Universe Storage Box



0Huang Feng drank and chatted with Tian Jun until around ten o'clock, when Huang Feng finally received the phone calls of the girls, saying that they had already finished strolling the streets and were preparing to return. After Huang Feng found out about this, he bid his farewell to Tian Jun and the others and prepared to leave together with them.    


"Whoa, in such a short amount of time, you guys must have emptied the entire shopping mall." When Huang Feng saw Su Yumo and the other girls, his face was filled with surprise.    


At this time, each of the girls was carrying several shopping bags. From the looks of it, all of them were wearing clothes, shoes, etc. Everyone had them on their hands without exception.    


"If it wasn't that we couldn't carry it anymore, we wouldn't have left." Tang Muxue smiled and said to Huang Feng.    


Other than the three girls, the rest of Su Yumo's group were not lacking in money. Now that Huang Feng had passed the three of them over to them, they naturally wouldn't be stingy with their purchases. They bought a lot of things for the three girls.    


"Brother, elder sister Yumo and the others bought us a lot of things, spending a lot of money." Huang Tingting said as he walked towards Huang Feng with a slightly perturbed expression.    


Su Yumo and the other girls wanted to leave a good impression on Huang Tingting. After all, this was Huang Feng's sister, so they did not dare to slight her, therefore, the places they brought Huang Tingting and the others to, were all high-end shopping malls. The price of the things inside were naturally not cheap.    


The clothes that Huang Tingting and the others bought for her were all very cheap, but the things that Su Yumo and the others bought for her today were all bought at tens of times the prices that she would normally avoid looking at. Those high-priced goods that Su Yumo and the others bought for her were all bought by the girls without blinking their eyes at all.    


As for Meng Meng and Wen Wen, they were also given quite a few good things. Although they did not have any direct relationship with Huang Feng, they were still his classmates and good friends. If they came out together to play, Su Yumo and the others would not be too stingy.    


This made Huang Tingting a little uneasy. After all, Su Yumo and the others were only Huang Feng's girlfriends. If they were to spend so much money like this, Huang Tingting would feel a little apologetic.    


"It's okay, you don't have to be so formal with your elder sister Yumo and the others. You can buy whatever you want." Huang Feng said as he rubbed his sister's head.    


Huang Feng and his family's situation was not considered good. Although it was not to the point that they couldn't keep the lid on the pot, other than letting the siblings go to school, they did not have much money to enjoy their money. As a result, the brother and sister had never bought any expensive clothes or anything else.    


Now that he was rich, Huang Feng naturally didn't want his sister to live a miserable life like before. Girls at her age liked to dress up at this time, so Huang Feng naturally didn't want her to live a miserable life like this.    


Furthermore, Huang Feng had long treated the Su Yumo girls as his own women, so there was no need for him to be distant from them.    


"That's right, Tingting, don't be so formal with us." Tang Muxue said.    


When they were shopping just now, every single one of them had given something to Huang Tingting, even Tan Ying and Xie Mengjiao were no exception.    


"Thank you, sisters." Huang Tingting said with a red face.    


"Tingting, if you call them sister-in-law, I think they'll be happier." The more outgoing Meng Meng said to Huang Tingting with a smile.    


Meng Meng and Wen Wen's gains were not small, from the large and small bags in their hands, it could be seen that although their family's situation was better than Huang Tingting's, but a high-end shopping mall like today was not something they could go to just because they wanted to.    


And today, they had taken over Huang Tingting's glory, while Su Yumo and the others had bought them quite a few things. At the same time that they felt embarrassed, they were naturally very happy in their hearts.    


Hearing Meng Meng's words, Su Yumo and the other girls were a little shy. They obviously hoped that Huang Tingting would call them sister-in-law and not older sister.    


Xie Mengjiao and Tan Ying's faces were also red, and were even more shy than Su Yumo and the other girls. However, at this time, it was not good to refute anything.    


"Alright, it's getting late. Let's go back." Huang Feng said.    


This time, he had driven a few cars, so even though the girls had bought quite a few things, there was no problem at all to take them back.    


Because of his sister's arrival, Huang Feng was in a good mood, but the other people weren't in a good mood like him.    


Although there were still a lot of suspicious points on Huang Feng's body, and they were worth suspecting, in a situation where there was no evidence, even if Huang Feng was suspected, it would not be good for him to do anything about it. Furthermore, in a situation where there was no evidence, even if Huang Feng was suspected, he would still not be able to find any concrete evidence to prove that there was something wrong with Huang Feng's money.    


This situation made him extremely unhappy, because he had already heard that during this period of time, Huang Feng and the Master Tan had been in contact even more frequently, and almost every day, they would go to the Master Tan's home.    


If Master Tan had a helper like Huang Feng, it would definitely be a big blow to him. Master Tan was much stronger, and Huang Feng's wealth could help him make a lot of achievements. Therefore, Huang Feng was an enemy to him.    


However, the Master Tan did not have any good methods to find trouble with Huang Feng at the moment. Forget about Huang Feng's own abilities, just his status as a member of the National Security Agency and the existence of the Master Tan would obstruct him. If he knew that there were no problems with Huang Feng's funds, the Master Tan would definitely protect Huang Feng to the death.    


As a result, although this Number Two had already started to think of a way to make trouble for Huang Feng, he probably wouldn't be able to think of a good idea in the near future.    


However, his family couldn't be considered rich within the Qing Province. Even though he himself was a member of the second generation, he wasn't one of the top few, so it would still be rather difficult for him to find out more details about Huang Feng.    


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