Universe Storage Box



2The reason why Huang Feng explained the status of Su Yumo and the other girls to his sister was because he did not want her to think that Su Yumo and the others choosing to stay by his side instead.    


"I know people like elder sister Yumo." Huang Tingting said, she understood what her brother meant. Although she hadn't interacted with Su Yumo and the other girls for a long time, Huang Tingting could feel that they had been really good to him and not faking it. Furthermore, she could also feel that kind of aristocratic temperament from them.    


However, this also made Huang Tingting even more suspicious. Su Yumo and the others were born of this kind of background, why would they choose to stay by his brother's side? Would he cause trouble for his brother?    


"It's good that you understand." Huang Feng said.    


"Brother, do you think the people in the elder sister Yumo and the families will agree with what they do?" Huang Tingting asked worriedly: "If you don't agree, you will definitely get into trouble, right?"    


"It's fine, I've thought about this for a long time, I will solve it." Huang Feng said.    


Originally, in the eyes of Su Yumo and the others, they were merely tools for a marriage. As long as he could bring enough benefits to them, it wasn't impossible for them to convince those people.    


Of course, this only required Huang Feng to have sufficient strength and influence. Otherwise, it would be impossible to get Su Yumo and the others' families to agree to this matter.    


"En, brother, I believe in you!" Huang Tingting said with certainty. In her heart, her brother was omnipotent, and since he said he could solve this problem, he could.    


"Don't let these thoughts run wild. Right now, the most important thing for you is to study properly and get into a good university." Huang Feng said to Huang Tingting: "Once you enter university, I will buy you whatever you want."    


Right now, Huang Feng completely had the confidence to say such words. Even if Huang Tingting wanted to go play on the moon, he could send her over.    


"You're the one who said that. You can't go back on your word when the time comes." Huang Tingting said.    


"Nope." Huang Feng said.    


"Fine, just wait and see about the admission notice." Huang Tingting said confidently, she was still very confident in her ability to apply for Jiang Prefecture University, so, in her opinion, it was just a matter of time.    


"Alright, it's getting late. Go back and sleep. Tomorrow, you want me to show you around." Huang Feng told his sister that in the past two days, he had planned to let go of all his other things and take his sister to play in the Jiang Prefecture. This was the first time his sister had traveled so far, and his financial situation was not bad as well.    


"Alright." Huang Tingting said with a smile.    


Afterwards, Huang Tingting returned to her room, but she was still unable to sleep immediately, because her two good friends had come looking for her. Meng Meng and Wen Wen both entered Huang Tingting's room wearing pajamas.    


"What are you two doing if not sleeping?" Huang Tingting said as he opened the door and looked at his two good friends who had entered.    


"We still wanted to ask you where you went. We knocked on the door but there was no reply." Meng Meng said: "Did you go to your brother's room?"    


"So what if I am? I haven't seen my brother for a long time, so I naturally want to chat with him." Huang Tingting said.    


"I guess so." Meng Meng said: "Hey, did you mention us? Did you just say something good for us?"    


"What kind of good words?" Huang Tingting asked.    


"It's what I told you earlier in the day. Help us set up the match." Meng Meng said anxiously: "It can't be that you've forgotten, right?"    


"Is what you two are talking about true, not a joke?" Huang Tingting asked: "I thought you guys were joking."    


"Who's joking, I'm very serious." Meng Meng said with a serious face: "Tingting, if we are still good friends, you should help us."    


"Exactly." Wen Wen also said, "Worse comes to worst, we don't need you to call us sister-in-law anymore."    


"Who the hell is calling you sister-in-law?" Huang Tingting rolled his eyes at his friends and said: "I won't help you guys."    


Although Huang Tingting had already accepted that Su Yumo and the others were his future sister-in-law, he still could not quite accept that his good friends could become his future sister-in-law.    


"Why?" Meng Meng shouted, "Huang Tingting! "You're not good enough friends, but you don't need to worry about other people's land. Don't you know, your brother is such a good candidate for the future husband? You actually didn't help us set up the marriage? That's really infuriating."    


"Yeah, after seeing your brother, how do you expect us to find a boyfriend in the future? If I find him, I'll definitely compare him to your brother in my heart. Wen Wen said.    


"You're only in the third year of high school. There will be plenty of men coming after you in the future, so why are you in such a hurry? I believe you guys. You guys are so beautiful and outstanding, so there will definitely be many men chasing after you in the future. Be good and don't rush." Huang Tingting said.    


"What's the point? The quantity doesn't have any quality." Meng Meng said, "Anyway, we have taken a liking to your brother, you decide for yourself."    


"What's the matter?" Huang Tingting said speechlessly, "It's not like you guys don't know, my brother already has quite a few girlfriends."    


"I know, that's why I don't mind having one more person with me." Wen Wen replied, "Oh, two of them."    


"There's really nothing I can do about it." Huang Tingting said: "Now is my third year, wait until you guys go to university for two years, if you still like my brother, I will help you guys set up a match, how about it?"    


"Ah, I still need a few more years." Meng Meng said with a bitter face.    


"It's good enough that I agreed to help you." Huang Tingting said.    


"Alright, let's wait and see. I'll also let you see our determination!" Meng Meng said.    


However, Huang Tingting did not think much of it, because these two good friends of his, when he was in school, he had already had a good impression of these students, and although he said that he had a good impression of them, they were all lies to tease them.    


Therefore, when Huang Tingting told them to wait for a while, they naturally would not joke with their brother anymore.    


Only, Huang Tingting might not know, that Meng Meng and Wen Wen were probably not joking around, especially Wen Wen, she did not talk much normally, and she did not use too many methods when fighting others, but this time, she seemed to have her own ideas.    


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