Universe Storage Box

C2623 How Should He Choose

C2623 How Should He Choose

0Huang Feng's movements were very subtle, and the scene was very chaotic. Therefore, no one noticed anything unusual, but the soldiers on both sides were a little surprised. Why was it that as long as the joint soldiers resisted, they would be suppressed very quickly? However, no one discovered that Huang Feng played a key role in this.    


And because of Huang Feng's help, the speed at which the Yuan Feng Country's soldiers recruited prisoners increased.    


The news of New Emperor intentionally spreading the news in the Yuan Feng Country was spread very quickly. The news of the Yuan Feng Country's army defeating the United Army was spread very quickly. The countries behind the United Army and the Fengjue Country, who had been paying attention to the situation here, quickly found out about this news.    


These countries were naturally shocked by this news. Even when they first found out about this news, they found it hard to believe.    


The hundreds of thousands of people from the United Army were defeated by the Yuan Feng Country just like that? How many people were there in the Yuan Feng Country? Besides, wasn't their country's combat strength always very low? How could they defeat hundreds of thousands of United Army soldiers? Shouldn't any army in the United Army be stronger than the Yuan Feng Country? How could they be defeated so quickly? They collapsed in such a short period of time, not giving the country behind them any time to react.    


No one could accept such news. They even felt that the Yuan Feng Country was deliberately spreading false news. However, along with the news from some of the soldiers who had escaped from the battlefield, they had finally confirmed this news. The Yuan Feng Country had really defeated the United Army. Moreover, it took a very short time. However, no one knew what the "devil's roar" was in the soldiers' mouths.    


However, there was one thing that was certain. The Yuan Feng Country was no longer the Yuan Feng Country that they knew. The Yuan Feng Country had really become stronger, even if they were unwilling to admit it. They couldn't accept this reality.    


At this moment, those emperors remembered that their generals who were detained in the Yuan Feng Country... Previously, it was written to inform them that Yuan Feng Country was stronger than what they knew. They had just defeated Money Yuan Kingdom.    


However, this news had been deliberately ignored by those emperors. They all felt that it was impossible for Yuan Feng Country to suddenly rise up. There must be some other reason for defeating the Money Yuan Kingdom, and not because the strength of the Yuan Feng Country was stronger than the Money Yuan Kingdom.    


In addition, there were hundreds of thousands of people in the United Army. Even if the Money Yuan Kingdom was still there, it wouldn't be able to defeat the United Army. Therefore, the Yuan Feng Country was indeed stronger than before. It was impossible for him to be a match for the United Army.    


It was precisely because of this understanding that they weren't afraid of offending the Yuan Feng Country. They robbed the wealth of the Money Yuan Kingdom before the Yuan Feng Country, and even threatened them after the Yuan Feng Country. What they did wasn't to explain to the Yuan Feng Country, but to take the initiative to confront the Yuan Feng Country. They wanted to defeat and annex the Yuan Feng Country.    


And now, the emperors of these countries had paid the price for their arrogance and ignorance. Their armies had been destroyed, not killed. Although some of the soldiers had escaped, now... Now, their country was completely empty. It was even more empty than the previous Money Yuan Kingdom.    


This made the emperors of those countries feel very afraid. They took the initiative to provoke the Yuan Feng Country. Now that the Yuan Feng Country had destroyed their army, there was no reason for them not to pursue. Once the army of the Yuan Feng Country arrived in their country, these countries would not be able to organize an effective resistance. At that time, it was already foreseeable that they would be annexed by the Yuan Feng Country.    


They had no choice but to be nervous and afraid in such a situation. Therefore, those emperors sent messengers to meet the emperor of the Yuan Feng Country. They made some conditions, hoping to get the forgiveness of the emperor of Yuan Feng Country. In that case, the army of Yuan Feng Country wouldn't attack their country. They could also get a chance to catch their breath, as long as they were given a few years' time. They would be able to fully recover.    


Of course, they couldn't place all their hopes on the Emperor of Yuan Feng Country. Thinking from another perspective, they felt that they were standing on the throne of Yuan Feng Country. They probably wouldn't let go of this opportunity to annex other countries. Therefore... While sending messengers to see the emperor of Yuan Feng Country, the emperors of these countries... They were also arranging their belongings, thinking about where they could escape to with these belongings and their trusted aides.    


However, although the world was huge, there weren't many places that could accommodate them. The Emperor of Yuan Feng Country definitely wouldn't watch helplessly as they took away all these belongings. He would definitely chase after them. It was obvious that the Yuan Feng Country and Fengjue Country would be the strongest in the future. The Emperor of Yuan Feng Country would never let them go. It was not safe for them to hide outside the pass.    


Enter the pass? Go to the Emperor of the Great Lu Dynasty for help?    


This was an idea. However, this place was still a long distance away from the Great Lu Dynasty. It was hard to say whether they would be able to safely reach the Great Lu Dynasty. Furthermore... Even if they were to reach the Great Lu Dynasty, the Emperor of the Great Lu Dynasty might not be willing to offend a new noble from the Yuan Feng Country for them. After all, the Great Lu Dynasty had just paid a huge price. To make the Fengjue Country stop attacking them, the Great Lu Dynasty needed to rest and recuperate. If the powerful Yuan Feng Country attacked them at this time... The Great Lu Dynasty would definitely suffer heavy losses. In fact, the Fengjue Country that had just stopped fighting... It would take the opportunity to take a bite and sign a ceasefire agreement. However, it could not stop the ambitions of the upper echelons of the Fengjue Country.    


Therefore, the emperors of the other countries did not think that escaping to the Great Lu Dynasty was a good idea. From the looks of it, they only had one place to go, and that was the Fengjue Country.    


Although the Yuan Feng Country had suddenly become stronger, however, as the overlord of the outside world, the strength of the Fengjue Country was absolutely powerful. They wouldn't be afraid of offending the Yuan Feng Country. Furthermore, these two countries were the strongest outside of the pass. There would definitely be a battle between the two of them. Therefore, if they went to seek refuge with the Fengjue Country... They should be able to obtain the protection of the Fengjue Country if they were to offer up some wealth.    


However, the Fengjue Country was definitely not a friendly country. Under the suggestion of Money Yuan Kingdom, why did these countries join forces to attack the Fengjue Country? Wasn't it because they all knew that the Fengjue Country had the intention to annex other countries? Therefore, if these people joined the Fengjue Country, they would definitely be annexed by the Fengjue Country. Their wealth might not be able to be preserved.    


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