Universe Storage Box



2Thus, it was normal for Hong Li to be worried about Zhu Xiyu.    


"Don't worry, things aren't as bad as you think." Zhu Xiyu said with a smile.    


Huang Feng had already told her, Su Yumo knew that Huang Feng had other women's matters, and had even accepted them, then he should not have been rejected, so, even if the following days were not going to be pleasant, it would still be much better than what he had imagined.    


On the other hand, Huang Feng had already finished preparing Tan Ying's lunch, and as for the matter that he had just told Zhu Xiyu, he did not regret it at all. He had never thought of leaving Zhu Xiyu alone outside the house the entire time, so it was only a matter of time before she came here.    


When he thought that Wang Tongtong had indeed gone to find Zhu Xiyu, and had even wanted to sow discord between him and Zhu Xiyu, Huang Feng became even more unhappy. However, he didn't feel that it was appropriate for him to come knocking on her door specially to find trouble with such a woman. Fortunately, although she had instigated both sides, the effect it had on him was minuscule.    


However, Huang Feng had also decided that if Wang Tongtong tried to play any more tricks, he didn't mind coming knocking on his door to thoroughly wake the other party up from his fantasies.    


On Huang Feng's side, after Su Yumo and the other girls went to work, Tan Ying had arrived as well. As a result, Huang Feng and his group of five went out for a stroll, and it could be seen that Huang Tingting and the other two were in high spirits, especially for the extroverted Meng Meng, he was overjoyed. Towards this kind of opportunity to get along with Huang Feng, Meng Meng treasured it a lot, because they could only stay here for three days.    


When they were in the car, she had simply eaten some food that Huang Feng had prepared for her. Although she already knew that Huang Feng had a girlfriend, even if she couldn't get along with him as his girlfriend, she was still very happy to see Huang Feng so often.    


When Huang Feng brought his sister and the others out to play, Qing Xuan who was in another time and space also woke up.    


"Well, what time is it? "Why am I sleeping here?" Qing Xuan rubbed his eyes that had not completely opened yet, and looked at his phone in a daze. It was already 8 in the morning, and he had actually slept for the entire night.    


Originally, Qing Xuan had only planned to rest here for a while before continuing her creation. However, she hadn't expected herself to be so tired, to actually fall asleep here. It was probably because she had been busy writing songs for the past few days, that made her mentally exhausted.    


"Eh, what is this?" Qing Xuan woke up from her stupor and immediately realised that there was a small booklet that had suddenly appeared in front of her. After all, this booklet was completely different from the one she had previously, she remembered that there was no such booklet on her table.    


Thus, the slightly curious Qing Xuan opened the booklet in front of him.    


"What is this?" When Qing Xuan saw the content within, he muttered to himself somewhat suspiciously.    


She discovered that the words here were different from the ones she knew. However, they were more or less similar. If she spent some time looking through them carefully, she might be able to identify the words in there.    


However, she realized that although she couldn't read the words, there was something familiar about them.    


"This is a musical manual?" When Qing Xuan saw the familiar symbols on it, he could not help but say this out loud.    


Qing Xuan had been busy during this period of time with writing music, adding to her fact that her music skills were not weak, thus, when she first saw these music scores, she unconsciously started singing along with them. The more she sang, the redder her face became, not because she was shy or sick, but because she was excited!    


Yes, Qing Xuan was excited, and even before she could finish humming this tune, she was already excited, because, she realized, this tune was a classic, and was not one bit worse than the classic songs she had heard before. More importantly, this tune was something she had never heard before, she was sure that this tune had never appeared in the market before.    


"What the hell is going on? "Where did this booklet come from? What does the tune mean? Can those words that I don't recognize be lyrics?" After Qing Xuan finished humming the tune, he was even more certain that it was a classic song. However, the doubts in his heart were even more serious.    


Such a good song, where did it come from? Why hadn't he heard of it before? Could it be that some master had just released a new product? But what did these words mean? Qing Xuan felt that there was something on his mind, but he didn't know who he should ask.    


"Oh right, there's more coming from behind." Qing Xuan flipped to the second page of the booklet and indeed, she saw the same thing. The words that she didn't recognize, as well as the familiar melody symbols she was familiar with, Qing Xuan started to hum once more and then she became excited once more, because the song on the second page was also a classic song.    


The alarmed Qing Xuan could not stop, she kept humming and flipping backwards, her face turning even redder and redder, because, she realised, the 100 songs in the booklet, were actually all high quality songs. The 100 ancient songs just suddenly appeared right in front of her eyes, how could Qing Xuan, who had been thinking about this for the past few days, not be excited?    


With great difficulty, Qing Xuan managed to calm his agitated emotions. Qing Xuan had thought of the problem before, and that was, who exactly placed this booklet here?    


The first person that Qing Xuan thought of was his own manager, after all, he was the one who asked her to help him collect the good songs, but Qing Xuan was also a little suspicious, because even if his manager could collect the good songs, it was impossible for him to collect so many in one go. After all, every song here, if he brought them out, would they all be at the classic level, and in the entire market, not more than five classic songs would appear in a year.    


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