Universe Storage Box

C2700 Wait and See

C2700 Wait and See

3Regarding the strength of the Fengjue Country, the Tenth Prince and Fourth Prince... They were still immersed in the same thought. Their own country was the strongest country in the world. So... Even if he was defeated by Yuan Feng Country, and now he was surrounded by Yuan Feng Country... They didn't feel any danger at all. Their biggest desire and energy were... It was still the competition for the throne. As for the army of the Yuan Feng Country outside the city... Nothing to worry about.    


Of course, this was also what many people of Fengjue Countries thought. Although they had suffered a crushing defeat previously, they had to make the people in the Fengjue Country realize that... They were no longer as strong as the Yuan Feng Country, and were no longer the strongest country outside the pass. This wasn't an easy task, and it wasn't something that could be done in a short period of time. After all, their Fengjue Country had been strong for decades, and they had only been defeated once. Many people felt that it wasn't a big deal.    


Therefore, the Tenth Prince felt that once Fourth Prince took control of the city gate... Let's go! They had gone out! Then, he would definitely be able to defeat the army of Yuan Feng Country outside the city! Then, there would be no suspense in the fight for the throne.    


However, General Yan shook his head and said, "Your Highness, the current Yuan Feng Country is no longer the same as before. After their New Emperor ascended the throne, this is also the reason why we were defeated by them. Although I didn't participate in those battles, however, through some descriptions... It can also be known that the Yuan Feng Country is no longer the same small country as before. They have truly risen. "    


"How long has it been since New Emperor ascended the throne? Even if his strength has changed, the change won't be too big. As for the matter of us being defeated by them, there are many factors that caused it. Under the same conditions, we should still be able to defeat them, right?" The Tenth Prince still didn't believe it, or rather, he didn't want to accept the fact that Yuan Feng Country had risen to prominence.    


"Then why does Your Highness think that His Majesty has to give up all the cities other than the capital city, and even strictly ordered Fourth Prince to not attack?" General Yan asked back.    


"This..." The Tenth Prince was silent for a moment, then he said uncertainly, "You mean that father also thinks that Yuan Feng Country has risen?"    


General Yan nodded and said, "Otherwise, why would His Majesty let me guard the city gate and not let Fourth Prince leave the city?"    


The Tenth Prince didn't say anything, but he still couldn't accept such a change in his heart. He had always felt that his country was the strongest since young. Yuan Feng Country was the weakest country outside of the pass. He wanted to accept such a change all of a sudden. It was a little too difficult.    


General Yan also knew that he wanted many people, including the Tenth Prince, to face the change in Yuan Feng Country. It wasn't an easy task, and he didn't have any expectations. The Tenth Prince accepted it now and said straightforwardly, "So, if Your Highness Fourth Prince really brings his army out of the city... It will be a very dangerous thing. I'm not saying... We have no hope of winning, but this hope is very slim. Although I want Fourth Prince to lose the battle and make a fool of himself, as for you, Your Highness... However, if our men lose too much outside the city... Then, it will be very difficult to defend this city."    


The Tenth Prince listened quietly. Of course, he also wanted Fourth Prince to lose the war. In that case, Old Emperor might deprive him of the right to command the army. However, there had to be a limit to this defeat. If what General Yan said was true... If their losses were too great, then their Fengjue Country would be in danger.    


If it was before today, the Tenth Prince wouldn't have thought that they would be in danger facing the army of Yuan Feng Country. However, after hearing what General Yan said just now, he wasn't so sure anymore.    


"What are you going to do?" The Tenth Prince asked.    


"We'll wait and see." The general with the surname Yan said, "We don't have any concrete evidence before Fourth Prince makes his move. Prove that he will do so, so I can only wait for him to make his move first. Then, we will catch the evidence and hand it to His Majesty. In that case... His Majesty will definitely be furious and might even remove his commanding authority. That might not be the case. "    


"Wait for Fourth Brother to make the first move. Will it be dangerous?" The Tenth Prince said worriedly.    


Although the Tenth Prince hoped that Fourth Prince's actions would anger Old Emperor, in that case, he and the other princes would speak in front of Old Emperor. Perhaps, they could really remove Fourth Prince's command. After all... If Fourth Prince really did that, he would be disobeying Old Emperor's orders. At the same time, he would be framing the general that Old Emperor had sent over. He would definitely anger Old Emperor.    


However, this General Yan was after all the first general to seek refuge with him. Furthermore, his strength wasn't weak. The Tenth Prince still hoped to rely on him. Thus, he would be able to counterattack and rise up. Naturally, he did not wish for anything to happen to the other party. Otherwise, even if Fourth Prince fell, he wouldn't be able to gain any advantage. On the contrary, it would benefit the other princes.    


"Don't worry, Your Highness. Although there are some risks, the risks aren't too great. After all, I already knew that Fourth Prince wanted to take action. I'll be careful. There won't be too much of a problem. " General Yan said confidently.    


Regarding this, he had some confidence. Since he already knew Fourth Prince's plan in advance, although he didn't know the exact time he would attack, he had already made preparations in advance. He wouldn't let Fourth Prince succeed so easily.    


"Alright, as long as you are confident." The Tenth Prince said, "As long as we can bring down Fourth Brother, our chances will be very high."    


Although the Tenth Prince's strength was among the many princes, the Tenth Prince's strength was not weak. It's not that prominent, however, after the other princes had suffered a crushing defeat... They had yet to recover from their injuries. Once Fourth Prince fell to the ground... Those generals who had sided with him, for example, would choose to side with him once again. There was indeed a great chance for him to fish in troubled waters.    


Furthermore, he still had this General Yan secretly helping him. His hopes were indeed quite high.    


General Yan nodded. Since he had already sided with the Tenth Prince, of course, he hoped the Tenth Prince would have the last laugh. Therefore... He also secretly decided that he would make a good plan this time. He must defeat Fourth Prince in one fell swoop. At that time, before the other princes could react, he would help the Tenth Prince recruit the generals of the army. At that time... His status in front of the Tenth Prince would be unparalleled.    


When the Tenth Prince met General Yan, Fourth Prince was also plotting something. He didn't know that his plan had already been exposed before it was implemented.    


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