need me to do." You Tanzhi waved his hand and said.    


"Alright." Ah Zi said with satisfaction, "Now, put your hand in that jar. Then, let the centipede suck your blood. The more you suck, the better. Hey, you can't move! You have to keep it until it's full."    


"This, this..." You Tanzhi was a bit scared and hesitant. It was obvious that the huge centipede was not an ordinary creature. He was afraid that something bad would happen to him.    


"What is this?" Ah Zi frowned and said, "You are not willing?"    


"No, it is just..."    


"It's just, it's just that what? That centipede's toxicity is not that strong. You won't die, but you just told me... You want to go through fire and water and die for me? Right now, I... I'm just asking you to take out that little bit of blood, and you're just like this... It seems like you lied to me just now. " Ah Zi said somewhat impatiently.    


"No, princess!" You Tanzhi saw that Ah Zi was a little angry and quickly said, "Okay, I'll stretch!"    


You Tanzhi trembled and put his hand into the jar. The centipede immediately bit his finger and began to suck his blood.    


"Ah, I succeeded, I succeeded." Ah Zi did not have any sympathy for You Tanzhi when she saw him in pain. Instead, she became happy because the current situation indicated that she had successfully refined it. There was hope for her to cultivate the divine skill. As for what would happen to You Tanzhi, it wasn't her concern.    


"Hey, put that centipede into this cauldron. Be careful, don't kill it for me!" Ah Zi held the Green Wood Cauldron and said to You Tanzhi.    


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