Universe Storage Box

C2562 Change of Plans

C2562 Change of Plans

2"So, we have to change our plan tomorrow?" After the messenger heard Second Prince's words, he understood what he meant.    


Originally, in their plan, Second Prince would kill First Prince. After that, even if the Emperor of Yuan Feng Country was unwilling to do so, if the Emperor of Yuan Feng Country was a simple-minded person... Then, the army of Money Yuan Kingdom would come out and stand for Second Prince. At that time, regardless of whether the Emperor of Yuan Feng Country was willing or not, they could only appoint Second Prince as the Crown Prince.    


However, the current situation had obviously changed. Second Prince's plan to kill First Prince had failed. Instead, it infuriated the Emperor, causing him to be confined. He wasn't allowed to move, which meant that he was determined to pass the throne to First Prince.    


If Second Prince wanted to ascend the throne and Money Yuan Kingdom wanted Second Prince as an ally, in that case, their previous plan had to be changed. Previously, the army of Money Yuan Kingdom only needed to stand out for Second Prince. But now, they had to be prepared to help Second Prince seize the throne by force.    


However, although the plan had changed, the emissary of Money Yuan Kingdom wasn't really worried. Before coming here, he and the higher ups of the empire had already predicted such a situation. After all, Second Prince of the Yuan Feng Country was a man of great joy, but he himself didn't have much ability. Many people knew about it, so they were hoping that he would kill their elder brother. It might not be a success. Therefore, they had already made the necessary preparations to help Second Prince.    


Looking at it from another angle, if it wasn't for Second Prince's incompetence... The people of Money Yuan Kingdom wouldn't have chosen to support him. After all, they were not Bodhisattva. They did not have such a good heart to help Second Prince seize the throne. It was not out of good intentions, but because they wanted to control Yuan Feng Country and make Second Prince a Puppet Emperor. When the Money Yuan Kingdom had completely freed up their hands, they would take control of the Yuan Feng Country.    


Therefore, the failure of Second Prince's assassination of First Prince had caused the emissary of the Money Yuan Kingdom to... He wasn't that surprised. If Second Prince knew what the other party was thinking... After all, he had always considered himself a genius.    


"That's right. I need your help." Second Prince said.    


Second Prince had lost the support of father and the other officials. Those people had obviously made up their minds. The next emperor of Yuan Feng Country would be First Prince. There was nothing for Second Prince anymore. Therefore, his biggest reliance now was the Money Yuan Kingdom.    


Fortunately, although the strength of the Money Yuan Kingdom couldn't be compared with the Fengjue Country, the Yuan Feng Country was much stronger. Therefore, as long as the Money Yuan Kingdom was willing to help him, there was still hope for him to turn the tables.    


"When I step onto the stage, I must teach those old fools a lesson!" Second Prince said fiercely in his heart.    


"Of course, that's not a problem." The messenger of Money Yuan Kingdom said with a smile, "His Highness Second Prince is a friend of Money Yuan Kingdom. Of course we are willing to help him."    


"That's great. Your Money Yuan Kingdom is willing to help him. I will never forget it." Second Prince was overjoyed. As long as he had the help of the Money Yuan Kingdom... Even if he did not have the support of the ministers and his father, it would not affect him getting that position.    


After that, the two of them discussed the matter of tomorrow.    


Just as Huang Feng had thought, Second Prince obviously wouldn't be able to wait for long. In the current situation, his father might die at any time. And now, First Prince had become the Crown Prince. Once his father died... Then, First Prince would become New Emperor. That was obviously unacceptable to Second Prince.    


Although he had decided to rebel, he was more willing to use force to threaten father. If that was the case, there would definitely be some conflict. However, it wouldn't be very big. He was more confident. It would be more difficult to snatch the empire from First Prince's hands.    


Second Prince and the messenger discussed for the whole night before getting someone to send the messenger away. However, he felt that the content of the discussion, which no one else knew about, was clearly heard by Huang Feng, who was hiding at the side.    


"It seems that this guy made the wrong decision in the end." Huang Feng said to himself in his heart.    


On the other side, Second Prince was preparing to attack tomorrow, but Huang Feng had already known about their plan. Of course not. Initially, to Huang Feng, it was only a matter of time before he made his move. ... This Second Prince was a potential threat, and now, the other party had taken the initiative to attack him. How could he not take advantage of this opportunity?    


When Huang Feng returned to the inn, he found that the light in Princess Qi's room was actually on. Clearly, she had not rested yet. Huang Feng hesitated for a moment and knocked on the door of Princess Qi's room.    


"Who is it?" Princess Qi's nervous voice came.    


"Me." Huang Feng said.    


"I'll be right there." Princess Qi could clearly hear Huang Feng's voice and quickly replied. Her voice was filled with a sense of relief.    


Very quickly, the door to Princess Qi's room was opened and Princess Qi, who was dressed neatly, appeared in front of Huang Feng.    


"You are still not resting at this late hour?" Huang Feng asked.    


"Yes, I can't sleep." Princess Qi very naturally moved half of her body to let Huang Feng in.    


If it was before, she would definitely avoid arousing suspicion. After all, it was late at night and both men and women were in the same room. If it was spread out, her reputation would be bad.    


However, after what happened on the carriage and her decision to follow Huang Feng, she had already regarded Huang Feng as the closest person in her heart. Therefore... Although she was still a little shy in her heart, she would never refuse to share a room with Huang Feng.    


"Afraid?" Huang Feng asked.    


"A little." Princess Qi nodded.    


This place was, after all, a foreign country to her. To Princess Qi who had never gone far before, this place was too far away. Even before the marriage was confirmed, she had never thought that she would come to such a place. She thought that she would never leave the Great Lu Dynasty for the rest of her life, or even the capital.    


But now, she was outside of the pass, in a strange place. Her heart was somewhat perturbed. That was inevitable. Previously, with Huang Feng around, she didn't think that... Because, as long as Huang Feng was here, she believed that no matter what kind of danger it was, Huang Feng would be able to help her fend it off, and she wouldn't have to worry about her own safety.    


But now that Huang Feng wasn't here, she naturally didn't have a sense of security. So, it was normal that she couldn't sleep.    


Of course, there was one more thing that Princess Qi didn't say, which was that she was still worried about Huang Feng's safety.    


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