Universe Storage Box

C993 This Is the Big Boss

C993 This Is the Big Boss

0"Yes, without an appointment, I can't let you in." The receptionist insisted.    


Huang Feng did not make things difficult for her. Instead, he took out his phone and called her. Zheng Shuai said, "Hello, Boss Zheng. I need to make an appointment if I want to see you."    


"What do you mean? You're back?" Zheng Shuai asked curiously. He knew that Huang Feng had something to do with the country.    


"Yes, I'm at the entrance of the company right now. Can you tell the beautiful lady at the front desk to let me in?" Huang Feng said as he looked at the front desk with a smile.    


The lady at the front desk was also a little uneasy. From what Huang Feng said, it was obvious that she knew their boss. If Huang Feng complained to her later, she would definitely be scolded.    


"You really came. Wait, I'll be right there." Zheng Shuai said with surprise. Huang Feng had not been here many times. He had been busy all this time, so he knew that Huang Feng would be here this time. He was also pleasantly surprised.    


Huang Feng hung up the phone, feeling a little amused. He originally wanted Zheng Shuai to tell the receptionist to let him in, but he didn't expect Zheng Shuai to ask him to come over.    


Seeing the nervous look on the front desk, Huang Feng smiled and said, "Zheng Shuai and I are friends. Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong."    


The front desk was very grateful to Huang Feng, and soon Zheng Shuai appeared, which meant that Huang Feng didn't lie.    


"You came, why didn't you tell me in advance?" As soon as Zheng Shuai appeared, he put his arm around Huang Feng's shoulder and said, "I am flattered that you, a busy man, could appear."    


"I am here to supervise you. I want to see if you are slacking off." Huang Feng said with a smile.    


"Sneaking off? I've been so busy for the past few days, but you went out to play alone. " Zheng Shuai complained. Of course, he was just complaining. He was still very satisfied with his current life.    


Then, Zheng Shuai turned to the front desk and said, "He is the big boss here. I work for him. Do you understand?"    


"Got it, boss." The front desk said in fear and trepidation. She didn't expect Huang Feng to be the big boss. Oh my god. It was her first day here and she had blocked the big boss outside. She was going to be finished.    


"Alright, don't scare him." Huang Feng said to Zheng Shuai. After that, he saw that the receptionist seemed to be very worried. He comforted her, "I don't come here often. It's normal that you don't know me. I don't think there are many people here who know me. And... You did well today."    


"Thank you, boss." The receptionist quickly said.    


"Alright, I'll take you in for a walk. You know you haven't been here many times. This place has changed a lot." Zheng Shuai said to Huang Feng.    


"Sure, please show me around," ___ said. Huang Feng said.    


After that, Huang Feng brought Huang Feng into the company. At this moment, the receptionist finally heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed like the big boss was really not angry with her. However... She didn't expect that the real boss of the company... He was so young and handsome... At the same time, he had such a good temper.    


"I wonder if the boss has a girlfriend. He must have such excellent qualities." The receptionist thought with infatuation and gossiping.    


In the past few days, Zheng Shuai had not been idle. This place was indeed different from the last time Huang Feng came here. The renovation had been completed, and the number of staff had increased. Everyone was busy with their own matters. Zheng Shuai introduced Huang Feng to everyone, in order to avoid the misunderstanding from just now.    


It was also at this time that most of the employees in the company found out. It turned out that there was actually a boss in the company, and from the looks of it, it was a big boss. They looked at Huang Feng curiously. Huang Feng had always been polite. As a result, everyone had a very good first impression of Huang Feng.    


"I have almost prepared all the hardware and facilities here. But... The signing of the actors didn't go very smoothly. After all, our company is just a small company that has just been opened. If you want to sign with those second-rate and third-rate actors, they won't be interested in us at all. "    


After walking around the company once, the two of them came to Zheng Shuai's office. Zheng Shuai also told Huang Feng about the company's current problems.    


With the injection of funds from Huang Feng and Zheng Shuai, there wouldn't be any problems with the company's hardware. All kinds of equipment had been bought. Members of various departments. Almost all of them had been recruited. However, for an Entertainment Company... The most important thing was that they had to have their own celebrities and artistes, and it just so happened to be in this area. Zheng Shuai encountered a problem.    


Everyone knew that it was not easy to get along in the entertainment industry now. Those famous artistes either opened their own studios. Or it was divided up by the Great Entertainment Company. A newly established artiste like them... Without any works or fame, it would be very difficult to sign a contract with a famous artiste in the Entertainment Company. If there was no artiste that could serve as a front door... As for the development of their company... It would also be detrimental.    


Therefore, Zheng Shuai had been worrying about this for the past few days. Although he knew some small stars, however... They were just small celebrities. The celebrities he usually came into contact with were all A-list celebrities. After all, his net worth was even in Jiang Prefecture and Qing Province. He was not considered a top celebrity. A celebrity like him who could even get into bed. Obviously, he couldn't be some big shot.    


Thus, although he was trying hard to find connections and relationships, he wanted to sign a famous celebrity to act as the face of his company. It was also to make the company famous and let others know... His own company was not here to play, but to attract more celebrities to join.    


"Then what about those ordinary newbies with potential?" Huang Feng asked casually while he was in Zheng Shuai's office.    


"There is no trouble with signing those newbies. But... If there's no big shot keeping watch, it'll always give people the feeling of having a small fight. " Zheng Shuai said. This time, he would follow Huang Feng to set up the Entertainment Company. He wanted to show off his skills, not just casually play around. That was the reason why he was so concerned about this matter.    


"With my script, even if it's a newbie, I can still make it famous" Huang Feng said confidently, "However, the company does need a front door. I have already found this person. You can sign a contract with the company at any time. "    


Huang Feng also understood the importance of a big star as a front door for the company. This way, only then would his peers acknowledge him. In the future, when his TV series and movies were done shooting, only then can it be screened smoothly. Otherwise, you're just a newbie... He probably wouldn't even give you the chance to negotiate on equal footing with him.    


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